I was just sitting on a couch in one of my campuses many cafeterias, watching Jim and Pam's wedding on Megavideo and minding my own business, when this guy in a leather jacket came and plopped himself down on the couch beside me.
I just ignored him right away, like any girl with headphones in her ears would do, but then he leaned over and put his face right up next to mine and said "HI IT'S NICE TO MEET YOU, WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" He extended his grubby hand right in front of my nose.
I gave him a pretty standard annoyed looked, shook his hand, said "Kristina", and turned back to my computer screen. Does he not understand how important this wedding is?? Instead of returning to his side of the couch, he lingered over my shoulder, taking in a few moments of the Office.
"WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING?" he slurred at me.
I didn't answer, mostly because I decided to be an ice queen but also because he was clearly drunk and I really, really didn't want to be making pleasantries with this wasted leather jacketed greasy haired boy. It was noon when this happened. NOON.
Luckily for me, the credits were starting to roll at this point, so I took the liberty of packing up my laptop to leave without answering.
"Hey!" he shouted. I turned around, but he wasn't shouting at me. He was shouting at his friend, who was asleep on a plastic chair. "Hey!" he yelled again, kicking the friend repeatedly. Kicking him hard! The friend didn't even stir. I left.
So that was my morning. College. Sigh.
Now I am in the library, killing time before my Consumerism class far, far away from the guy who I'd bet is probably still kicking the friend who was probably even more wasted than the first guy was.
Since I last updated, I have watched a lot of TV, nearly finished my Halloween costume, and fell in love (again) with both Rosi and Hayley, because they're amazing people who I only wish could be in my life more frequently than they are. I contemplated flying to Texas with Liz to see Muse (we once said we'd go as far as Las Vegas to see them because they're NEVER IN SEATTLE. And Texas is their last show in the US before a long string of shows in Europe, then Australia, and then freaking Japan. It's not fair).
However, we are responsible people, and also poor, so we wont be seeing our favorite band in the Lone Star state. Unfortunately.
Today I decided to sign up for another class, even though we're already 10 days into the quarter. I met this girl in my CHID class that runs a focus group on Disney every Thursday for two hours, and while it cuts into my "lie around in bed doing nothing" time on Thursday mornings, I would much rather sit in a circle and discuss the effects of Disney on society than refresh facebook and eat junk food in bed, so there you go. Also I'll get two more credits, bringing me up to a more acceptable 14 this quarter over the 12 I was already enrolled in. She told me that on the last day, we're going to go see the Princess and the Frog in lieu of having class. That's awesome.
I am getting very excited for a number of things. Halloween (and the party Justin is having at our house next weekend), Matt's show here the weekend after, Nanowrimo starting on the 1st, and leaving for Wrockstock on the 5th. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am for Wrockstock. My cabinmates (aside from Eia and Liz) are mostly all people I have never met, but we've been exchanging emails for the past week or so and I think I love them all. Not to mention EVERYONE ELSE I am going to be seeing there.
Oh, and for the record.. even though my Jim+Pam Wedding experience was tainted by a stupid drunk guy, I don't want to belittle how it made me feel. I was tearing up and smiling and sniffling like my two best friends got married. It was beautiful. God I love well-written romance.
2 days ago
i honestly couldn't stop crying. my best friend came over and we watched it together as we always do. the difference is we got our own bottle of champagne to toast people who feel like our oldest friends. :)
i've never even heard of it. i feel like i am missing out big-time :|
I can't decide whether NaNoWriMo seems like it's coming too quickly or if it's too far away. But I'm excited for this year.
Have fun at WrockStock! =]
a class about disney? awesome! One of my friends took one of those too, and she said it was a downer because all the professor did was rant about how the movies (especially the earlier ones) are misogynistic and have terrible messages for women. I hope your professor is more fun.
Also, how sweet- homework = watching Disney?
Have an amazing time at Wrockstock. I so wish I could be there. Alas.
I'm in two minds whether to do NaNoWriMo or not.
You are taking a class on Disney? I cannot wait for university. :P
Muse didn't come to Chicago, either, so don't feel bad. They were in New Jersey the day before my birthday and I SO wanted to go, but no one wanted to fly across the country with me. And, like you, I'm completely broke.
I can't stop smiling. Every time I think about the episode in general, I get the biggest grin on my face. They are the sweetest couple and I too had tears rolling down my face by the end. The best part is to re-watch old episodes and then watch that one(I may or may not have already purchased it on iTunes) and it's just SO satisfying. Ahh, they make my heart happy. <3
The only problem is now I will have Chris Brown stuck in my head for the rest of my life.
i cried. but it was the best kind of crying, because even though jim and pam don't exist, i honestly felt so happy for them (pathetic? probably). after the episode ended, i watched the Forever Wedding Dance video on youtube, which always makes me tear up. so, you know, all in all an average night.
I'm definitely signing up for NaNoWriMo this year! I'm so excited to start :D
Oh, have you gotten the HP book yet? :)
Have fun at WrockStock!
