Tuesday, September 6, 2011

On being a Hufflepuff.

As many of you probably know, I did my Pottermore sorting last week, and while I've boasted a proud Slytherin for the last 8 years or so, I was in fact sorted into Hufflepuff.

I know a lot of people are saying "It's just a test on a website it's not a big deal" but for one, this test was written by J.K. Rowling herself, and moreover, we'll be representing these houses for the next 2-3 years as more books are released and we play through the remainder of Pottermore. It's also been suggested to me that I start a new account when the beta is over and try to get Slytherin, but to me, that's very outside the spirit of Harry Potter and being sorted at all. Students at Hogwarts don't just get to defer their first year, come back the next year, and get sorted again. You get sorted once. And that's your house.

So I'm a Hufflepuff.

People used to ask me all the time why I thought I was a Slytherin at all. They said, "but you're so nice!" or "you're not evil at all!" But, just because a lot of evil does come out of Slytherin doesn't mean everyone who gets sorted there is inherently so. I was (and still am) a huge believer in the good that could come out of Slytherin house, with the right personality type. I think it's easy to fall into a more crooked lifestyle in Slytherin, but that the strong willed could avoid that.

I always thought I was a Slytherin because there's a certain level of narcissism you need to have to be a vlogger, an artist, a writer, or a creator in general. To be a successful artist, you need to truly believe you're worthy of creating things that deserve to be seen by others, or, in the case of a vlogger, you need to think you're awesome enough to justify basing your whole career around talking about yourself. All the time.

I assumed I had to be a Slytherin, because I definitely have a lot of those qualities. But as Dumbledore said, it's "our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities". A lot of the time, I use the online power I have to connect with people, to talk with fans about their lives, to entertain others, to help with charity -- I guess I had always seen myself as a Slytherin based on what I do because I didn't even notice the very innate Hufflepuff qualities I actually possess in how I act.

So, the whole sorting experience was very interesting for me. Secretly, I always felt kind of split between Slytherin and Hufflepuff (though I never made that common knowledge!) but - I thought the nature of my job and relatively narcissistic lifestyle condemned me to being a Slytherin. I know I have a lot of the cunning and ambition and drive-for-personal-success of a Slytherin, but at the end of the day I care about people way too much to step over them or use them to get what I want. I could never sit back in the Slytherin common room listening to my peers talking about how they cut corners and made things happen for themselves the easy way -- I would much rather be proud of the hard work I put in the honest way. That's something that's only really been made clear to me in the last couple years, though.

So while I loved playing a Slytherin onstage these past 7-8 years, and while I know the Sorting Hat would probably lean a bit toward Slytherin with me just like it did with Harry -- when I saw that Hufflepuff crest on my Pottermore quiz, I knew deep down it was time to embrace who I truly am. And now, I'm really okay with it.

Besides, for as much crap as Hufflepuff House gets, I am really proud to represent the group that's loyal and fair, patient and hardworking. Those are all the aspects of a human-being I think people should aspire to be. To be told that's where I actually belong is more of a compliment than most people realize. :)

Have you been sorted yet? Did you get the house you wanted? Did your sorting make you learn anything about yourself you maybe didn't know or see before?

Flights taken: 22


Angie said...

i love so much about this. i've read so many blog posts/tweets/facebook updates from irate people threatening to abandon their beta accounts (several people i know actually have) because they weren't sorted into the "right" house. what they don't know is that there isn't a "right" house.

and for the record, i always thought you made a better Hufflepuff anyway.


Kristen said...

I was surprised to find myself sorted into Hufflepuff as well! I thought for sure I was a Ravenclaw, but I too am proud to be a badger!

Unknown said...

Thanks for that.
I have always felt like deep down I am a Hufflepuff, even though publicity I am a die hard Gryffindor. I have yet to receive my email, but once I get sorted I won't feel bad if I get sorted into the house of the Badger.

Rachael said...

Go Badgers!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I've always thought I would be a Gryffindor, did a couple of tests online, which all said I was Gryffindor and got sorted into Gryffindor on Pottermore. Very happy :D And you're in the house of Tonks, Helga Hufflepuff and the house which Neville 'BAMF' Longbottom was almost sorted into. Congratulations for embracing it xx

Unknown said...

I was sorted into Hufflepuff aswell, something I'm very proud off.

I've known for a while that I was a hufflepuff although I too wasn't to keen to accept it as first. For a very long while I subbornly thought I was a Rawenclaw.

