Okay, here is my really exciting awesome big news.
A little over a month ago, someone commented on my blog telling me about this contest where someone will get picked to go on a Quark Expedition to Antarctica on the basis of being a blogger.
It sounds insane, right? Well it's totally 100% legit and I have just spent this lovely morning in London writing my blog application thing. I am now in the running to win a chance to go to freaking ANTARCTICA and to BLOG ABOUT IT. The top contestant currently only has 5,800-ish votes... I could totally take him. If I could get 1/5 of my subscribers to vote for me, I've already won.
They're picking the winner on votes alone so I really feel like I have a shot at this.
I just need... your help.
I need as many people as possible to go to this site:
To vote for me.
And like I said on twitter.. I'm assuming most of you like me because you take the time to read my blog, but even if you have a conflict of interest and just want to see me get eaten by a group of hungry penguins... well this is a win-win situation for you.
After the moderately crappy letdown of a trip this England adventure has been, I relish in the idea of putting that all behind me and going to freaking ANTARCTICA. Who needs Big Ben? Forget red buses. I want a hot date with a whole bunch of penguins. (A cold date?)
So, take the take to vote if you could. It would mean a whole, whole lot to me. I know I get a lot of crazy experiences in my life, but I honestly feel this one would take the cake, and probably change my life completely.
Thank you to the person who showed me the competition in the first place.. I have forgotten who you are now, but I am still grateful for your comment.
I had a blast my second day in Dublin, by the way, but I will write about it later. I have a frozen island to get to right now.
Edit: Just had this exchange with Eia..
Me: I just entered a contest to win a trip to Antarctica.
Eia: I saw. You're insane. I'm trying to picture you in 24/7 below freezing weather...you're crazy.
Me: You're coming if I win. I get to bring a friend.
Eia: Shit.
Days until I leave: 19
Times I've had Indian food: 12
2 days ago
It would be great if you get to go...and take Eia. That would easily make it the best blog ever.
Good luck!
I do like you. So I voted for you. Yay. I really hope you win. You have sooooo earned this adventure, Kristina.
Omg I'm so happy for you! You need something good and positive to focus your mind on =)
It sounds like an amazing oppertunity, one I'd love to read you blogging about!
I really hope you win.
You should make a video about it, you would get tonnes of votes then...
Also I hope you experience of England hasn't made you hate us!
Good luck!!
Hahaha, Jeff from student.com emailed me a while back saying I should enter that! I told him to come back to me when he found a 'Blog your way to Hawaii' contest.
don't worry about polar bears - I dont think there's any place on earth where you can get further away from them than ANTarctica ;o)
I voted for you anyway :o) You blog is awesome and reading about you going to Antartica... I agree, that would be the best thing ever. :o)
I've never commented before but just know you have another loyal reader out there.
I just voted, good luck! You truly deserve it.
I just voted for you.
Suggestion: Have you made a video about this yet? Because I didn't read your blog until a few months ago but had been subscribed to you for quite some time. I'm sure it's the same with other people.
I genuinely think you can win this! Any reader knows it's in their interest aswell as yours to vote for you! We will certainly be rewarded through entertaining blog posts. It also means we can finally actively DO something to help you/cheer you up which clearly you're in need of/deserve! Enjoy rest of trip. I will try not to take it too personally that you haven't had the best time in London, despite being a hardcore Londoner myself!
I've Voted!! Good Luck!! U should make a youtube video to get more votes...!!
xXx Jodie xXx
Well, I voted for you. I really want you to go to Antarctica just so you will know there are no polar bears there. Of course you knew that and were only being funny because you are so awesome!!
Is there internet access in Antarctica so we could follow you on a daily basis?
I read your blog all the time and believe me I reeeally like you! But I can't vote for you since I know that portuguese guy that's on top since he walked around dressed as a penguin in the middle of town and I know his dream is to go to antarctica. I know you'll probably crash his hopes now but anyway you're just as qualified to enter as him!
