I was not in a very good mood yesterday, due to personal circumstances I'm choosing not to elaborate on. What I will tell you, though, is that sometimes when I find myself in a bad mood that I just can't shake, regardless of what it's about, I have to laugh at and humor myself until it passes. You know, just let myself be angry. I often do this by shouting a lot about things that are insignificant.
To illustrate what I mean, I will transcribe the outburst I had yesterday.
I rode along with Justin to pick up his work downtown just to get out of the house, and on the way I was complaining to him about the specific bad mood topic, and in the middle of my rant, this happened: "...don't understand how that was a good idea AND WHY IS EVERYONE ON THIS STREET WEARING A RED SHIRT? LOOK AT THEM. EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS WEARING A RED SHIRT. EXCEPT THOSE TWO, BUT THEY'RE WEARING ORANGE AND PURPLE AND THAT'S PRETTY CLOSE TO RED. GOD. SO ANNOYING."
I think Justin apologized on behalf of red-shirt wearers everywhere, and then we got pizza.
I suppose I feel it's better to just let your emotions out in harmless ways, rather than accidentally mailing someone fifteen-hundred live ladybugs or tweeting something melodramatic that you'll regret later.
I am feeling much more chipper today, and just in time too, as the Seattle YouTube gathering is happening in a few hours and that's an event that definitely needs my game face.
So, for my Buffy update, I'm now midway into Season 3. I just finished the episode "Lover's Walk", and because of it, I have dubbed Spike my favorite, favorite character. He is just so funny. Giving Buffy/Angel love advice, stumbling around drunk, chit-chatting with Buffy's mom, making "biting" faces behind her to annoy Angel... I love him. And I'm growing more addicted to this show every day.
Okay, I need to leave soon for the gathering, so I guess today's post is going to be short. I have to wrap this up. To spark discussion, you should tell me one of two things in the comments (or both):
1. How do you deal with anger/bad moods?
2. If you watch Buffy, who's your favorite character and why? (no spoilers!)
Last google search: I just restarted my computer, so it's blank.
Chipotle burritos: 17
Water Damage
1 day ago
Anya is frigging hilarious. You shall see :) But Spike too, always :D
I deal with my anger by venting to people and listening to music and just trying to make myself be in a better mood.
This really has nothing to do with your post, but! yesterday I was shopping with my friends in this little store in the mall & Don't Unplug Me by ALL CAPS came on & I flipped. My friends made fun of me, but I was really excited to hear it. :) Just thought I'd share the story!
If it's something dumb (like getting my passport denied because my photo didn't show enough wall [true story]) I rant and rant and rant and then laugh about it. If it's something serious.... I compartmentalize and then get angsty about said compartmentalization.
Spike is my all-time favorite character of any show, ever. You may think I'm exaggerating, Kristina, but just wait. JUST. WAIT.
Also, Cordelia is super hilar. Vapid whore. (3.5)
1. I deal with anger by channeling it through something I love doing. Sometimes I will play flute or watch a movie or something that allows me to actively engage in something else, not as a means of escape but more as a means of evaluating my emotions? I don't know, it works. lol.
2. SPIKE. If you love Spike now, you just wait. Season 4, I think, is when I really started to love Spike. He's in my top 3 fictional characters of all time. It's fun reading your Buffy reactions because they are so similar to the ones I had when I watched the series 3 months ago. XD
I deal with my anger by talking to things and complaining. Out loud. I will do this for a lot of most of my days alone in my house. And then, some morning, I just walk down the stairs and yell out in exaspiration with the world, likely because I know we won't have any good lunch food, or I have wasted too much time on my computer before even going downstairs and I'm angry at myself.
Also, Willow is my favorite character. But this is probably due to it being played by Alyson Hannigan.
Hmm, I guess when I'm angry I pretty much let it loose. I can't ever really hide my emotions.
My favorite Buffy character is Buffy herself. She is the strongest female influence in my life, even irl.
Have fun at the gathering!
When I am angry I will text my friend something along the lines of aaah so angry, everything sucks, and he usually comes back with "embrace the hate."
1. I deal with anger by shouting at and generally abusing inanimate objects. At least if I'm yelling at a broken pencil it doesn't get hurt.
2. Oh my god, choosing my favourite buffy character would be like choosing my favourite child I swear. If I had children. I guess at a push though Spike (but only pre season 6) or Xander.
When I'm angry, I clean. Or I watch something funny like Arrested Development.
My favorite Buffy character is Anya. You'll see why.
Glad to hear that you liked Lover's Walk. It is a favorite of everyone in my family. I like the episodes that have something quirky about them. Like, "Hush" was nominated for an Emmy for best screenplay, even though most of the episode has no dialogue. And "The Body" contains no background music at all. I like knowing these little facts about episodes while I watch them so I hope you'll remember when you get to them.
