This past weekend I was in Kansas for the annual Hallows and Horcruxes Ball.
As usual, the whole weekend was a complete blast. I honestly can't tell you many things that are more fun than getting flown to Kansas in the middle of April to see all your friends; in the mean time getting to stay in a hotel together and play a big, exciting show for a couple hundred loyal fans. It's like all of the best parts of a conference without the stress of the conference itself.
So the trip rocked. Eia and I left at a disgusting hour on Friday morning; Shuttle Express picked us up around 4:50 to take us to the airport, where we slept through our entire first flight to Vegas. In Vegas, we had an hour and a half layover, so we decided to cram everything you'd do on a trip to Vegas in that one short span of time. There are slot machines right in the airport so I taught Eia how to gamble (she lost $20 - I only lost $10) and then we sat at a combination Pizza Hut and Cocktail Lounge and had drinks at the equivalent to 9 AM Seattle time. It had orange juice in it. So it was kind of like a breakfast drink. What.
Then we took our second flight to the Kansas City Airport where we met up with Jarrod of "Gred and Forge", who was picking up our rental car and driving the three of us out to Manhattan for the show.
It was exciting seeing everyone again when we finally got to our Holiday Inn. I had only been inside for about 30 seconds when Lauren burst out of her hotel room screaming "I'm engaged!", so that was a pretty fun way to start the trip. Before long everyone was crammed into one hotel room, and we'd all changed into the costumes we'd brought for our Lost party. I was Jungle Claire; crazy hair, plaid shirt and all. Jason donned some eyeliner and looked scarily like Richard Alpert, Alex had a pretty sweet jumpsuit for Desmond, Luke was walking around shirtless and pouting for a perfect Sawyer, Ryan had shaved and looked exactly like Jack, his girlfriend Julie was wearing footy pajamas as young Aaron, and Sammy G was wearing black sequins and kept putting her leg up over people's shoulders as the Smoke Monster. And those were just my favorite costumes.
The next day was the show and it was awesome. My band "The Parselmouths" opened, and I was pretty nervous, as it was my first time playing guitar on stage in front of people. But I think it went pretty well! Luke came onstage during our set to do "Lumos Flies", which was hilarious. We had Jarrod come onstage to play Viktor Krum and I could barely stop laughing to sing my parts.
Everyone came onstage for the last song in our set and were just dancing around like crazy, which set the trend for the remainder of the evening. There were points in some band's sets where we were backup dancing with crazy props, having chicken fights on each others shoulders, and building human pyramids. Best show ever.
The only problem with this show is how short the trip is. By the time we've gotten there and started having fun, it's almost time to go home again on Sunday. That next morning we packed up, said our goodbyes, and then Eia and I got to ride to the airport with Lauren and Sarah Wilkes. Lauren and I filmed our 5AG videos in the car and we had a nice goodbye at the airport in Kansas City. Mine and Eia's flights were fairly uneventful, though we did play "The Game of Life" on my iPod Touch in German, which made it way more fun because we never had any idea why we won or lost money so we had to make up the reasons ourselves.
Now I'm home, school is school, and I'm almost late for it. I'll try to post again soon, because as of now, BAMF is failing miserably. Haha.
Edit: I was just informed by a very angry tweet from my friend Erinn Lewis that I forgot to mention her and Aaron Nordyke's Boone and Shannon costumes. I can't believe I left those out - Erinn looked exactly, EXACTLY like Shannon. It was almost spooky. Sorry Erinn. xD
Last google search: "pokemon amigurumi"
Chipotle burritos: 8
played right into my hands
1 day ago
Sounds like fun. :)
Congrats to Lauren. :)
Oh Kristina, you sound like you had such fun! And now you've said that about Lauren I've had a 'Friends' flashback, you know, where Monica stands on the roof, shouting 'I'M ENGAGED!'
Glad you had such a nice time!
Glad it was so much fun! :D
Glad you had such a wonderful time! Your set was really awesome! I never would have guessed you hadn't played guitar on stage before, you looked like a seasoned pro. Also your Jungle Claire was great but nothing beats Jason with eyeliner. Now I wish I had some ruby slippers that would take me back to Kansas!
PS I took that picture! It's one of my favorites, you and Jarrod look so cute.
I wish I could have gone!
I guess I'll have to wait for Infinitus and Rolfcoptour ^_^
Your last google search was pokemon related? Perfect. Just perfect. You're awesome, 24/7.
I'm glad to see you played the guitar, that made me smile :) I miss Kansas.
:D I loved this post, such a colorful description!! <3
That sounds like an awesome time! And all of the Lost costumes sound hilarious (especially the Smoke Monster one). :)
Man, I wish I could go to that kind of stuff. D: Glad you had fun though! 8D
And I swear, I thought you were going to say "Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell."
I think it is human right for us to all see pictures of Luke in his costume. Not, ya' know, because he's topless or anything, we just want to see...What his hair looks like. Yeah, that's it.
It sounds like you had so much fun! I wish that I could do to a Wrock concert, but, alas, I live in England. I did, however, have a dream last night that I had one in my school, and you and Lauren were there. It was amazing, untill Lauren asked me to be quiet because I was talking. Sigh.
Have a good day!
This: is also way better than class.
I just thought I would share it with you, since it has been consuming my life and I am sure you have work to do that you are avoiding.
Did you get 'The Game of Life' on your Touch after we played it at my house!?
that woudl be awesome, i wish i could have gone!
my last google search says "lost season 6"
eeekk!!! can't wait til may 23rd.
Woot! Repping the Kansas! Sounds like you had a blast though.
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