I am very much a teamplayer and a fairplayer as well. I think, the earliest this showed was when I as an 8 year old won a big badminton tournament and insisted that I wasn't the only one to stand on top of the podium but the second, third and fourth place stood there with me.

Amy said...

I haven't been sorted yet but I am very excited to! You are just a loyal person who cares about your friends. I think Hufflepuff is a great place to be!

utkarshrao said...

I'm very glad that you're happy being a Hufflepuff. I would probably die of shame if I got sorted there.
Which brings me to this. I haven't gotten my Pottermore email yet. I'm so afraid that I'm going to be a Muggle. all my friends are getting their emails, and getting sorted and getting their wands and stuff and I'm stuck without anything. Sigh.
Congratulations though. ;)

Patty said...

This post was so great! I've always been completely split between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. I had accepted I was Hufflepuff until my college club sorted me into Ravenclaw last year and as it turns out I was sorted into Ravenclaw by Pottermore too!

Shoshanah said...

I took a bunch of those fan-made quizzes a lot, and I often got Ravenclaw, but I sometimes got Hufflepuff and Gryffindor was always a close 2nd or 3rd. I thought of myself as a Ravenclaw because I value my observational skills and thorough thought process, but I was nervous that my humility and loyalty were still my prominent characteristics. I only was scared I'd be in Hufflepuff because I used to be such a pushover, and I hated that about myself. And lately I've adopted more Gryffindor qualities--I'm extremely passionate and sensitive, moreso than I've ever been before.
Luckily, my identity crisis wasn't bad, and I got sorted into Ravenclaw. I realized that I really have always been the observer in a group and think a lot about what I have to say, and I've been told I'm wise beyond my years. And, well, lately, I've been known to kind of try to steer even my friends' issues in the direction I think is right and not necessarily value their input as much as I should, simply because I think (okay, know) I'm right. And I am fascinated by the limitlessness of knowledge.
I just hate that Ravenclaw is known as the intellectually snooty house, when really the prefect's welcome message sounded so spot on--a house full of quirky, curious people who really value the human brain and its endless capablities.

tl;dr -- I'm a Ravenclaw, but man, this sorting process really made me think about who I really am.

Niki. said...

For years I had always hoped I'd be a Ravenclaw, but within the past year or so I've started to accept that I would probably be a Hufflepuff. I do value intelligence and learning, but at the same time, I don't strive for it above all else - I think my hard work is what has earned me my good grades in school, not so much my intelligence. And I really care a lot about people, to the point where I can be almost too loyal... So I dressed up as a Hufflepuff when I went to see the premiere of Deathly Hallows part 2, and I was really starting to accept that as my house.

And now Pottermore has sorted me into Ravenclaw. So. Yeah. I mean, I'm proud to be a Ravenclaw, and that is the house I identified with for so long, it's just strange since I've already gotten myself used to the thought of being a Hufflepuff, xD. This whole Pottermore sorting experience everyone is going through is really interesting. Kinda makes you rethink your characteristics and values and such.

Christina said...

It is so great to hear how you feel behind all of this.

I was hoping to be a Gryffindor, thought I would be a Hufflepuff but got Slytherin. It took me awhile to adjust but I can now see why I was sorted into Slytherin and I am OK with it. Actually please with myself.

Al said...

I ahven't been sorted yet and while I do see myself as more of a Slytherin, the beauty of the houses is that htye are all great. There really isn't any one that stands above the rest, no matter what we'd like to believe sometimes. They all have good and bad qualities and I think it's great that you've embraced you're Hufflepuff-ness. It is a really great house.

Erin said...

I got sorted into Hufflepuff, too, though I've been parading around the fandom as a Ravenclaw (though I always knew that was only because i just like wearing the color blue). Like you, it was actually a huge compliment to be put into Hufflepuff; I've always felt like I was a bit too lazy to be a true puff, but I am fiercely loyal and true and protective of people I love. and hard working about things I care about... so I was thrilled to be sorted as a Hufflepuff! Though I'm still trying to adjust to the idea of wearing yellow...

Aisling said...

