A short entry. I'm not even going to do the little extra bits I usually add to blog posts because I just want to get this down.
This is the last thing I will ever type not having seen the ending of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I am going downstairs right now to grab some snacks and watch the final two episodes.
I'll be the first to admit to being over dramatic and a bit silly.
It sounds stupid and cheesy, I know, to say a TV show (especially one that aired so long ago) can have such an impact on me, but I have the personality that really latches on to characters I can relate with in fiction. I actually believe it's why I want to be a writer myself, so I can try to make other people feel that way as well, because I know how wonderful it can be.
Buffy did this for me better than any other show I've ever seen. This is why I am so emotionally worked up over it being over. That idea of saying goodbye to friends. Letting go of something comfortable and reassuring, something that's been there for me for the last 3-4 months.
But nothing lasts forever. So here goes.
And tonight, right after I finish, I get to celebrate Buffy's 30th birthday with the folks of GeekGirlCon with a party at our local comic shop... so the timing couldn't be better. :)
Scream Cipher
2 days ago
This post makes me insanely happy because Buffy has seriously changed my life and I only watched it for the first time back in 2009. If you're feeling sad after it ends, here's some of my advice.
-Tumblr has some great Buffy accounts including fuckyeahbuffysecrets which has over 100 pages of secrets
-slayage online has several issues with tons of amazing articles; it's like HPEF sessions in online form
-creation entertainment has a Buffy conference in November which is actually a whole Whedon event, which brings me to my next piece of advice...
-Angel is awesome and interwines with Buffy at times, Dollhouse is insane, and Firefly is so amazing and you'll be insanely angry since it's only a season.
Lastly, my friend and I actually started up a Buffy rewatch blog and we're currently finishing up season two. We try to balance analyzing with sarcasm, since we're both Ravenclaws. (thetwowits.blogspot.com)
Hopefully you like the ending!
Hope you enjoy it ! Now watch Angel and Dollhouse ! I'd say Firefly before both of those, but I'm pretty sure you've seen that already. :)
I know I've said it on pretty much every post you write about Buffy, but it's incredibly fascinating to read your vague comments on the stuff I haven't gotten to yet. We're about halfway through Season 3, and I love it so much. Unfortunately, we don't get to watch it much because we're so busy with Lost, which we'd never seen until recently (we're finishing up Season 2 of that).
I have never seen Buffy. But you (and Lauren) make me want to watch it.
I hope that the last episode meets your expectations. And a little bit of melodrama isn't always a bad thing. :)
I'm watching Buffy and Angel side by side and am on the 7th/4th season. I'm almost done. I, like you, also get really emotionally attached to fictional characters. I've been kind of spoiled so I know basically how it's going to end but I also know I'm going to cry. You should totally watch Angel. Even if you didn't like his character in Buffy. It does cross over a little bit. Well, I'm off to watch Buffy too!
p.s. your tweet yesterday about Spike's speech to Buffy in 'touched'(even though I haven't watched it yet) made me want to cry.
I can honestly say that it will probably be the saddest/greatest/best ending in a show. I cried my eyes out for most of the final episode, but it was just filled to the brim with awesome.
Don't forget that the Buffyverse lives on through Angel, so that should help.
Okay, the way you describe how you latch onto fictional characters. You explain it *really* well. I do the same thing and often get teased for it (though there are select people who understand). I always wondered if something was wrong with me, haha.
I was once Buffy-obsessed (in fact, I used to watch it with my Dad every week when it first aired! Pretty funny. :-P). I used to have a bunch of Buffy-related screennames, like "XxDrusillaxX" and stupid stuff like that. For some reason I stopped watching around Season 4. Not because I didn't like it anymore... I think "life" just got in the way. And that was before everything was out on DVD. You and some other friends have convinced me that I have to start from the beginning and watch the whole thing. And I'm sure I'll cry like a baby when it's all over. :-P I hope you enjoyed it!
you should read the season 8 comic books.
i understand that feeling completely. i was the same way with dawson's creek. crazy wb and their insanely easy to relate to characters!
I feel the same way. I recently rewatched the End of Time of Doctor Who. I am a mess. Each and everytime, and I like the fact that I get so emotionally attached to books and movies.
i have started to watch Buffy because of you. I am just in the beginning of season two and am loving every minute of it. Buffy has already changed me in the 15 episodes i have watched, and i am excited to watch the rest
Hey, don't worry. We get it!
Buffy was my first experience of being addicted to a show an attached to the caracters. I remember watching the end... Just sitting there... Couldn't believe it was over.
Watch Angel! It's on Netflix too.
It's not quite up to par with Buffy, but it still keeps you inside the world!
And I completely understand how you feel. When I finished Buffy, I sort of went into this odd little coma, like some of my friends had died or something. Yeah, that really does sound pathetic.
Also, the Joss Whedon comic series "Season Eight" is available to buy, so that's more Buffy-related things to do!
I remember when I finished the series. I didn't feel right for days. Like something was missing. Buffy was there for me when Physics threatened to eat me alive, or when dance class turned into a big hairy monster of doom. Buffy was my escape, and when it was gone, part of me went with it. Buffy's still with me of course, but it never feels the same after you finish the last episode.
this reminds me of harry potter being over...
The last two episodes were the BEST episodes of them all... and I cried my eyes out... I really wish there was more, but I think it would ruin its awesomeness.
Ahh, you better post an in depth post of your thoughts on the ending. Cause I'm still mourning the fact that it's done.
But you really should read season 8 and 9 in comics. I"m only halfway through season 8, but reading it is honestly like watching the show. I feel like I'm watching it. They're reaallly well done comics and just worth reading.
I wish you luck on the ending. And you're lucky you get to go to a Buffy event right after. Ah.
Watch Firefly and then Dollhouse when you're done. They're so amazing. Firefly will kill you, because it ends way too soon.
I haven't made it through Angel, but apparently it's good!
season 5 episode 1 was one of my favourites of buffy oh and another is season 6 episode 7 :D
Have fun tonight!!
I have not seen a single episode of Buffy, but everyone I met--IRL, Internet, or otherwise--raves about it. I am adding it to my summer to-do list--never too early to start!
All your talk of Buffy has convinced me to re-watch the series for the fourth time, which I am thoroughly enjoying with my husband (his first time seeing all of them). I'm sure that a lot of your readers would love to get a re-cap on the final two episodes from you. I know there would be spoilers, but I personally would like to get your thoughts on how the series ended and how it left you feeling. And I think this is only the second time I've commented on your blog, but just know that one other person in this world thinks you're awesome. :D
Hey Kristina! I'm Shelby from the completely other side of the US. I love ALL CAPS and can't wait for you guys to go on tour again, but I want to ask you: do you own all of the seasons of Buffy? or are you using cable, renting them, watching them on the computer? because listening to you talk about how wonderful it is I want to start watching it. reply whenever. thank you, from Pittsburgh
i love buffy!!!!! my dad was the producer :D buffy's definitely my fave tv show (actually the only one i watch) lolz.
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