I am so, so excited about this new reading light. It was only $5.99 at Target, it's a clip on, and it fits right on the window ledge above my bed. So now, when I am reading late at night, I don't have to get out of bed to turn the light off. I cannot even begin to explain the joy this brings me.
The heat here in Seattle has been outrageous. This city is usually pretty mild when it comes to weather - contrary to popular belief, it doesn't rain all the time. I would explain our weather more like this: We have approximately 2 months of summer, 1 month of winter, and 9 months of perpetual fall/spring. And it's likely it could rain for a small amount of time on any given day (during the spring/fall parts), but usually it will clear up soon or just sprinkle.
The point is, "hot" here in Seattle is generally somewhere in the 70's. But this last week it's been slowly creeping up past the 80's, into the 90's, and today the thermometer in the car was sitting on 99 degrees fahrenheit for a while there. My phone's temperature gauge was boasting highs of 97 all afternoon. And sitting here in my room feels like I am voluntarily slow roasting myself, broiling in an oven of stuffy bedroom-ness.
Last night I couldn't fall asleep no matter what I did. There are three bedrooms upstairs in our house, and unfortunately mine is the one sandwiched between the two outside ones, with naught but a small window for ventilation and no ceiling fan like the one I enjoyed in my bedroom at my parents' house. I tossed and turned for hours, trying to fall asleep, wishing covers had never been invented, and cursing the fleece throw I have at the foot of my bed every time my foot accidentally touched it.
The worst part is, it's about 10 degrees hotter in my bedroom than it even is outside. If it were safe to sleep on my lawn in Seattle, I would honestly consider it.
After about 4 hours of fitful sleep, my alarm went off dutifully at 7:45, and if I hadn't set it knowing it meant I was going sailing today, I probably would have smashed it. Because it was just as hot when I woke up as when I fell asleep.
This weekend has been nice, though, despite the temperature. Yesterday I stopped by the YouTube gathering, saw a lot of friends I haven't seen in awhile, got a lovely present from my Canadian YouTube friend Shannon (a pirate shot glass and this adorable robot-y etsy necklace!) and then almost fainted in the heat because I couldn't find anyone selling water. That last part was the non-lovely part of the day.
Today, as I mentioned, I went sailing with Eia and her dad. Both our dads have boats, but in all our years of friendship we've never gotten to take each other out on the water. So this afternoon I experienced the Waltzer family sailboat, and in a few days she will get to partake in some good old fashioned Horner motor boating. I can't wait to go inner-tubing.

We had such a nice, relaxing day out on the water. Sailing is a lot of fun, but so different from the type of boating my family does. We used to take crab pots out and go crabbing when I was younger, but now we tend to only use the boat for recreational tubing and eating and puttering around and swimming type things. Sailing is so much more work than that, but I can definitely see the appeal and why so many people love it. Sailboats are so... elegant. You have to be so in tune with nature and with the boat itself and know how work with the wind - it was really interesting to watch. I love the water. Being out on the water just calms me, makes me feel so free and alive and happy to live on such a beautiful planet.
Okay. I feel like I have complained enough today to sufficiently get the point across as to how hot it is in my house right now. That means my work here is done. See you tomorrow, blog.
Last google search: "red mango closing time"
Chipotle burritos: 17
I was worried for a few minutes that you'd already missed today's blog, since I'd gotten so used to you posting in the morning! Glad you still wrote one. :)
I'm in southern California and it's certainly beginning to feel like the dog days of summer here. (I'm thankful it's not as sweltering hot here as it is up there though!)
Tubing should be a lot of fun! Expect to fall off though :P
I know exactly how you feel. I love the water. As a kid I never spent more than 72 hours without some for of water sport but I've spent about half the last 4 years away from it and I can't possibly imagine how people live in places without it.
I love the water. But i know how it feels to stay in a stuffy bedroom. I too only have one window. Glad you had fun with Eia! No question today? :D
That's a gorgeous picture
It's always weird to me how skewed my views on different things are because I was raised in Las Vegas. The second you said it was unusually hot, I assumed you meant it was 115-120*...however, having it be upper 90's and not have a fan or air-conditioning makes your situation sound much worse. Not having either would be like suicide here.
My first time on a boat was wrock around the rock at Azkatraz and I enjoyed it. I've always been terrified of boats since seeing titanic when I was six so I wasn't expecting to like it, but I did. The picture is so beautiful.
I understand the heat... I live in Georgia. It reaches 90-100 everyday in the summer... and I have marching band practice outside everyday! It's so fun~ -__- (can't wait to graduate high school and move away for college)
so far in Pennsylvania it's been in the high 90s all summer which is way too uncomfortable so I definitely know how you feel! Marching band starts again today and I'm not excited to be outside at all. Sailing sounds fun, though!
I live in Ireland so it never gets too hot here, rains alot though!
I live right by the sea, and my family are all involved in sailing and my whole life i've been sailing. I LOVE sailing, it's so lovely :)Prefer dinghy sailing though. I've never been tubing but i have done some water skiing, i'm not very good :L
I have a clip-on light above my bed as well, and it is AWESOME. Except I just moved my furniture around, so now it's clipped to the trim around my window and I don't know if it will stay.
We have 97-ish weather all the time here in NC (in the summer, anyway), but that doesn't mean I'm not sympathetic. It sucks when you don't have airconditioning.
I hate being too hot, I would rather be cold because at least then you can put on a jumper or a blanket or something. There's not a lot you can do about excessive heat :(
I love it when after you get something like a bedside light, it seems mental that there was ever a time when you lived without it.
Hey Kristina! I live in the suburbs of Chicago and it gets sweltering hot here too and the humidity kills. An idea to help you fight the heat would be to but a fan near your window so it pulls in the cooler outside air at night. That's how I survive summers here.
I live in Vancouver, so we pretty much have the same weather. I work at a tiny restaurant, and the air conditioning is pretty weak and works half the time. I prefer opening the windows and letting the breeze come in. I'm in Mexico City now, and I miss the breeze! At the moment, its sweltering hot during the day, then acid rain in the afternoon. Fun times.
I live near Whistler, in BC, and it gets incredibly hot here. Probably about 35 degrees normally (so like.. 95 F). I've spoken to tourists from California who tell me it's cooler where they are from.
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