Good luck!
I voted for you. :) I really hope you win this; you so deserve it.
hey kristina ^-^
just voted for you and shall retweet so as to increase your chances.
love your blog so i don't see how kristina in antartica would be any less awesome than kristina in... well, anywhere.
aslong as you're not too cold to type, chuckle.
good luck; your bloggowers have everything crossed for you!
to infity and beyond!... or, you know, to the antartic and no more.
That sounds very very exciting! I'd love to do that.
Also, LOL to what Eia said xD
Oh, I get it now. You like being miserable so you can write complainy blogs. And this contest is for exactly that!
Watch "The Thing" before you go, and if you still want to go, I'll knit you a lovely straight-jacket.
Of course we'll vote for you!!!
Just voted! Good luck! :D It really would be an amazing experience to read about :)
I saw someone else suggested this: perhaps make a video about it? Every vote helps! :D
Once again, good luck ^__^ xxx
I think it'd be a little hard for a polar bear to eat you considering they live in the North.... But penguins live in the south, so good luck with that hot date. ;)
Definitely voted. :)
Just voted for you glad you had good day in my city (dublin)
I can't quite imagine it ... so I voted. I hope it becomes a reality :D
When I voted there was 211 votes, so we only need about 6,000 more to secure this. I say you go on a big campaign, youtube, twitter, dailybooth. You have 1,121 google readers, that's good but not enough.
good luck
Voted :) after 5 minutes of trying to make out those fucking words.
Good luck!
I don't normally comment as I don't know what to say. But with this post I do. OMG THAT'S SO COOL! You totally deserve that trip, you're just too cool for words. Hope you enjoy the rest of your world exploring and Indian take-aways. :-)
Goooooo team Kristina!!!!
I voted for you! It woud be amazing to see you in antartica :)
I used my email, my fiance, email and tried to use my daughter's email but had forggoten her password to vote for you. Like some of the other commeters said I think you should make a video because I have only recently discovered your blog too. I have been watching you since you started five awesome girls though. Good luck!
I just voted for you, and i truly, truly hope you win. You deserve the oppurtunity more than anybody else, and if anybody will appreciate it, you will. I've got my fingers crossed for you. I really think you should make a video about it, then there's no question you'll win, as i know a lot of people don't have the patience to read blogs.
I voted for you! 270 votes in 6 hours, not bad!
Good luck!
I've left my one honest vote for you. Best of luck.
I just registered in the site, I'm going to vote for you right now... Wow you've already got almost 300 votes, you're so going to Antarctica xD
I voted, good luck!
Oh and have you read the guy who has the most votes blurb? He's a 28 year old radio presenter and has stuffed penguins all over his apartment...seriously if you don't win this trip there's something wrong with the world.
I voted. Good luck! That'd be awesome. You could see the aurora borealis, which is one of my life goals! Ah I'm jealous. ^_^
I voted! you really deserve it, especially since this trip didn't go how you planned <3
I've voted and I'm passing the link around! This is SO exciting!! You kick so much ass, Kristina.
Just voted, too. I really hope you win.
The site is annoying though and makes you register and validate your email etc., which is fine because it takes a few minutes to do, so not a bother really. But I can see it putting off a few lazy people lol.
C'mon, lazy people! Just register!
So I was vote 375.
I hope you get this, it sounds fantastic.
I voted for you and tweeted about it! Although, I have 22 followers, so I don't know if that will help you all that much...
You've got my vote!
I really hope you win and get to go... there really is nothing like a vacation to the middle of no where to take your mind off things. AND you'll be with Eia. (Cannot wait for those blog posts) :P
I'm thinking about creating multiple accounts to vote multiple times. All the more likely you'll get frostbite or be eaten by carnivorous penguins...
