As promised, here is my
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Survey! I've had this for ages but I had to both A) finish watching the series and B) let the ending sink in a little before I felt qualified to answer the questions. I'd love to see your answers in the comments, if you feel so inclined.
Also, this contains spoilers from Seasons 1-7, so if you haven't finished watching it you should probably proceed with caution.
1. The first character I fell in love with: Call me a stereotypical girl but I felt this immediate connection with Buffy herself almost from the very first episode. I love that she's a leader, that she's witty, but also not afraid to just be a girl sometimes (even in the face of danger/to the chagrin of her watcher). On that note, I've always adored Giles as well, mostly for the rapport he has with Buffy.
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: This is a toss up between Anya and Andrew.
First of all, when Anya came to the show, her outbursts and demonisms were kind of annoying, but as time went on it became fascinating watching her learn to be human and really begin to see the good in people. Plus she always says hilarious things to lift the mood during tough episodes.
Andrew, on the other hand, began as a character I really thought wouldn't be around long. His mannerisms and awkwardness always made me laugh harder than my roommate thought was necessary, but as we rolled into Season 7 I was just amazed by what a terrific character he became. I've always been a fan of "villain redemption" in shows, but Andrew's transformation from "awkward nerdy psuedo-bad guy" to "awkward nerdy psuedo-scaredy-cat 'hero'" with a desire to do something noble was one of the best I've ever seen.
Plus, "That'll do pig!!!!!" is still something my roommate and I quote on almost a daily basis.
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: It's hard to say because I loved everyone on this show (excluding Riley but that's too boring an answer to even use) but there were periods where I found myself really disliking certain characters. I really disliked Willow in her descent to bad-witch, especially around the time when she was fighting with Giles about methods of using magic to solve problems. I was never the hugest fan of Angel, either, even when he and Buffy were happy together. I just found him to be kind of bland, and not at all the "dark and brooding mysterious guy in the shadows" he was meant to be.
4. The character I love that everyone else hates: Maybe this is just because I really like Michelle Trachtenberg, but I never hated Dawn with the fires of burning infernos like everyone else seems to online. I totally understood her temper tantrums in the season when she realized her whole existence was a lie, and after that? I thought it was kind of nice for Buffy to just have a little sister. Also, I really loved the bonding between Xander and Dawn, because it bothered me a little bit that everyone seemed to be a redeemed vampire or a powerful witch or an ex demon or a potential. It was nice to have someone else around for Xander to… I dunno. Be understood by.
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I thought Amy was really interesting in the beginning, and when she spent all that time in rat form I always thought in the back of my mind "I sure hope they bring her back sometime". But I really, really hated her character every moment she was back. So, she should have stayed a rat.
6. The character I would shag anytime: Gah. I know this survey is begging me to be original and not just say Spike, but come on. The answer is Spike.
7. The character I’d want to be like: Hmmm. Maybe Faith. All the perks of being a Slayer without the responsibility of being THE Slayer. That's the laziest answer I could have given, probably Haha.
8. The character I’d slap: Andrew, when he kills Jonathan. Or Harmony, all the time.
9. A pairing that I love: This isn't a romantic pairing, but I loved when Spike lived with Giles. They were so funny together, and it was really then that I started falling in love with Spike as a character. As far as actual love goes, the Buffy/Spike storyline was the most compelling and heartwrenchingly "will-they-wont-they", but I think Anya and Xander (pre-leaving her at the alter) had one of the healthiest relationships.
10. A pairing that I despise: I hated pretty much any time Druscilla was onscreen (she was just so annoying and terrible for Spike) and I cannot begin to explain how glad I was when he cast her off.
11. Favorite male character (add a quote or favorite line): Spike.
Quote from him: "Think I still dream of a crypt for two with a white picket fence? My eyes are clear."
Quote about him: "I'm looking for this guy. Bleach-blond hair, leather jacket, British accent, kind of... sallow? But in a hot way?"
12. Favorite female character (add a quote or favourite line): Buffy.
Quote from her: "I'm going to give you all a nice, fun, normal evening, if I have to kill every single person on the face of the earth to do it."
Quote about her: "Got to hand it to you, Goldilocks. You do have bleeding tragic taste in men. I got a cousin married to a regurgitating Froglocsteem that's got better instincts than you."
13. My five favorite characters: Buffy, Spike, Andrew, Anya and the Mayor (Season 3).
14. My five least favorite characters: Warren, Riley, Amy, Druscilla, Angel.
15. Which character I am most like: Would it be completely arrogant to say Buffy? I don't think I'm a superhero by any definition of the word but I definitely see myself in her leadership qualities and loyalty to her friends. And in her need to talk her enemies to death before actually killing them.
16. My deep, dark fandom secret: I'm not sure what's really worse than the fact that I waited until I was 22 to begin watching the series. That and actually liking Dawn.
Flights: 0
Levels on WoW:
Mage: 56
Shaman: 34