I went on a really fun trip with Alex, Liz, and Liz's friend Bekah to do a photoshoot in this awesome old ghost town in Montana called Bannack, and there were many, many high points.
However, when we were at the actual town, we were surprised to find literally swarms of mosquitos out in broad daylight. Liz (the photographer) was freaking out and demanding we work quickly, but Bekah and I were in full costume and I couldn't care less at the time. We'd driven 12 hours, we'd curled hair and laced corsets... I wasn't going to let some stupid bugs ruin our trip.
I was the most nanchalant all day about the mosquitos. I remember distinctly saying the sentence, "So I get a few bug bites. I'll deal. At least we'll have great photos."
That being said, I have now come and actually looked myself over after a VERY itchy day of driving (I drove 6-7 hours today). I HAVE TEN MOSQUITO BITES.
7 on my legs. 2 on my left arm. AND ONE ON THE TOP OF MY HEAD.
I am not happy. I am now going to put hydrocortisone cream (which I just happened to have, thank goodness) on all of them and make Alex put it on the ones I can't reach. Lucky bastard, I think he only got one bite.
Scream Cipher
1 day ago
Ah mosquitos.
It makes me want to share the story when I went backpacking on Mount Adams over there in Washington. The whole area was literally surrounded by shallow bodies of stagnant water, which makes for great mosquito living rooms, and therefore there were more mosquitos than I've ever seen in my life. But we were too macho to retreat so we toughed it out. And so after a week of that, I examined myself and I kid you not, I had hundreds of bites. Literally, hundreds. My bottom was the only place where my skin was still smooth.
Needless to say I wanted to pull a Hitler and go on mosquito genocide, but I figured the eco-system needed them for SOMETHING (Heaven knows what though).
LOL, cue the mosquito stories:
Two years ago, I moved house (in the middle of a very hot summer!)and my new bedroom had no bug screen netting over the windows like pretty much every house in Australia does. The house had a pond in the backyard (breeding ground for mozzies) and just next to my window was this amazing mini jungle of tropical bushes and trees. It was boiling and I chose to leave my window open all night. I woke up at 5am the next morning to THIRTY TWO mosquito bites. 10 on each leg and 6 on each arm.
Be glad you didn't get three times as many as you have. I definately feel your pain. It really sucks. Hope they lose their itch soon!
This just made me itchy.
Sorry to hear about your mosquito bites. I hate mosquitoes - especially how they seem to like some people more than others.
Once, after eating dinner on my cousins' porch, I had twenty total on my legs.
Also, while camping, I got one on my eyelid. It swelled and made me look stupid.
Haha, sharing is fun ;)
It makes me want to share the pleasures of living in Florida, where you could not live without their annual mosquito spraying, and during the summer, walking outside without bug spray of some sort is sacrificing yourself to itchiness.
Once, we went exploring in a nearby swamp, with lots of standing water (which, as somebody earlier said, makes for great mosquito living rooms), and my friend was, no joke, followed around by a cloud of vampirebugs.
I think once, I had about fourty-two on my legs.
I'm like, the only person I know who's never had a mosquito bite.
And, since I was born, there has never been a time where there wasn't hyrdocortisone cream in the cupboard. Yay for being born with super bad eczema that comes back if you don't put cream on all the time!
They always seem to eat my mum alive and not me and my dad xD
She'll have about 50 in a day? If we go abroad that is lol. But hope you got the photos you wanted :)
and as you said?xD "You'll deal"?
On the top of your head? Whoa, that mosquito was pretty hardcore.
One time I got a mosquito bite on the back of my foot! I couldn't walk because it both hurt and itched when I walked on it. I ended up sort of limping on one foot until it healed a bit.
That sucks. One time I went camping on some island and my feet were literally covered in little, red, itchy bumps from these "noseeums" and, I had to go to school the next day with closed shoes on my feet. I thought I was going to die that day lol.
Oh gosh. I feel your pain. I went backpacking a couple weeks ago, and we descended into this really humid, wet jungly part of the trail and the mosquitoes were VICIOUS. We still had about three miles of hiking and I nearly ran those three miles. Both my brother and Dad made fun of me and said they were going to make a recording of a mosquito and put it near my ear to make me hike faster...
But yeah. I had about 5 on each arm/elbow and about 10 on my legs total. No one else I'm with ever gets bitten because they all swarm me...*sigh*
Apparently mosquitoes prefer American blood to British blood.
You obviously have never been to florida in the summer. I would normally feel bad about not having any sympathy, but ten mosquito bites is nothing. Especially since I've spent the whole past week roughing it in 100+ degrees with dreadful humidity and relentless bugs.
Bahaha. Be glad you don't live in Georgia. I was cleaning out our tent earlier in the week to go camping and I was outside for literally 30 minutes. When I came inside I slathered my legs in anti-itch cream and counted 51 bites. It took quite a bit of self control and distracting to keep myself from scratching my legs to pieces.
Blackflies are worse. Trust me on this. They make some trips to Northern Ontario unbearable.
10 is nothing. During the summer (in Australia) it was hotter inside than out so we slept on the trampoline and I count 50 mozzies bites in the morning. Not an exaggeration I promise you
Apparently you're delicious.
One year when I used to go to summer camp, I got around 150 mosquito bites.
I wish I was exaggerating.
Mosquito bites suck. I went to Kansas earlier in the month and came back with 13! This included one on the palm of my hand which I discovered to be one of the worst places to get a bug bite. I wasn't even outside that much when I was there.
Ohh, to live in a place where this is a blog-worthy event. I live in rural Nova Scotia, where every day of August and most of July are like this. You are literally swarmed with mosquitoes every time you walk out of the door. To have only ten bites at one time is like a gift sent from God! And then there are the black flies of June and the REST of July, which are arguably worse. Seriously, never come here without a tank full of DEET.
I was in costa rica one time camping next to a river. In a course of a couple hours of me being in the area I obtained 42 bugbites from Mosquitos. No joke 42. The meaning of life in the number of bugbites. It was hell trying to resist scratching them.
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