No, I'm kidding. I'm sure these Quark people know how to ward off crazy animals. I'm excited to hear about this trip (I mean, you'll obviously win). Pretend to waterbend some snow for us. :D
Anyway, I feel like this will be completely weird, coming from a total stranger on the internets (who is quite a few years younger than you), but I'm sort of proud of you. Everything you've had to go through in England... but you stuck with it. Even though you wanted to go home, you decided to try to turn your trip around. Even though you feel weak, your choices show that you're not, that you keep going and you don't give up.
Good luck! I hope you win! I wish I could send you a care package like that guy did. I would definitely send you some poptarts. :-)
You have a pretty interesting life. I can't help feeling jealous as I sit here at my computer in the same house day after day. Bleh I'm a loser.
Well good luck, even though you know you're going to win.
I voted for you twice - with 2 different email addresses! ^^
Done Kristina, registered and voted. Hope you win. And that you don't get eaten by a polar bear.
Hey Kristina!
Of COURSE I will vote for you! You're amazing. And I know how much of a passion you have for traveling. I'm actually probably gonna register under the three different emails I have because I want you to win this so much. Maybe I'll even tell my friends, who knows?
Good luck! <3
Done! Good luck, I hope you win
But I have to say, I am enormously jealous.Me, sitting at my computer reading your adventures...can make a girl rather depressed.
Vlogging about it would be a good idea- it would reach all of your subscribers and as you said, it would only take a 1/5 for you to win.
Anyway, good luck!
Vote 457 logged. Enjoy your blog and V-blogs. I think you need a "yelling girl" visits GB.
just voted! <3
planning to make an encouraging video about all this STAT. good luck kristina! <3
I have issues with this blog post.
- Firstly, I don't think you're a good writer. Your blog is always sloppily written, you never write creatively; it doesn't even compare to other peoples' writing, like hayleyghoover for example.
- I'm insulted by your "who needs Big Ben? Forget red buses" sentence. If you didn't enjoy yourself in England, just say so. Don't get bitchy about it.
- You've just spent time in England. The person you're competing with may have never been outside his own country. This could be his only chance to see another part of the world. It annoys me that you assume because people read your blog, they immediately want to vote for you.
- Polar bears do not live in Antarctica, they live in the Arctic. There is a difference. A pretty big one. It's only on, you know, the other side of the world.
- I'm not going to vote for you because of the above reasons, but I'm going to look at the other entries to judge who deserves it most. Like a proper competition.
KarenKaren, I agree with some of your points- like there might be somebody who needs or wants this more than Kristina.
I, for one, would love to go but probably wouldn't win the competition.
And it is rather refreshing seeing someone stick up for what they believe in.
I voted for you, but I really hope no one votes for you with the intent of you being eaten by a polar bear.
Best of luck!
I just voted for you! I hope you win! Gosh, I'm getting excited just thinking about what you're going to blog about. Seals, penguins, and polar bears, OH MY! And LOL at what Eia said. GOOD LUCK!
Voted. I look forward to reading the blogs about penguins!
Aha, I totally voted for you. Not because I want you to get eaten by a polar bear, but because you deserve it.
And you should totally make Dailybooth photos with penguins. That would be so, unbearably, awesome.
Oh my goodness. First of all, you look so unbelievably hot in that picture of you. What penguin wouldn't want that in Antarctica, hmm?
And also, you deserve it more than anyone else I know of.
The voting process was verging on ridiculous on that site, but I went through it anyway, just for you.
ahaha! this looks freaking amazing.
i'm voting for you right. now.
Voted! And I was #580.
LOL I've had that page bookmarked since July. Guess I'm not going to bother now.
Sigh. You win. As always!
Vote #595 Reporting in!
BTW, no polar bears in Antarctica, but try to make a penguin your pet. OR better yet, train a bunch and recreate Happy Feet!!!!
I never have commited before... but I have been reading your blog for a long-long time.
I just voted for you. I think that going to Antarctica will be fun and a good thing to do : ).
Good luck on the contest!