Muse came with U2 to the UVA campus a couple of weeks ago. I didn't buy tickets, but I could stand on my dorm balcony and get a perfect view of the show. It was weird falling asleep to Bono's voice echoing through my room.
Who is not excited about nanowrimo this year, I know I am. And dont feel to bad about missing the muse show in Texas, I live in Texas and can not afford to go either.
Have fun in your disney class and if you can see how watching Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast almost everyday growing up affected my life.
"Does he not understand how important this wedding is??"
No kidding! Sheesh. That was an AMAZING episode! Best TV wedding EVER. Quite possibly my new favorite episode of The Office. Maybe my new favorite episode of all TV?
And I'm excited for NaNo, too. I can't wait. I want it to be November NOW.
That Disney class sounds like fun. I think I am going to do NaNoWriMo this year but someone will have to keep me on track during Wrockstock. Actually looking at the forums it looks like there will be quite a group of writers. I can't wait! Less than a month.
I'm seeing muse in Australia. just saying.
I'm sorry someone always ruined your Pam+Jim Wedding for you. If someone had done that to me, I don't know what I would have done.
I teared up (which is a big deal, because I don't even tear up during shows/movies), but I'm proud to say that I yelled, repeatedly, at Andy and Michael, much to the confusion of my mother sitting upstairs.
Love you, too!
I completely agree, best.tv.wedding.ever.
Though I screamed out loud(and scared my dogs) when Kevin put his feet in the container of ice at the end. Ewwww.
But both my cousin and I agreed the Maid of the Mist is now a valid wedding option. : )
i LOVED that episode! best tv wedding ever!
Yeah but you see, if you're drunk by noon it frees up the whole rest of your evening for hitting on girls. It's good time management. :P
If you wanted to get rid of him you should have told him all about your birthing subject. I'm sure he would have loved that.
There's a heretic in the Disney class. Can you guess who?
Word verification: maryc
Next one: valkent
Britney Spears is from Kent, La
Totally convenient, heh heh.
What happens when Miley Cyrus goes bad? You get milancid.
County, county, county, counting...kingr
debre - what comes after debra
pladose - Play-doh overdose
roblesen - what italktosnakes gave to a burglar in one of her videos
I'm seeing Muse in January!!!!!!
Sorry. They're my favourite band. Ever. Ever ever.
Ohhh noNoNooooo!!!!! Let the Wrockstock talk begin! Just RIP my heart ouy why don't you! This is my THIRD year in a row missing wrockstock and by far the most painfull because i was actually GOING this time. Ahhhhhh =/ Then plans got messed up. Noooo disoskpssvd Can you carry me alo g with you kristina? Lol throw me in your suitcase or something. I had a chaperone and everything ahhh man. Emily L was gunna chaperone and it was going to be fantastic. She is so cool. That is So completely depressing. I was so excited to meet all my west coastians i have never met before and now i have to wait until infinitus. This is so sad. Omg i have never experienced wrockstock before and i feel infinitus won't be able to coMpare. Thhats where Toby realised lauren was his mother! How can u compete w/ that ?! Now im sad. Fml. I hate being 14 and jobless. Well actually i like that part but i hate that being fourteen and jobless means i don't have money to go to wrockstock!
Have fun in... Disney Class? Lolsocool
Disney Class sounds like it will be fun! I'm jealous.
I don't know what to be for Halloween yet. Last year I was Kai-lan from Nick Jr.'s show 'Ni Hao, Kai-lan!" because she's adorable and I took Chinese that semester. I'll have to keep brainstorming for costume ideas.
I couldn't believe that I missed Jim and Pam's wedding! My roommate mentioned that it was on Thursday night and I had NO IDEA that new episodes had started airing. It upset me, but we promptly went to NBC.com to catch up and watch what we missed. We haven't finished catching up yet, but oh, it will happen. I miss The Office in my life.
Drunk grubby gross guys are not fun. :\
My school's having a "Dress As A Book Character Day" on Friday, so I'm going as Matilda, and it'll probably be my Halloween one too. What are you dressing up as?
Disney class sounds awesome! :D <3
A Disney class?
I can't wait for college ;]
MUSE have played in Seattle a few times. but not for a while. but they're said that they'll tour the US in the spring! though it will probably be in ginormous venues what's tickets cost over $50. but I bet they'll play Seattle.
I hate being English.
i don't cry at, well, anything really. but if i did, i probably would have cried watching Jim and Pam's wedding.
i was just thinking yesterday that that the best romance story you could ever stumble upon. you just don't expect to find such a sweet love story nestled within the hilarity of The Office! :)
I got teary eyed too at the JAM wedding. It did feel like my friends were getting married. I felt like after 5 years of knowing they were meant to be, they finally tied the knot! The part I loved the most though was the throwback to season 2 when Pam falls asleep on Jim's shoulder and then they made the same thing happen again as the last clip! BEAUTIFUL!
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