I definitely deal with my anger by distracting myself with one of my outlets. A few of them are: cleaning up and organizing, reading a book, or watching a movie. Something that will get my mind either focused on doing better, or letting myself enter a different reality always helps me either forget my problems or calm down about my anger either at myself or at others. But I always tend to want to be alone whilst I get rid of the angst.
Spike is my favorite as well. After the first episode he appeared in, I had this weird feeling that I liked him but I couldn't tell if I was supposed to yet. I was right though. Anya, who you'll meet later if you haven't already, is a close second. I've also always loved Willow, even though she changes and grows quite a bit over the course of the series.
I am so happy that you stuck with it and you like it so much! I'm a little sad that we finished Angel.
haaaaaaay. wait i forgot the questions. oh no i remembered.
1. always always in the middle of a bad mood, i acknowledge that i'm being huffy and snappy because of said bad mood and i either a) isolate myself so as not to cause a spiteful ruckus which i will regret later or b) rant about it to a friend and then try to do something completely unrelated. hang out with people who make me smile. etc.
2. SPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKE. i'm nearing the end of season 6 (i can't believe i'm almost done! last summer i was exactly where you're at.) though, i do love giles and buffy a lot as well. i probably love these characters far too much than is healthy. same goes for harry potter so, i think you understand ^_^
2. I ADORE WILLOW! Willow is my absolute favorite character ever created because I feel like he is so much like me. She's nerdy, a great friend, and loyal but she has a lot of flaws such as being very self-conscious and feeling as though she's not worth much. Plus she's adorable and hilarious. I can never say enough about why I love Willow. <3
1. I usually try to talk it out with whoever I'm mad at if it's my family. But, if it's friends, I'll usually just read HP or watch Buffy or do something to calm down, then talk it through with my best friend and realize if I'm still upset. Usually, I won't be and then I can call my friend I was mad at and make plans for the next day or something so I'm able to see them and not stay mad. I'm not very good at staying mad...
However, if I'm mad at a situation, I handle it a lot like Buffy where I look for something to accomplish or solve. I need something that I can complete myself in order to make me feel in control. Thennnn I usually watch Buffy. Most things end with me watching Buffy lol.
It depends on why I'm in a bad mood. If I'm mad at my sister, I'll rant to the other one. If I'm mad at my mom, I'll rant to my dad. If I'm mad at a situation, I'll just rant. Ranting works. I'll also read or write, and that calms me down.
Well, I've only watched the first 7 episodes of Buffy so far (the one we saw last night was "Angel"), but Willow is my favorite character for now. I can identify with her. She's way more open than I am, but still.
I fell in love with him during the same episode you're talking about. Probably about the time where he asked Joyce "you got any of them tiny marshmallows?"
After that, he just gets more and more amazing...
Anya is hilarious, too, and obviously I love Buffy.
Aah, I just love all of them. XD
For the most part I deal with my anger by realizing that be angry isn't going to help/change anything, but when I'm still upset, I usually stay in my room and watch tv or listen to my favorite playlist until I'm calm enough to deal with whatever the source of my anger is.
Unfortunately, I deal with anger/bad moods by moaning to my friends. XD It's horrible, because I do it a lot - but they still seem to love me.
And on the Buffy front. Ahhh, I love them all so much. There are so many fantastic characters, but I guess my top three would be Spike, Anya, and Giles.
Maybe. :( I can't decide!
You'll see what I mean when you get through all of the show. Every character has their good and bad moments, and they all just tug at your heart a little.
It's like Harry Potter, except on television. Ahh. *dies*
Gotta go with Xander he was the glue of the Buffy family. As to how I deal with bad moods? I hit the gym and beat myself up and shed all that negative energy. Come back with a smile and in need of a hot shower and a nap. Win-win!
I'm wearing a red shirt right now. I'm so sorry. And, oh, Spike is the most wonderful character in that show... it just takes him awhile to get there.
1. Pretty much the same way you do. xD
2. God I need to watch that show.
Cheer up!!
1. To make myself feel better I either go for a run, or listen to harry potter music while reading MLIA.
2. Buffy and Spike are both my favorite! Buffy more than Spike, but I like Spikes "do-what-I-want" attitude.
Just saying, Kristina? You should never do something in anger. You'll regret it and who knows? 15,000 ladybugs might die because you can't look to the future to see how your decisions might affect other people. You should be careful. Ladybugs' lives depend on it. :P
I totally watch youtube video tutorials on the new photoshop, then take out my anger on whatever innocent stock artist I find first... So far you have been safe... except maybe once... I learn and it keeps my mind off the anger... leading to less angry ness... and more skills.