I voted :)
i voted for you! make a youtube video about this! it'd be so awesome for you to go and you totally deserve it!
Glad your life is taking an up.
Throw some of your new found luck my way
The thing is Antartica is cold and it's a bit of a funny one "Click here to send Kristina to Antartica" makes me out to be really mean lol - I am trying to vote but my email is having a crisis so I might have just spammed the email by mistake! DOH!
I voted for you! Good luck Kristina! I think you would write terrifically (is that a word?) about your adventure in the Antarctic.
Also, I'm sorry about everything that hasn't turned out so great for you lately. :( I hope coming back to Seattle (I live there too, haha) will help put your heart back together a little bit.
Wow I'm cheesy.
Well, anyway, one last thing--you should really make a vlog on italktosnakes and even 5AG about the contest, it did help a lot in the Ford Fiesta movement contest.
I hope you win. :)
This is an interesting contest... I just went and voted for you! I hope you get it! I would love to live vicariously through you as you travel to antartica. Plus, i feel as a loyal blog writer you deserve to win!!!
@KarenKaren if you hate the way she writes her blog so much then don't read it! Simple as that!
A blog is meant to be for her to write down her adventures, feelings and thoughts, not to entertain you!
She isn't forcing anyone to vote.
Girl, a trip to Antartica would be super sweet! I hope you win!
That sounds freaking awesome! I'm voting. I really hope that you win!
I did vote for you, Kristina. :) I hope you get to go and you have a lot of fun with Eia. :)
I have issues with your blog comment.
Firstly, if you don't like the way Kristina writes, then why do you spend time reading her blog? I'm wondering if you've only read this post? I think it's safe to say that the majority of her readers know that she had her heart broken almost as soon as she landed in London, so she's been understandably upset You took her line about Big Ben and the buses to be bitchy, but to me it came off as her being jokingly blase about it.
Secondly, I didn't see it stated anywhere in the rules that the contestant for this contest wouldn't be eligible if they had previously travelled outside of their home country. And what if she doesn't win, but the winner is someone who's already spent time in a different country? Would you consider it unfair for that person to win as well?
Thirdly, I don't know why you assume Kristina was saying we had to vote for her because we read her blog. She asked her readers to vote for her, but in no way are we obligated to vote for her. I, for one, wouldn't have even known about this competition if she hadn't asked for my vote. Seeing as how I don't know anybody else that entered and I already enjoy reading Kristina's blogs, I cast my vote for her. She deserves to win as much as any other eligible contestant.
I can understand not voting for her because you don't like her style of writing. However, in my opinion, her trip to London has nothing to do with whether she should win this contest.
P.S.- I'll admit I didn't get the whole polar bear thing at first. It wasn't until after I clicked the link that I cottoned onto the joke, at which point I chuckled :)
Four for you Allison M! YOU GO ALLISON COCO!
In all seriousness though, I completely agree with everything you said in your comment.
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
I wish you didn't share my name.
Kristina- you rock.
right on Allison M.
two very enthusiastic thumbs up!
Woo. It makes me inordinately happy that you've actually followed my suggestion and entered this contest. I can think of no one more deserving to be awarded this opportunity. I look forward to reading about all of your crazy-cool (mis)adventures once you've won. Good luck.
Voted for you already.
Good luck, I really hope you win. That would be amazing to read about in your blog! Hope the rest of your time in England is good.
I really hope that you get to go - you're already over 1/5 of the way there! Better you than me, because I hate the cold (and the very hot) but I'd think you'd have such a great time. It'd be awesome to vicariously visit Antarctica (while still in room temperature)! :D
i've voted for you too. it's not like i read your blog (though i've seen some of your videos on youtube), but i don't read anyone else's either. so good luck with the contest! :)
Hi! Really like your blog post on Antarctica. I've been down there, its an "out of the world" experience. If you want to get a little taste on what to expect: here is my Youtube video
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