Well, I am definitely going to Nashville next week. I'll be gone Tuesday through Friday. When a trip just comes up like that, out of nowhere, and you'd planned on spending the week reading, working on music, and watching Buffy - suddenly there are a lot more things that need to be done in preparation. I've been making lists and running errands pretty much constantly since I found out I was going, and today is no exception.
Luckily while I am in Tennessee I am going to be staying with my cousin rather than some crappy hotel; the cousin who just got married. I'm looking forward to some quality time with him, as well as some quality time with his friend Kathy's brand new outdoor swimming pool, which has already been offered to me for my use.
I still can't tell you why I am going, unfortunately, but I will say this - I know a few of you may have already guessed it, and also, like, can you guys cross your fingers for me? Okay, that's ALL I AM SAYING.
Haha. Justin just walked in my room (it's only 9 AM) with a box of Krispy Kreme donuts in hand and said, "Sorry, I ate all the jellies." We have been watching way, way too much Buffy.
Speaking of Buffy, I just watched the episode "Enemies", and I think it's definitely now one of my favorite ones. Again, I don't want to spoil anyone, but let's just say I was highly impressed by Angel's acting skills. Also, I totally called it. I also loved the episode "The Zeppo", the one that details Xander's crazy night that he never tells anyone about. The plot element used, where everyone else keeps mentioning it was "the worst monster yet" and we don't actually know what they're facing, but get to experience Xander's entire parallel crazy night - I thought it was brilliant. And comical, in the best way.
I know a lot of people warned me that Buffy starts off really cheesy and gets better later on, and I think I am definitely getting to the good episodes, because I have been blown away by Season 3. But then again, I liked all the episodes, right from the start.
I also loved the throwaway line that Oz said in his second or third appearance, about his hair: "It changes sometimes." I've been cracking up every time we see him and it's dyed bright blond, black, brown; no explanation or even mention of why. What a silly show.
I spent this morning going through my old writing from college. I took a fiction writing class and have a folder full of little stories, so I was weeding through to see if there was anything worth keeping. I was expecting to just toss them all, but surprisingly I found a good handful that I moved into a new folder called "Work on Later". Nothing to show yet, but maybe if I do a little work on some of them, I'll post them here like I did with the Mirror Girl story.
As for today, I have a meeting in a few hours, have to go to Kinko's to make some copies, and might work on another one of my tour vlog videos. I have a lot of footage left to sort through, and haven't looked at any of it in over a week.
Oh, and to "katie", who asked me if I was on the 70 bus around 1 yesterday: I actually wasn't, sorry! It's not one of the lines that goes to my house, though it's close! I used to have a bus pass since I was a student at UW. Since I graduated it's expired, though, so you wont find me riding the buses very often anymore.
Okay, can I rant for a second? I love when people tag facebook pictures from shows, or events, or gatherings, or parties, you know, all the fun places we go and photos are taken. And I'll admit, it's a little annoying when I come home and find 200 tagged pictures all of the same show: many dark, the flash focused on a random crowd member's head rather than the stage, each one relatively similar to the last. It's fine though. I keep the good ones, I untag myself from the bad. No big deal.
What I hate, though, is when people see that I've untagged myself, and take it upon themselves to re-tag me in the same fuzzy, pixelated picture I already removed once.
I already have over 3,000 tagged pictures due to all of the conferences, shows, etc. that I've been to in the last few years, with no hope of ever finding anything older than a month or two, but to have to remove pictures more than once? Rant rant rant.
I do realize that some human beings on this planet don't have food or water and here I am complaining about facebook pictures, but I really wish more of the human race could look at a picture and tell if it should be posted or not.
In happier, more upbeat news, check this out: the Parselmouths were mentioned in an article on Sparknotes! If that's not success, I don't know what is. xD
Last google search: Kinko's
Chipotle burritos: 17
Scream Cipher
1 day ago
You should write a song called Don't Retag Me.
Just sayin'.
I second what Kayley said xD
Also, I'm really anxious to know what this big news is!
Is it antm?? Is it?
And I'll be waiting for another short story, I really liked mirror girl:D
I made a fan blog for you, Kristina!
I think I know what the news is...have a good trip anyway!
I'm thinking I might start watching Buffy since I'm kind of obsessed with vampire shows lately. I've been watching True Blood and it is amazing.
The only guess left on the older entry is ANTM!! I just hope it doesn't compromise your online presence!! We'd miss you so much!
Sooooooo... after some serious google searching, I think I've figured out the news. Are you going on the 25th of August perhaps? ;)
Just make sure you don't cry when you get your Ty-Over.
...Okay, I'm definitely jumping to conclusions, but this is definitely exciting! You have my support.
