So. I have this "Value Assessment" essay due tomorrow, and while I SHOULD have had my whole evening free to work on it, I instead chose to drive over to my friend Forest's new apartment to watch Back to the Future with him and roommate-Justin and some of their other friends. Short term - best decision. Long term - well, I'm going to go ahead and say also a good decision, but it didn't make starting my essay tonight at 12:57 feel any nicer.
However! It is now only 1:34 in the morning, and I am already finished. Either I am quick like lightning (get it, because of the clock tower?) or I rushed through it, but to be honest, I think it's a pretty solid essay. I basically had to write a paper about myself for my focus group, talking about the journey I took to get to where I am, why I chose an interdisciplinary degree, and what I hope to get out of it. Any time I can talk about my weird life and the things I do online as hobbies and get a grade for it, I am golden.
Also, any time I can write about myself… it just comes naturally. I blame all the blogging.
So! Today was an odd day!
I cleaned my room this morning because I knew I was having a guest over, and then I rushed off to school where I proceeded to not pay any attention for nearly the entire two hours of my Japanese American History class because I was having simultaneous conversations with Hayley, Emma and Molly (three of my favorite girls in this world). Then I ran into a friend of mine from high school named Vikki on my break, so we chatted for a little while. Vikki and I had computers next to each other for two years in the Journalism lab back in the days of high school, when I was the Opinions editor and she was the Ads Manager. We read Toothpaste For Dinner together every day and have had a long standing agreement to audition for The Amazing Race when we are both 21 (she's a year younger than I am).
Then another friend of mine randomly texted me asking if I know anyone looking for a roommate, and I said that we are looking for one at our house actually, so she's coming tomorrow to look at the room? This is strange because she's lived in Montana since we were Sophomores in high school and only just moved back to Washington and I haven't even seen her yet. I have no idea why my life is suddenly so bizarre. I think maybe it's because I spent a good five weeks just crying about being miserable on this blog, and now that I am mostly completely over it, life is throwing me all sorts of weird, weird things to entertain you all with.
So then after my next class, I raced home, and on the way stupidly decided to walk my usual route down the street with the frats and sororities. This street is also lined with these trees that grow spiky green ball things, and when it's windy, they fall from the branches to the street with such force that they crack open, sending the nut inside flying out. It is particularly rainy and windy in Seattle in the fall, and these things were falling EVERYWHERE. I have never been more terrified walking home, and actually spent a good portion of the walk just going straight down the middle of the street, because the sidewalks were prime target zones. They were denting CARS. I did not want one landing on my head. Also, part of the road was flooded. Annoying.
This evening I met with old-friend-Justin. I'm not even sure what to say about the experience. There was a lot of chatting, a lot of catching up, a lot of him apologizing and explaining things, and me nodding and telling him a little about how his disappearance made me feel. There weren't really any hard feelings. I don't know how often we'll hang out or how close we may get again, but the whole experience was really positive. He couldn't BELIEVE that since we'd last spoken, I not only learned to drive a manual (something I used to swear I'd never do) but also became a Mac user. We both used to be adamant PC people. xD
So.. it was nice. It was nice to see him. It felt very 2 years ago, but I mean... those were good times in my life too.
And that, readers, brings us back to the evening, when I should have stayed home, but, again, chose Back to the Future and socializing over …. responsibility.
2 days ago
Hey! I'm a weird thing! And the Universe is throwing me your way this weekend! woo!
I'm really glad to hear that you've been happy, and I hope the good times continue all year and long after. ^__^
Haha that sounds like a good day - the number of random things that happened and different people you talked to really shows how rich and full your life is! I am glad that you are happier these days.
Oh my goodness, can you imagine how epic you would be on The Amazing Race? You certainly would know your way through an airport!
The "spiky green ball things" sound like conkers!
They are insane when blown from trees at you.
I'm so glad your life is looking up.
When you say "spiky green ball things", do you mean conkers? ;)
Glad to hear so much has improved for you. Here's to that continuing. :)
I'm pretty positive that your life happens just so you can write about amusing things for your blog readers. Weird things have their upsides. =]
My best friend and I also have an Amazing Race agreement! She's 21 and I won't be for another year.
I just thought that was cool we have that in common.
Great job on getting that paper done tooo!
It's interesting to hear about how you're time with Justin went, because I can relate. You have a friend or two from a different part of your life that you were so connected to, but then when you lose touch you don't realize how much you grow without that person in your life. So, when you come back to old friendships, you kinda of feel like you're living your past.
It's fun for a little while, but also I feel like I almost don't want that part of my life back, (even though it was great at the time) because I've just moved on.
Moving on is a weird thing...
responsibility can wait until i'm in my 40's...but then i'm sure i'll say that being responsible can wait until i'm 50...haha oh wellz, forget be responsible haha
It's so nice to catch up with old friends :)
Back to the Future, episodes of Doctor Who, reading Kristina's blog, these are all things that trump essay writing. Your essay did sound like fun though. I would rather do that than one about the economic status of women in India (which I should be writing). Anyway it's nice that you had a good time with Justin and that all these weird and wonderful things are happening. Can't wait to hear more.
The spiky green ball things DEFINITELY sound like conkers! My dad grew up in Britain and apparently they played a game where they'd tie strings to said spiky green ball things and then smash them together until one broke. Whoever's conker didn't break was the winner. In related news, growing up in England during the 1940's sucked.
Whatever the reason for random things happening lately, I'm glad because it makes for interesting reading. I laughed out loud at your walking home adventure, I'm sorry. Oh and responsibility is overrated anyway, have a lovely weekend : )
hiya, completely random but if you like make up and stuff have a look at my blog , its, you might like it.
Responsibility is overrated. If you can get away with avoidance through friends and movie watching and still get things done, I say go for it every time.
We have conkers too, but ours sound less evil and vengeful than yours. Your blogs continue to be a favorite daily break for me, and you continue to be awesome.
Oh, hey. So...How do you feel about Luke Conrad? ;)
I TOTALLY get what you mean about writing about yourself being more natural. The other day I wrote a diary-entry-type-thing, which I don't usually do, and it came really fast and easy, and when I read it afterwards my first thought was "This is better than things I usually write," and the second was "To bad nobody will care because it's all about ME." :P
*sigh* Such is life.
ohhhh you meant lightning struck tower in Back to the future......i was thinking Lightning Struck Tower from Harry Potter... :D
I know what you are talking about, that always happens to me when I need to write a paper on xlpharmacy, I get so lazy and end up writing it in the last hours before the deadline
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