This is horrible, horrible news I have just received.
Someone commented on my blog yesterday saying:
"If you are selected for ANTM, they'll make you take down all of your videos, blog posts, and internet stuff. There was a girl who was pretty active on flickr and other sites a few seasons ago, and they made her take down everything."
Can anyone verify if this is true or not? Because if it is true, that's a huge dealbreaker for me. I mean, if on the crazy, bizarre off chance I won, that would be GREAT, but it's not really worth it for me to risk everything I've built here on YouTube and with my blog for the minute chance I might become America's Next Top Model. Because what if I lost? Then I'd be sad, AND I wouldn't have my blog or my channel anymore. Not. Worth. It.
So anyway, that's a little disappointing, because I had literally already talked my friend Liz into driving down to Portland with me for the open call. I did read through the eligibility form yesterday, and didn't see anything about not being able to have an online presence, but I guess they could easily just pick me for the show and then say "okay, take everything down."
That would make me one sad Kristina.
Today is extreme studying day, for me. I finished my Human Sexuality class completely yesterday (got my test back already and passed! Yay!) and now I just have to study for my Lit class (it's an open-note essay test so today involves just writing down literally everything I can find that may help me) and finishing up my research paper. The paper, as I mentioned before, is on side shows, and I have already written the historical part, now I am at the fun part where I get to compare and contrast difference instances of carnival and side show usage in pop culture, such as in the TV show "Heroes", the kids book series "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (The Carnivorous Carnival), and references on Britney Spears' album "Circus", to name a few. So it's a reasonably fun paper, it's just time consuming and a lot of pages to get through.
I am sick of being a finals-studying-recluse. I am so, so excited for this Spring Break. Mostly because Luke is coming up to visit for a nice long stretch of time and he's never really gotten to experience my city with me, but also because my last day at my job is on Thursday, so I'm getting to start my "me" time immediately after. Couldn't be happier. Also, Wednesday, which is also the last day of Finals, is also St. Patrick's Day. I live in a college town. There is FUN TO BE HAD.
But first, this paper.
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Scream Cipher
1 day ago
I'm about 99% sure that ANTM has the same rules as American Idol when it comes to the Internet. The YouTuber on AI had to take down all of his video so he could participate in the show...I don't see why ANTM would be any different. They wouldn't want to sway opinions or anything, I guess.
My friend and I were faithfully looking up AI contestants on FB and YT and the only ones we found were people who got kicked off. :(
I miss A Series of Unfortunate Events. Was anyone else really disappointed by the ending of them? I was not pleased.
Hope you've dont well in all your finals!
Yea, like Brenna said, I'm pretty sure that the AI producers made Adam Lambert delete his facebook before he could be on the show last year.
I think it's just an image/publicity thing. He had pictures from way back on his profile and they didn't want the public to see them or something.
But don't let that dissuade you from trying the whole ANTM thing! I mean, yea, if you do have to do delete everything from the internet, then definitely don't.
But what I'm saying is, make sure that that's the case before deciding not to try out for it. Because, like I've said before, I think you would be fantastic on there.
If you really want to go for it, ask somebody associated with the show about it, and then decide for certain.
P.S. Good luck with your finals and paper, which does sound interesting...I love anything Circus-y.
And by the way, have you read Water For Elephants? It's one of my favorite books and I think you'd like it.
I finally catched up on your blog, I haven't read since November because I was so busy with Nanowrimo and then so much stuff came along.
Anyway, I've missed your blog so. much. But here I am! And I'll never stop reading again.
I'm so sorry about the ANTM thing :( It'll most likely be true, although I hope it isn't.
I think you should try it anyways, just for fun, to see how far you can actually get in it. Just turn them down after they say you have to delete all your internet stuff :]
I say you go to the open call anyway, because when you're there you can see how good you do AND get information directly from them, rather than from a bunch of people who have heard things of other people...
If you do go, I wish you the most awesome luck!! It'd be a great opportunity for you :)
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure they would make you take it down... at least during the taping and the run of the show. But I don't see why you couldn't have it back up after the winner is announced. Their biggest worry would be that you would reveal via blog, youtube, etc. who wins ANTM.
I'd encourage you to still go to the audition. It's a good life experience and you can always say you tried.
Kristina, I love you (and we have one terrific mutual friend in Rebekah W.) but you live in a city with a college, not a college town. That's Pullman. Yuck.
I don't think you'd be forced to delete everything with ANTM, I think you could definitely just privatize everything if it came to that. And... you could always ask if you could make videos, although you could consider the, you know, SHOW to be enough of a video for that time you were "dark" online. I think being on a show like that, the Real World, ANTM, etc, you are expected to give up everything tied to the outside world which is why there's so much drama and frustration. But I really don't see how they could force you to DELETE things, probably just privatize them. However, if you were to get on the show, definitely get a lawyer up on that contract. YouTube is a source of entertainment, stress relief, and income!