I absolutely LOVE Buffy as well. I just started on Series 2, i watched Series 1 a few months back but then school got in the way, so it's good to be watching again. I agree with you about loving it from the beginning! Who cares if it can be cheesy? Bring on the cheese in my opinion!
Your blogs are making me very interested in Buffy...
and it has to be ANTM!
I watched Buffy all the way though when it was first on, i was really little and had to re watch it all when i was older. But buffy thought me lots as a kid, for one thing i never blinked an eye at gay people ( you'll get to that ) from watching buffy. It used to give me nightmares though :L
I'm guessing, like everyone else, ANTM? YAY! So exciting!!!!
Like someone else said, I really hope this doesn't mean you have to take all your videos down. :/ If it does, they'd BETTER let you put them back up. :)
Good luck! Also, if you google "nashville antm" and view the latest results, your blog is the ninth result.
Yes! I knew it was ANTM. It was confirmed -kind of- by John's tweet about America's Next Top Nerd xD
You're so getting in! And I'm so watching it! This is so exciting!
Okay I'll calm down now.
OMG i think i'm pretty sure I no what your talking about so CONGRATS MAJOR and I hope it works out. I can't wait to hear about it in your next blog or vlog. EEEEEEEPPPPPPP :)
Oh my gosh! I think I might possibly have guessed what the big news is!?!?
Just maybe...
And I really hope I'm right, because that would be freaking awesome! Haha.
Anyway, good luck with whatever it is, and I will definitely be crossing my fingers for you...well I'll also be crossing my fingers hoping that it is what I think it is, too, but yea.
=D <333
It's the ANTM comment, right?! I KNEW you would get called back. KNEW IT. Good luck!
Oh, and about the nerdfightersecrets thing: I'd never heard of that before, and I'm on tumblr all the time. It's ridiculous, stupid, and mean made by bored, bitter people. And I love you. The end.
I LOVE the episode the Zeppo! It's like being in some secret Xander club or something :).
And I anxiously await finding out if everyone's guesses are correct!
Ahh! I'm so excited for you! Best of luck with whatever it is! My bet is antm xD
And I do hope you post more short stories! I loved Mirror girl :D
Season 3 is definitely the best Buffy season, and Zeppo is an amazing narrative. I think it's practically literary. Apparently a new re-vamped (ha...that was unintentional) collection of all 7 seasons should be coming out soon.
That would be awesome if you got on ANTM but we'd miss you. I can so picture the other girls in the house being all "She's a youtube celebrity?? And writes songs about Harry Potter?" Don't let them make you delete all your videos. This comment jumps to a whole bunch of conclusions
GOOD LUCK in Nashville! :D I have a vague idea what it could be, Nashville being known for certain really awesome music things ;)
I STILL haven't loaded pictures from ROFLCOPTOUR, but I will eventually be tagging you xD Don't worry, though, I won't be cruel and retag. Doesn't facebook usually not allow retags once you have untagged a picture, though? :\
My first thought was that you and Luke might have scored a record deal, since Nashville is known for various musicy things. But a lot of the other comments are guessing ANTM... It's a shame that it can't be both! Either would be awesome!
If you get on, I guess I will have to start watching ANTM. Best of luck!
Fingers crossed! I'm sure whatever it is will be amazing. =]
Also, I totally understand the retagging thing. Granted, my reasoning is a bit more vain; yours actually makes sense.
I really hope its something to do witn antm??
Best of luck getting ready for your trip! Don't stress too too much, minus a few important things you can pretty much buy anything you forget ;)
Also I was thinking about the retagging thing and I have a couple theories: a)people are crazy and think that if they have you tagged in one of their photos that makes them look like they are cool and b)someone other than the original tagged retagged not knowing it had already been tagged and untagged. Eh whatever the reason, I think you should think about hiring an assistant then they can pack for you and untag all your unsightly FB pics :)
If you love Angel's (David Boreanaz) acting you should check out Bones. I think I've pretty much watched every episode of Buffy, Angel, and Bones. He'll always be Angel to me though. So hotttttt.
Oh about the retagging thing- I put pictures up on my facebook from the NJ show. Someone I don't know went through them and tagged everyone! I guess I was kinda like... Hmmph! (whatever that means). I just feel like if I wanted to tag people in my photos I would..... And I didn't- so why go through all my photos and do it for me? Since then I've changed a lot of the privacy settings on my fb.
I hate when people post pictures that just shouldn't be on the internet period. Incriminating and terrible. Ugh! Good luck in Nashville...whatever you're doing there!!!!
Buffy is the best. Whenever I want to get someone into it, I always say "Don't judge it by the first season." Guess I'm not alone! (:
that does suck about the retagging thing but i always thought you couldn't retag people if they've untagged themselves? sometimes, i use it to check if people have untagged or if i forgot to tag in the first place.. oops, hope that doesn't give people extra notifications!
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