One great thing to do to deal with a bad mood is to drive down a road, roll all the windows down, and scream at the top of your lungs. It's strangely liberating.
My favorite character on Buffy is Giles. :D Also Xander and Spike. I just love them.
I can't choose between Anya and Spike; they're awesome in different ways. Drusilla's always fun, too . . .
Sorry that you were in a bad mood yesterday! Hope that you have/had a good time at the gathering!
I can only answer the first question, because I haven't seen Buffy before.
Normally, when I get angry, I will just not talk to anyone (my friends say I bite my lip too. I do this so I don't say something stupid that I'll regret later.) But sometimes that doesn't help. Then I just listen to Hank's song Edward Spoonhands. Weird, but it works after about two listens.
offers Kristina lots of *cuddles*
1. I listen (and sing along) to children's music. I dunno if you have it in the US, but check out "Bob the Builder - Can we fix it" on youtube. Thats my bad mood song.
2. My favourite character when I watched it first time around was Faith. Just cos shes hot and a bad ass lol.
When I am angry, I listen to podcasts or take a walk or do some other kind of exercise.
I have never seen a single episode of Buffy, but based on the character's names, Willow would be my favorite. I feel like I should get in on this show, and the Hunger Games, and Star Wars and everything, you know, to get obsessed about them and feel more like a true nerd :)
I don't really deal with anger very well. A lot of internalizing until I end up blowing up(my 'blowups' are amazingly passive aggressive though) on someone who probably doesn't deserve it. The best thing for me to do to improve my mood or calm myself is listen to sad music or play my guitar
When I'm angry, usually I cry and mope in my room. The crying part can often help, but the moping part NEVER does.
1) I listen to angry music, and then mellow music. Honestly, music is always able to make me work out my feelings and even neutralize them. It sure beats therapy.
2) Willow was my gut reaction answer, but there's something about Spike that cracks me up (I'm almost at the end of Season 2, so I bet he'll just get better and better!).
I deal with anger in a great way, I watch horror movies.
I grew up watching Buffy and I had the biggest crush on Spike and of couse I rewatch every episode and everytime I do I just fall in love all over again, he's just so funny!
When I get angry I just sort of bottle up my emotions..... is that bad for people?
Willow's my favorite throughout the whole series, though I'm quite fond of Giles and Spike at various points.
When I get angry, I cry. That's pretty much how I've dealt with things my whole life. I definitely can't keep them locked up inside (I've been there, tried that, and it does NOT work), but instead of yelling about it, i usually just cry. It's pathetic, really, that I do cry so much (probably at least once a week and I'm 22 years old), but I guess it's better to let it out then to compartmentalize it and let it stew. I usually feel heaps better after a good cry, too. Hope the gathering is awesome.
When I get angry/am in a bad mood, I watch vlogbrothers or Shaytards videos. That usually helps. So does watching The Office. On a more therapeutic level, I write letters to my friends from school. And sometimes I talk out loud to myself. Yeah, I do that when I get really frustrated.
I get in a bad mood very often, due to the fact that I have my dad's anger problem. Usually I just complain about little things and then get quiet until it passes.
Cordelia has always been my favorite, especially when she was on Angel. Other than that, Willow and Anya are always favorites as well.
I usually try to separate myself and blare terrible pop music, which I dance around to like the spaz I am. One person dance parties usually let out my frustration.
Spike is my favorite too. He's hilarious, and I love anything with him and Joyce. After him it's: Giles, Druscilla, and Anya.
I usually watch a couple of episodes of a tv show I like when I'm having a bad day. And drink coffee. And sometimes I order nerdy things off the internet because (a) I love getting mail, and (b) I know I'll have a better day whenever I use the nerdy thing I bought. I like distraction, I guess.
I don't have a favorite Buffy character because I didn't really love the first couple of episodes when I watched them, but I'm thinking maybe I should give it anther chance, after hearing so much about it recently.
I hope you had a great time at the gathering!
I never know what to do when I'm in a bad mood. I usually just storm around the house, trying to listen to music or podcasts, but I always ending clicking next repeatedly. Bad method, I know.
I just started watching Buffy for the first time as well and I am in the exact same place! My fav character changes, but I do love Spike - especially in that episode!
I find doing something physical helps my anger. I like running, but I know boxing helps tons (pretty self explanatory there). It tires you out, keeps you busy for a while and makes you just want to sit and do something calm, like listening to good music or reading a book.
If I'm so angry I can't function enough to do ANYTHING; I play angry music and sleep it out.
Andrew. You won't see him for quite a while, but he is hilarious, especially in Season 7. Spike, too, of course. Then Xander, I think, but it gets too hard to decide.
