Last night Alex and I took the fiesta and we went to see a drive-in movie.
I hadn't seen a drive-in movie in years, so it was really fun. We drove up to the theatre "The Valley 6" and literally felt like we'd gone back in time to the 50's or something. Everything is really old fashioned looking and so different from the regular movie-going experience. We got there way too early (drive-in movie noobs) and my fiesta was the only one in the lot for awhile while the sun was still up.
You had to pull up to one of those weird post things and attach the cable to your antenna so that you could get a good signal on AM station 650... apparently this is a really old school way to run a drive-in theatre, but I like having the whole experience. It was cool.
There was a concession stand with overpriced snacks and old arcade games, and 6 different theatres showing movies! Alex and I saw Star Trek, which was surprisingly really good, albeit a little confusing.
After the movie I was trying to find the exit and was driving all around when this guy stopped us and was like "bathroom or exit?" Sheepishly I said exit and he pointed directly behind me. I then had what was one of the most terrifying experiences of my manual-car-driving life. To get out of the theatre area, you had to drive over one of those things with the spikes where it's fine if you go the correct way, but if you try to go the wrong way over it, it will puncture your tires.
This was all well and good except for the fact that just a few feet past it I had to stop before turning out on the main road, and all of this happened on a rather steep hill. So where I already freak out having to start on a hill for fear of rolling backwards, HERE I was freaking out about having to start on a hill for fear of rolling backwards onto SHARP POINTY SPIKES THAT WOULD POP MY TIRES.
....I made it, eventually. xD
But yeesh. Talk about learning by pressure.
Another picture of my car looking completely futuristic and out of place in the most old-fashioned looking establishment I've ever been.
played right into my hands
1 day ago
Those spike things are so creepy! When my mom drives over them, she always freaks out cause she thinks they're going to pop the tires.
Talk about TIRE pressure!
Aha :')
I want to go to a drive-in movie, but none of my friends can drive.
Actually, that's a lie, none of my friends who aren't an ocean away can drive. I think O_o
Haha tire pressure. :P
I haven't been to a drive-in theater in years. I do like them, they're really cool. xD
ahh i just went to a drive-in theater about a year ago with two of my close friends in pennsylvania! suuuper old fashioned, just like you described. we saw "21". i'm sure you were wondering!
I'd love to go to a drive-in movie :)
I love going to the drive in! My friends and I went last month to see Star Trek and I Love You, Man. At our theater it's two for the price of one. Before and between films they show those really old commercials with dancing popcorn and hot dogs.. pretty amazing.
I've never been to a drive-in movie! :(
At least making it through that scary drive must have given you some confidence, no?
I quite enjoyed Star Trek. But now, I'm slightly REALLY REALLY IN LOVE with the young Chekhov (the Russian kid). He's just so adorable.
I'd love to see a drive in movie, glad you had a good time!
Star Trek is amazing. :D :D :D
I've always wanted to go to a drive in, but my parents are like "wait for netflix!" and it's two for the price of one- and there's always one that I don't want to see.
Sorry if that's hard to read/ comprehend. There was just no other way to say it.
I really want to go to a drive in movie! I used to go to them with my family when I was younger, but it's been years since I've been to one. I'd try and convince my boyfriend to take me, but there are none in our area, plus with the stigma attached to it...I doubt either of our parents would go for it. *sigh* It must be so lovely to live on your own.
Did you know the guy who plays Kirk in the new Star Trek played the good/bad boy from Princess Diaries 2? SO HOT
Drive-ins are so fun! I never seem to get over to the one near me more than once or twice a summer boo! :( We always bring in a pizza and a tub of ice cream for our mid-movie "snack."
I love the pictures, is that the drive-in in Auburn? I have never been, but this makes me want to check it out!
I go to drive-ins all summer long, every summer. I love it there. It's only about 30 minutes away from me so it's not that bad. They still have the poles for the radio but they switched to FM stations a while ago. And it's not all gravel like the one you went to. Besides the very small dirt roads, everything is all grassy. It's nice to be able to just lounge outside your car. Sometimes people even camp there overnight on the weekends and just watch a different screen everytime. They also show two movies on each screen every night, unless a movie is really long. .......... Okay, point is I like the drive-ins.
You know, I've lived about 15 minutes away from that place my entire life, but I've never been there. I find that a little sad, so I think I'm going to make it my own personal mission to go there this summer.
Good job on not puncturing your tires. I definitely would have found myself with flat tired if I'd tried that.
haha thats so adorable! I didn't know they still had drive-in cinemas.
It's so..Grease <3
I take my girlfriend to the drive-ins every couple of months here in Australia.
Its great, two movies for the price of one, comfort of our own car, don't have to listen to other people rudely talking on their phones or messaging people in the middle of the movie and lighting up the cinema.
Omgosh, I have always wanted to go to a drive-in movie. How retro! Too bad I don't know of any drive-in places around here...but I do know of one awesome open-air rooftop cinema!
The drive-in?
Everyone knows the only reason people go to the drive-in is to make out in their cars! You hussy!
I've never heard of those spike things where you have to drive over. We don't have them in Holand I guess. But I can imagine it was a nerve breaking experience. I always get nervous when I stand still on a hill and then there aren't even spike things around.
Drive in movies always makes me think of Grease. Sandyyy ;)
You are super lucky that you have a drive-in movie theatre to go to! I've never been and the closest one to me is a 3 hour drive...*sigh*
But I'm glad you had a great time!
Kristina, I just wanted to let you know that I always look forward to hearing what you have to say about things, be it via vlog or blog, it's always interesting, and it always makes my day just a bit nicer :)
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