Today is the last day of August! I have mixed feelings about this.
I am sitting on my bed, drinking a glass of wine and musing over what to write about for my last entry of BEDA. It's been a fantastic month for me, and I truly hope your months have been nice as well, and that we've all been able to share a little part of our days here together.
I don't think I'm going to slow down very much in the blogging department, though. Now that I don't have school cluttering up my time, I can focus on things that are actually important to me (not that getting a degree wasn't important; I just think working on personal writing projects is more rewarding than writing essays on American consumerism). Blogging definitely falls into the category of things that are important to me. I've come to really love reading your comments, so much so that it's become a standard part of my day, and I hope that continues well after the end of BEDA.
I have the glass of wine here because Eia, Justin and I just did something we rarely ever do; we made dinner together. Eia and I are going to the Bahamas this weekend and realized we need to start getting rid of our perishable food again (I feel like I spend so much of my time making feasts of refrigerator food because of how much we travel...). So we made a dinner spectacle of salad (complete with croutons and olives) pasta with red sauce, and garlic bread (all of which single-handedly solved our lettuce and bread problems).
Over dinner we talked about the Pirate festival happening in Portland next month (and how we need to go to it) because we just found out it doesn't actually conflict with our trip. We then proceeded to discuss the linguistics of the word "pirate-y". And how it sounds almost exactly like the word "party". And "parody". And "parrot-y".
Last night I went out with some friends of Justin's for trivia night at our favorite bar. Our team didn't do very well (4th place or so) but that's not what was funny about the evening. What was funny about the evening was when I pulled out my phone and the girl sitting next to me (Katie) goes, "I love your cell-phone case. It's like Harry Potter or something."
Now, knowing what you do of my life, this is not a strange comment for someone to make about me and/or something that belongs to me. However, my cell phone case is literally just black with silver stars on it. I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying from laughter and said only, "Thank you. You have no idea how right you are."
The other thing that was funny about the evening was the couch Justin and I found on the side of the road on our walk back home. Just a couch, just hanging out. In the dark; in the middle of the night. And the fact that we moved it directly onto the sidewalk. And then proceeded to realize it was a hide-a-bed. And that we then took it upon ourselves to make it into a bed. And then jumped on it. And then ran home laughing our heads off, because hide-a-beds are not stable enough for jumping, nor should they be in the middle of a city sidewalk.
I am having a really, really great summer, and I have really wonderful friends, and I am really thankful I have the life that I do. Thank you, each and every one of you, for contributing to that in the little ways that you do. :)
Last google search: "goodwill in seattle"
Chipotle burritos: 18
Water Damage
1 day ago
Sad that beda's over cause I really enjoy your posts!
I hope that you do keep blogging a lot though :)
I'm glad your still going to blog a lot :D And your post made me hungry! xD
Haha that sounds like a blast! I'm excited to read more of your posts!
I hope you still blog a lot! Your blogs never fail to make me smile =D
YAYYY! This was a fun way to end out the month :) HAVE FUN IN THE BAHAMAS! Please continue to blog, I definitely enjoy hearing about the fun things in your life! :D (That sounded creepy but I hope you understand the sentiment.)
One time, I found one of those hide-a-beds by a dumpster at a sorority down the street from me, so with the help of a couple of gay men with a van, we got it to my house. It was worth all of the push-ups I had to do for being late to marching band that night. That is, of course, until my father came home to find a couch on our lawn and flipped his shit and made me get rid of it. Needless to say, my heart was broken that day. But at least I still have the memory of my dear, ugly, beat up couch that possibly had bed bugs. His name was Kevin. *sniffle* He was the most comfortable couch too...
I'm glad you're gonna keep up blogging, but I'm gonna miss BEDA. There need to be more months that start with A...
Pirate-y also kinda sounds like Parvarti but I don't know why she'd be brought up in everyday conversation. Though the same could be said for parrot-y lol.
I'm glad you're going to be blogging a lot, still!! I love reading your blog.
ALSO, I may be the only one, but when I read "pirate-y" I immediately thought of Veggie Tales, and The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything ("we're supposed to sing about PIRATE-Y things!").
I can't wait to hear about your escapades in the Bahamas. :)
I've also come to love reading your blogs! Your writing makes me feel like I am a part of your life, and it reminds me a lot of mine. I am glad you're going to keep it up :)
It has been a lot of fun reading your posts each day! I will be looking forward to more!!
I propose that you do BEDS. =P *cough* Because I totally didn't make that up on the spot so I could still read you're blogs everyday (which totally doesn't sound stalkerish at all) *cough*
Hide-a-bed's are called Sofabeds in the UK. I like your way better its more magical, like its a spell that hides the bed, and then reveals it again.
Its been a great month and I hope you have a great and well deserved holiday with Eia. Now the BEDA is over I really cannot wait for 5AG to be back.
And on that note I'm off to watch HGH's latest video. Toodles.
4th doesn't sound so bad. I love trivia. did they do a picture round? how does their scoring work? the different way trivia works is so much fun.
I loved reading your posts every day, and I'm glad you're going to be doing it more often now anyhow :D
Me and five of my friends went down to the jersey shore a few weeks ago, and the first thing we did was walk around the streets that were near the house (my friend's family shore house) we were staying at. We found a white couch. It was mid-afternoon, and it was drizzling, but we lifted it up.
"We" are six high-school-sized girls, but we walked four blocks to a tiny strip of beach, just so we could put it on the sand and sit on it in front of the bay. was pretty hysterical at the time. We called the couch Moby.
...TL;DR, couches are cool, haha.
There's a Pirate Festival in Portland next month? I must go!! I have these boots that I bought for a Steampunk costume ages ago - they need a reason to be worn again. :) I think they would qualify as "piratey"... if indeed piratey is a word.
You had me at pirate festival. :)
I'm glad you're planning on keeping up the blogging, Kristina! I looove reading your blog. I really wish I'd had more time to comment this month. I didn't get a chance to thank you for articulating SO MUCH of how I felt about Mockingjay but couldn't really put into words. :]
Your blog makes me smile. I think that you should continue it. Most def. I had to Google BEDA, though. :-)
I kinda of can't wait to be out of school, and I'm kind of dreading it. I love school, and learning... but I like to concept of HEYIGETTWODAYSOFFAWEEKWHENDIDTHISHAPPEN?SQUEE!
I think you should consider doing BEDS (Blog Everyday in September) in order to prep yourself, and me myself, for NaNoWriMo. Yes???
You did a great job with BEDA and I appreciate you persevering and putting effort into blogging. Checking for your daily blog became part of my routine, and I'll miss having a Kristina blog to look forward to every day.
By the way--this may be invasive or whatever but lots of people are invested in your relationship with Luke--though that feels weird even to type--someone on Nerdfighter Secrets commented that you two broke up...if it's true that makes me sad, but from your Twitter exchanges it seems you're still very friendly. What's up?
"its like Harry Potter or something." lol thats great.
This month has seemed to go past so fast!
You have a wonderful way of making everything sound like and adventure, something magical!
Have a good trip.
Nuuu, I came to your blog, looking to catch up on at least three blogs, since I'd last read, and only found this one. I miss beda.
Anyway, you're life sounds hilarious and wonderful. :) I'm happy for you.
gosh i love this blog post. but a hide-a-bed... isn't that a sofa-bed?!
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