If I could only convey to the world how many books I own.
I own every Babysitter's Club book.
I own every Goosebumps book.
I own an alarming amount of Sweet Valley books, and other random series I picked up on like Amber Brown, Amelia (those diary books), Georgia Nicolson, and a smattering of novels about Full House. I have books from my asian phase (Chinese Cinderella, Ties that bind, ties that break, Joy Luck Club) books from my phase where I read a lot of books about people dying (Car acccidents, Leukemia, everything), books from my phase where I read books about British girls as opposed to American girls like usual, books from my phase where I read modern adaptations of fairy tales.... AND THEY'RE ALL STILL HERE, IN MY ROOM, IN STACKS AND BOXES.
I just found a copy of the book "The year my life went down the loo" (from the British phase I suppose) and in it was a homemade bookmark that had my name, address, phone number, and a drawing I did of some flowers. The bottom was signed in marker, "Kristina Horner, age 12".
Sometimes I really wish I was more like I was when I was 12. That's adorable.
Scream Cipher
1 day ago
Phases of reading kind of hit me, too.
babysitter's club was great. and sweet valley too. I had forgotten about Amber Brown until you just reminded me now. Georgia Nicolson was a funny read, and I also have Full House books!
I also own every Goosebumps book there is! My 9 year old self loved them! =D Good luck with the cleaning!
I wish I'd had all the Babysitters Club books! I tried to read them in order for as long as I could but they're harder to find in Australia. Just out of random interest, who was your favourite character?
I used to love the Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley books! Have been trying to track them all down for nostalgia reasons, but you can't get any of them here in New Zealand anymore :(
I still make my own bookmarks, even though I just remember what page I'm on now. I like to put quotes from some of my favorite books. EXAMPLE: "I looked at her room and I saw a girl who loved books." You should know what that's from. =)
Haha. I read Sweet Valley books and The Year My Life Went Down the Loo.
I was never in to Goosebumps though, I preferred FearStreet.
Haha. That's kind of what the book case in my closet looks like ... only I read The Boxcar Children rather than Sweet Valley and The Bailey School Kids instead of Goosebumps. And I loved the Baby-Sitters Club! I even had the "little sister" series too. =]
I Love Georgia Nicolson! It's my guilty pleasure reading, even though I'm like 19.
I'm really sad, the last book in the series is coming out soon
Oh, BSC, Goosebumps, and Amelia! How I love those books... I never bought the first two because my library had all of them, which was quite nice. I also really enjoyed the Boxcar Children and Nancy Drew.
I have SEVERAL books in the "year my life went down the loo" series haha.
My book collections aren't quite the same but the amount I have is ridiculous. I know one day I'll have to face the fact that they'll go to someone else but I don't want that day to come.
Mind you, I go to Uni in a few months... I'll have to decide which books go with me then!
Eeep, *hides*
re: BSC, have you been to the whatclaudiawore blog?
It's the only fashion blog I read, and I find it hilarious that it's based off of a character from the BSC!
you should definitely show us a picture of a 12 yr old Kristina =)))
Awww, I loved the babysitter's club! I babysit this little girl down the street, and I sometimes read them when she falls asleep. Haha.
The bad thing about having so many books is that they just sit there. You don't want to get rid of them, but the poor books want to be read and you just don't have the time to give them the attention they deserve. That's how I always feel anyway. *has five boxes filled with books that she hasn't read in a decade or more*
The writer of "The Year My Life Went Down The Loo" writes some really amazing adult fiction. It is always about vampires, and it's humorous and full of drama. She goes under the name Katie MacAlister instead of Katie Maxwell. I HIGHLY recommend her.
So jealous of your book collection, I've been wanting to read the Babysitters Club Books so bad. I have all the Goosebumps too, and over half of the sweet valley Twins series, I also have a ton of the full house books, we have very similar tastes and books. Please tell me you aren't getting rid of your books though, if you are throw some of those babysitters Club books my way.
I go through random book phases too, when I was younger the main one I went through was my Point Horror book phase (do you have those in the US?).
I know they're kind of dumb, but I gave you the "Enchanted Blog Award" thing, jsyk. :]
I read a comment that said that they underlined quotes they liked. I do that too :) I have so much stuff in my room that when I move I think I'll have to go through all my stuff and maybe have to make a selection of my selection... haha
Good luck with the cleaning! I like looking at old photos... Even though no one else will look at them as long as I'm alive.
You have another follower ;)
I'm 12 now ;)
I have tried to shrink my book collection down but its hard! i own ALL baby sitters and baby sitters little sister (my brother has all the Goosebumps, animorphs and star wars children's fiction series)
I have books from phases and series i was obsessed with and all that... some i just cant seem to ever part with! and a few i have parted with i later am like DAMN i want it back you know?
im 21 and right now looking for the old Sweet Valley Uni books (Here in Australia svh wasn't all that big but I got into the uni ones) And right now i feel like re-reading them. So i am buying them
OI the money spent and room taken up
I really loved the BSC books! I had a couple of them at home but I mainly got them at the library. I also loved Sweet Valley High, had a bunch of those books too.
Cleaning up is always a trip down memory lane. I'm moving in 2 months and I've already packed a lot of my stuff. I also discovered a lot of drawings, stories I've written when I was little etc. It brought back so many memories. But unfortunately I had to throw a lot of things away because I can't take it all with me to my new home :(
Maybe you can show us some more old pics of you? I always loves pictures, especially old ones!
My book series was the Mary-Kate and Ashley Mysteries. I think I bought and read every SINGLE one. I loved little mysteries like that, and I loved Mary-Kate and Ashley.
Psh. Twelve year olds aren't adorable. We are sarcastic, evil slytherins. =) whoops, I mean >:(
I had to do the "cleaning out your childhood memories" thing last year and I found it so hard! What do you keep, what do you throw away? I had the same dilemmas as you've been describing.
Did you keep your old books or give them away? I couldn't bring myself to get rid of mine, so they are taking up three very heavy boxes in my basement!
Anyways, I just wanted to say that I watched Fair Fortune on youtube today, and it was so incredible! You have such an amazing voice (not that I didn't know this before, but still). Really nice job!
ahhh Amber Brown is not a crayon
that brings back memories of when all I did was read and had never heard of the internet.
Need to get back into reading this summer.
I am so happy i kept all my tween/teen books. I was a fan of a bunch of the same as yours, and Sabrina the teenage witch ones, oh man. Gold. haha
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