I started watching Buffy a couple years ago, and am just getting to the end now. It's going to be heart-breaking, but thanks to you, I am reminded of all the brilliant moments that feel like AGES ago. I can't wait to watch it all again!
(ThoughperhapsIshouldwaitawhile. Then again, perhaps not.) :)
I love the mayor of Sunnydale. So classic. Also, I just watched the episode about the swim team being given fishman steroid steam, and the swim coach said, "For The Win!"
Made me laugh.
I become very snarky when I'm in a bad mood. I tend to be passive aggressive in my anger for most situations. The times when I'm so angry I can barely see straight (which really doesn't happen often anymore now that I got past my angry teen stage of life) I come home and turn music on really loud (most of the time loud, angsty alternative rock) and jump around and dance and scream/shout/sing the lyrics. Then I turn off that music and read or take a nap and turn on my iPod to listen to my "mellow music for angry times" playlist. Yes, that's a real playlist on my iPod. :) Music really helps me calm down after a bad day.
I deal with anger by complaining and ranting about random things, like you did with the red shirts. I don't know if that's the best way but I can't help it xD
1. I tend to rant to my friends/family, who generally don't mind if I yell/talk for ages/cry etc; sometimes I write everything down as it helps to get some perspective. Then I get a large tub of Ben & Jerry's and some Doctor Who or Harry Potter dvds and chill out. I try and distract myself by doing things I like, such as shopping, writing, listening/playing music etc and try and remind myself that there are always people that like me regardless of how I'm feeling.
I hope you feel better soon <3
My favourite was Willow because she was dorky until something that happens in Season 4 that I can't tell you about other wise that would be a spoiler lol. I did also like Spike as he was kinda funny in a creepy way - then again I used to watch Buffy with my Dad so often had to explain what was going on lol.
1. Music. And I'm surprisingly good at just pushing it down. I'm not sure that that's a good thing, though.
2. Willow! And Oz. And Anya. And Spike. But mostly Willow. I don't think you've met Anya yet... keep an eye out for her in episode 9 of season 3!
1. I'm also a ranter, but I've found that if I rant in a country accent I calm down faster. Random, I know.
2. I ADORE Spike. He features prominently in most of my favorite episodes. It's so crazy to me that he was originally only supposed to be in 2 episodes. I love hearing you talk about the show and, in case you didn't know, there's a musical episode in your future that is gloriousness personified. Joss Whedon is a genius. Also, Buffy led me to Doctor Who because James Marsters did a guest spot on Torchwood. All good things.
I don't deal with anger well. I tend to try and avoid it. This means pushing it down until later on it all comes bursting out in the form of lots of crying about something completely ridiculous. for example, if I have been ignoring a bad mood for a long time intent on not showing it, at some point, I WILL start crying because I dropped my phone or something ridiculous :L
And, as for Buffy, I haven't watched that many episodes, I used to just watch them when they were on TV but Spike was always my favourite character haha.
That's...weird. I just finished that episode recently too...
1. Play videogames that includes shooting enemies!
But mostly keeping it inside, sometimes it comes out by hitting walls. With my bare fists. Not good :/
2. Spike, because he's insane. In a funny way. Love him.
I find squeezing an apple or stress ball helps
When I'm frustrated or mad I like to watch happy movies. That's really boring, and I don't have that much to say, but I hope you have a better week.
When I'm in a foul mood, I retreat into my little shell. I spend the day reading or listening to music or watching my favorite tv shows or movies. Also, going out for a walk when the weather's nice helps me a lot.
It depends on what type of bad mood. I am a very arguementative person, though. Harry Potter helps...always.
Okay, well, this blog just inspired me to spend half an hour watching funny spike moments on youtube. He is my love <3
Yeah, and I'm awful at expressing my anger. I mean, I often end up tweeting, screaming, and crying. Oh, teenage angst. -facepalm-
Spike is probably my favorite, but I also love Willow. And some other people you haven't met yet :)
I went through a crazy buffy phase around january, and pretty much watched the whole series in just a month!
also, as I was about to post this, the word verification says; "clumsy". How does it know me?
Okay I know I'm a few days late on this one, but 1: I'm wearing a red shirt and 2: SPIKE IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER TOO. And he just gets better and better and better. I'm about two thirds of the way through Season Five...and yes, I started the same day you did. >.< I'm so ashamed!
Also I wanted to say hi, 'cause I read most of your blog posts as they come into Google Reader, but since Reader makes it so hard to comment on posts (you have to actually click through to the page, and click, and captcha, and UGH) I rarely comment. So. Hi! My red shirt is a VidCon shirt though, so hopefully its inherent awesomeness makes up for its color. :-P
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