The person the commenter was talking about was Allison from cycle 11. Her flickr account was filled with grotesque, creepy pictures (google Creepychan. You'll find her.) She started a new one after the show, though. Maybe it has to do with what you're portrayed as in your internet activity. Allison/Creepychan was a bad image, but your image is something along the lines of "I love life, and sometimes it's difficult, but I get through it by being a positive, model-esque ball of sunshine and Harry Potter." I don't see anything wrong with that. Maybe they'd take that into consideration?
Kristina, you've been talking about ANTM for ages! I think you should definitely go to the call. You can at least get better info from direct sources. You shouldn't be worrying about stuff like this until they offer you a spot. If you do get on (hurrah!), then you can make the decision (and you know that we support you whatever you do). If you don't go know, you'll always wonder!
i definitely agree that you should at least try. you can private everything and if you don't make it far, you can unprivate them. i honestly would be excited to see you on antm and it would make up for lack of videos. seriously. that could be your thing, that your a youtube entity (so to speak) and that you play WROCK. no one else has ever done that on antm!
you're* and when i say "don't make it far" i meant to the very end. gah
That carnivals paper sounds really interesting, I really like how you are relating it to sci fi! I would SO be tempted to compare it to the Doctor Who story 'Carnival of Monsters' (you should totally check it out!) And in response to your post where you are worried about the future, I am in exactly the same position! I am doing an English and Creative Writing degree and have no idea what to do with it. It's like having a diamond studded ball and chain, sure it may look great but it ain't that useful. All I use it for is to write my blog, which recently analysed the lyrics of a certain rock song. I don't even know why, it's not like I have time to spare what with my exams and essay deadlines coming up! Thanks for reading!
I understand what American Idol does, because its based on votes and what not - but ANTM doesn't do this... so that logic doesn't make sense!!
If I were you, I would totally go to the open call and try out and maybe lay it all on the line with the ANTM people if you do get in! You could just be like "I have a blog, and I'm on youtube and it is important to me etc" and if they say well F YOU, then you can say F U back! :-p But you should still try I reckon! They may not make you take the stuff down.
You could always argue that you reach an audience that may not be exposed to ANTM and that you would bring in some ratings?? tehe
Good luck for your finals/essays/writings! And I really REALLY hope you go to the try outs in Portland
Good luck for your finals! Hope you do great!
About ANTM... I think you should give it a try, honestly. You have everything they need or ask for, plus something we all love: an interesting personality. You're not just a pretty face.
If they make you take down EVERYTHING, then just say no. Or make an agreement with them.
But GIVE IT a try!
It's true. On all reality TV crap they make you do that. On American Idol, Andrew Garcia was a Yutouber and Twitterer and they made him take down everything. :(
Oh, that'd be horrible if you had to take down everything! I hope, at least, you'd be able to put it back up once you were done? :\ I'd be one unhappy Crystal if you had to do that.
After you finish school, do you think you'll move closer to Luke?
Also! You should apply for this!
1. Every time you talked about the carnival paper, the only thing that came to mind was The Carnivorous Carnival.
2. I really think you should just try it! If it comes down to it, maybe try some kind of compromise with them? And if they're jerks about you not deleting/privatizing everything, then just say no thanks, not worth it. And hey...maybe if you act like a diva about it, they'll want you even more to add some drama to the show, and let you keep everything =D
well one time i searched a girl from antm, found her flickr and saw her pics.
so she was allowed to keep it
I could understand why ANTM would want you to not blog or post videos or even tweet during production til the last episode airs. However, I see no reason why you can't just keep your youtube channel and your blog. I think it makes more sense to be able to keep your internet prescense and just be "on hiatus" while you are dealing with the show.
Oh, I also agree with everyone else that you should go the open call anyway. At least then you can say that you did it.
I would imagine you wouldn't be able to post anything until after the end of the show's airing on television, as that would let people know you had been kicked off (not that you would be kicked off. And if somehow you were, it's only because you are better than them anyway.)
Kristina, you do know that they're giving free guacamole to anyone who comes into Chipotle wearing green on St. Patrick's Day, right? Just a head's up.
I would think you would only have to make things private...
Like the Real World... The bi-guy Mike on this season (DC) and I have been friends for 4 years but he had to private all of his online presence while on the show... But know he has a Twitter... I am not even sure he knew what Twitter was before he left... heh
ps. Good luck on finals!
Just back everything up to a big honkin' USB drive, like a 2TB external drive or something. Enter ANTM, see if you get made to take it all down. If you do, you still have a copy. When it's all over, put it all back up. Simple!
I can understand that there might be issues (mainly for you, more than anyone) if the press got hold of your youtube or your blog or anything - they can make anything look bad. But if you privatized everything it should be fine - people will just be watching you on tv instead of youtube, and if you don't win, you'll have more people watching afterwards.
