I have SO MUCH to do in the month of april that it's not even amusing.
I am in the process of recording two albums, classes started yesterday, I'm trying to seriously clean out my room and get rid of things, and I have to learn to driving a fucking manual car by May 1st.
I was all ready to jump in head first on Monday, but then my train wreck of a life happened, and I literally did nothing yesterday but cry and feel sorry for myself. And sign up for a class to take the place of Japanese 113.
I need to find some quick way to leave all of that horrible stuff behind and just get motivated quick because these are all things I NEED to do this month and I can't let obstacles get in my way.
Right now I just feel moody though.
Lauren is wonderful, she can make me feel so much better even when my life literally collapses in a single text message. Parselmouths wont be the same without Brittany. Wizard rock wont be the same without her. But I dont have to stop, and I have so many wonderful friends who immediately stepped up to help, which made me feel so overwhelmed with love I cant even explain.
I feel ... I don't know. I have two classes to go to today. I don't have to work afterward. I am going to run the errands I meant to yesterday, return the books I already bought for Japanese, send the emails I was supposed to... after my minor delay, I am going to just... push through.
Also I sent a grumpy email to Alex this morning and I feel badly.
I dont like being grumpy like this. It reminds me of being in high school and I much prefer sunny-disposition-Kristina. LET ME HAVE A SUNNY DISPOSITION, LIFE.
Scream Cipher
1 day ago