It's 10 o'clock in the morning, I am listening to the Blow, I have bags under my eyes and need to be at work in 2 hours, but this is a good day.
Last night I went to bed at about 5 in the morning after a very fun Halloween party that my roommate threw here at our house. I finally finished my Angelica Pickles costume (complete with a makeshift Cynthia doll that I carried around all night) and everyone seemed to think it clever/funny. Eia's "Max" costume stole the show, but I'll give that to her. She created a wolf-shaped onsie by buying random amounts of fabric and eyeballing a pattern. Impressive.
Usually when Justin has parties or get-togethers here, I retreat to my bedroom pretty early on because I don't know his friends and almost feel like a foreigner in my own house… but that didn't happen last night. Mostly because I have actually been making the effort to get to know people, but also because I realized yesterday how close our actual house mates are. There was a point where no one who actually lived there was downstairs at the party because we were all upstairs painting Justin's entire body silver for his Gir (from Invader Zim) costume. For the record, painting my roommate's inner ear with a makeup sponge has zoomed its way up on my list of favorite things to do ever, because of how hilariously awkward it was. Also, our bathroom is completely covered in silver. Eia and I hung out with PJ most of the night doing choreographed dance moves to mine and Eia's playlist in the kitchen, and even Tyler (who recently moved out) hung with us a lot, which was really nice.
I got to see for myself what an idiotic game Beer Pong is (I'm a senior in college and I'd never played - I still haven't, actually, but I saw enough of it being played in our dining room last night). We had a costume contest and Eia won best overall, though I got a very solid second place. One of Tyler's friends won sexiest/sluttiest merely for dancing with our lamp.
My friend Forest dressed as the Dog Police, which I am only sharing because I feel like everyone should go watch this stupid (or amazing?) video so you understand the reference. I have had this song stuck in my head all week.
I kind of feel like I need to address the video that recently went up on Luke's channel, because there have been a lot of people jumping to a lot of conclusions since he posted it. I know it's not all that uncommon for my personal life to be made public on YouTube, so people said all sorts of crazy things in the comments (though the most common theme was how lucky I am - which I am aware of. Who wouldn't want a boy from MoM writing adorable songs about them?) It was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me and I am completely flattered, so I am not sure exactly what I am trying to say. Just that Luke is one of my favorite people in the world, but I'm not at a point in my life right this second where it was anything more than an incredibly lovely gesture.
On that awkward note, I'm off to go work a seven hour shift at my job. Let's see if I can stay awake that long.
Oh! I just remembered a dream I had. I was replying to fan-mail really late at night and the things I was typing were all full of typos and stupid tired-things, and everyone started writing back correcting everything I was saying and adding, "it's called grammar, Kristina." xD
2 days ago
I think Luke's song was adorable! Perhaps he should play it from a boom box lifted above his head outside your bedroom window. Would that change your mind? :)
Now I really want to see both you and Eia's costumes :D
I agree with Sarah I want pictures of your and Eia's costumes. Sounds like the Halloween party was a lot of fun, and it's nice to hear that you're hanging out with housemates and their friends.
On the subject of Luke the video was adorable, and you're lucky (as you know) and now every girl on youtube wants a sweet boy to write them a song. That said you know where you stand and what your ready for. You'll make whatever decision is right for you.
I'm glad you had fun at your party. I think its sweet that you have songs being written about you, and taking your time making a choice is ok.
ps I think that having thousands of girls playing the hopeless romantics doesn't make things easier for you.
Glad you had fun at your party. Even at cheesy birthday parties I tend to be the anti-social one that stands off to the side, listening to my mp3 player, or reading a book. I just don't like social gatherings. Awkwardness at it's highest. I've decided to be Yelling Girl for Halloween. Yeah, awesome, huh? I was gonna go full out cosplay, but it's waaaaay out of my price range, even if I made it from scratch. And yeah. I'll add to the ever growing list of "You are soooo lucky!" Because you are Kristina. Not just because a guy wrote you a song, but because Luke is such a good friend in the first place. Even before the song. All my guy friends have drifted away, so now I have none at all. :/
But oh wellz. I'm gonna go finish a seven page essay now. Woo hoo. Yay for fake enthusiasm. Ha ha.
Was that the grammer fairy aka hayleyghoover??
I was wondering about that song...
I'm really curious as to what you and Eia looked like. I'm sure you guys were adorable! I'm glad you had fun painting your room mate and what not!
Any night that involves painting someone's body at some point is bound to be awesome.
That sounds like a life experience to go down in history. It's damn good to hear you happy and I wish I could go to a Halloween thing that is so fun!
Yes, I need to see those costumes, and I can't check Dailybooth from here since work blocks it. Grrr. Try to put a pic in your next bog if you can or in a video. Pretty please? I know nothing about this video or about more personal life drama. The latter I don't need to about, and I can guess what conclusions people jumped to anyway. The video I need to see though, I'll try to find it.
Dearest Kristina,
Would that perhaps be alright if we added you as a writing buddy on NaNoWriMo?
ahhh your journal layout is different. shocker. i liked lukes video but i don't get what you are saying here. BUT that's okay i don't need to get it. post halloween pics for surrre!
I follow the crowd. I must see pictures.
I do not understand why sometimes I go to a party and I have to imitated something , for example I copycat a friend who like to take viagra
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