Go for it and see what happens.
It's the same on other reality shows. All American Idol contestants have to take down their YouTubes, Myspaces, Facebook pages, everything. It *supposedly* gives the contestant more exposure than the others.
I can understand why American Idol would eliminate any unfair advantage by web presence, but ANTM is judged by a panel, isn't it? So that doesn't make much sense to me. It couldn't hurt to find out from them directly. =]
I hope your finals go well :)
I really hope you don't have to take down internet things to be in ANTM because you could totally get in.
I do know that a lot of TV/hollywood-world things make sure you don't have an internet presence. I mean, if you got famous, someone could, say, take the Leekspin video out of context and be like "LOOK AT THE KIND OF GIRLS ANTM IS SELECTING!" You know? Give people a bad reputation by only showing parts of the story.
So, yeah, it's plausible that they'd make you take it down.
Happy St Patty's day!
you remeber how you were separating yourself from your security blankets?
maybe the videos are some other security blankets?
i say, take the risk, you dont have to remove the videos untill you KNOW you'll be in the show.
just GO FOR IT, gurl. :)
if push comes to shove, (this may sound a little sneaky but what the hell), i will personally download all your videos and blog posts and repost them once I can so that italktosnakes will live on!
and yeah i saw one of your photo shoots. you are photogenic as hell, and look good in clothes lol, and very charismatic and all that, so i think that ANTM would be at a loss without you. <3
You don't have to delete your stuff to go to an audition, though. I'd say go for it, and just see what happens. You never know until you try :)
ok.. sneaky thought... how would they know about your online life if you don't tell them? hmmm?? i mean.. i know they could always search for your stuff.. but unless you tell them that youre name is italktosnakes you may have a chance of slippin' by. and if you don't slip by and you get caught and they kick you off... maybe you will have already been on the show by then and have gotten "seen" and it doesn't matter if you continue or not... b/c you know anyone who has talent and doesn't win isn't just screwed out of a shot. just a thought :)
Heather from cycle 9 had a lot of her accounts in tact, they didn't make her delete anything but she couldn't be active on any sites while on the show. She posted blogs on deviantART while she was on the show, though. xD Apparently there are some things they'll allow.
It is near the end of March and you are taking finals?!?! When did you start? (I guess I could just look up the colleges in Seattle......)July? I just got done taking my mid-terms. good luck though!!!!!!!! O P.S!! Scatter Sanbonesakra.
I bet you could keep your online stuff, as long as you're not posting new stuff while you're on the show (giving away who's kicked off, taping inside the house etc...)
You could also reason with them that you have the potential of bringing them 20,000+ new ANTM viewers...
I'm not COMPLETELY positive, but I don't think ANTM will make you take down everything. Elyse Sewell from cycle 1 runs (well, ran) a rather popular livejournal blog where she has talked about ANTM quite liberally. Of course she started this blog AFTER the show but she has said some pretty harsh things about the show... also Heather Kuzmich from cycle 9 still has everything from her deviantART page up.
Kristina, I'm definitely not telling you what to do, but you should know that I would love to see you on ANTM. And if they do make you delete all your internet stuff I understand if you won't do it, but we'll still be here when you get back (if you get back, assuming you don't win. which you're totally capable of doing)!
My friend Lauren has been working for YEARS with different modeling schools and doing shows and stuff and she still didn't get on the show. It's a super tough and time-extensive competition.So maybe it's for the good of all the people who love you on youtube and here on blogspot and elsewhere that you may not be going through that. I know you'll be bummed, but I'm glad that if it comes down to it, you said you'd pick all of us fans over your terrible as that sounds ♥
BUT, I think you still at least go and see what happens, because you never know. If it comes down to it and they just say you have to take it all down during filming, we'll all re-subscribe and whatnot the SECOND you're back :)
I think its rather logical for ANTM to stop you from sending out the wrong message. but you can always set your privacy on facebook/youtube/blogger so that after you win ANTM you'll have a huge batch of videos/blog posts for people to watch/read
Hey Kristina, I think this is my first time commenting on your blog, but my sister is friends with Lauren Brie and when she was on ANTM they made her take her facebook I'm thinking youtube and blog and everything will have to be taken down at least for the duration of the show. Her FB went back up after her cycle was broadcasted, but it sounds like full Krisitna internet blackout for the duration. Best of luck at the audition!
I'm not 100% sure and I know people are saying for AI they made people take stuff down, but I know for So You Think You Can Dance they never have. Many of the dancers have had their facebooks, twitters, and anything else intact during the show and will even update. Even one of the judges will update sometimes during the show on commercial breaks and whatnot. So I think it's going to vary show to show and you should probably just try to find out directly from ANTM.
You should go to the ANTM call! I love that show! I think you'd do great!
A few friends of mine also received the same, they didn't knew what to do as well.
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