Before this year I had never really thought about what house I would be in, which is really strange considering Harry Potter has been such a huge part of my life for so long. It was only at the beginning of this year that I started taking online quizzes to find out where I would belong. I took as many quizzes as I could find, multiple times (and then made all of my friends do the same...even one that was 122 questions) and always got Ravenclaw, usually fairly closely followed by Slytherin. I definitely felt like this was an accurate result and became fiercely loyal towards Ravenclaw, buying my first set of robes etc and becoming TERRIFIED at the idea of pottermore telling me I didn't really belong there. Getting sorted was seriously one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my life. I can't tell you how relieved I was to find out I really am a Ravenclaw! Having it validated by JK Rowling makes it so much more real, it's so nice to finally have a CREDIBLE sorting method! Anyway, I think that you make an excellent Hufflepuff, even though it is strange to think of you as something other than a Slytherin. Most of my closest friends are Hufflepuffs and while it is fun to tease them for this, if I was being honest I would say that Hufflepuff should really be the house everyone aspires to, instead of making fun of. I am very lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing Hufflepuffs and am glad to see that you have house pride :)

Erin said...

(Also, I've had to spend a lot of time helping friends adjust to their sorting; a good friend got sorted into Slytherin, who thought she was a Ravenclaw, and I was able to help her see that being Slytherin is NOT a bad thing! and now she's excited about it!)

Sarah said...

Haven't gotten my email yet... but anxiously waiting. I identify with Ravenclaw the most, and I can't say that I'd wouldn't be slightly crushed if I got sorted otherwise. I don't look as good in yellow, red or green... but thats not the point is it. :)

Chelsey said...

I really like this post :)

I was always torn between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. However, I am a Hufflepuff. At first I was confused but once I read the description of Hufflepuff I realised I was more than happy to be one!
I thought I may have been a Ravenclaw because I am quite intelligent, but since, in my view, this isn't the most important quality I possess it makes sense that I am not a Ravenclaw.
As for thinking I was a Gryffindor, part of me just wanted to be a Gryffindor because I had always identified closely with Harry. However, although I think in extreme situations I am brave, in everyday situations it's probably not one of my most prominent attributes.

So, all in all, Hufflepuff is definately the house I belong too! Now, we just have to try and get more house points so we are not in last place! :)

Anonymous said...

After all the shit Hufflepuff has had thrown its way, It makes me so happy to see some badger pride. Hardworking, tenacious, fair-minded ... just generally nice, sunny people. I don't know what there's NOT to like about the house!

I was sorted into Ravenclaw, which was the house I both wanted and was expecting, but I think my less desirable traits correspond with Gryffindor's (somewhat preachy, stubborn, emotional, 'saving people thing'), so I did have a nervous few moments beforehand. xD

Love, Chelsea said...

I am glad you are proud! I would be proud to be a Hufflepuff! I have always considered myself split between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff and really I would have been happy with any house, I was just excited to see where Jo thought I belonged! She says I'm in Gryffindor so a proud Lion I will be :)

thislittleinfinity said...

I was sorted into Ravenclaw, which I'm ecstatic about since that's the house I've thought I was in ever since I started reading the books. I'm also happy that you're proud to be in Hufflepuff, afterall, you're right that the sorting hat only sorts you once, so it's good that you're embracing it! :)

janspach17 said...

I'm so glad you are happy with your sorting! Welcome, welcome! I was officially sorted this weekend and am a Hufflepuff. I would've been disappointed so have been sorted into anything else. I've always thought I was a Hufflepuff just because I'm average at everything, but come around to realizing that's not completely the case.
A lot of people think that Hufflepuff is the house where they put those who don't fit into the other three. There is more to being a Hufflepuff than that. We are the strong silent types. We are consistent. We are good at all sort of different things and don't need the glory. And, We are the ones that want to make the world a better place for everyone else. We are the house of Awesome... other's just haven't realized it yet.

Plus, we have hobbit doors in our common room and what is cooler than that?!

Rachel said...

Awesome! Thanks for sharing this. My natural talents and disposition have always put me in Ravenclaw, but, over the last few years, I've been questioning it. As I've grown up, my values have changed: I value hard work over genius, equality over elitism, goodness over intelligence. My choices make me a Hufflepuff, regardless of my abilities. I haven't gotten my email yet, but I suspect my Pottermore sorting will reflect this, and I'll happily embrace my new house!

Andrea said...

I was sure I'd be in Hufflepuff... and I am! I was *almost* disappointed, actually, because I think deep down I haven't really embraced the Hufflepuff qualities I have. I'd have liked to have JKR tell me I had the better recognized traits of the other houses. But I know this is where I belong, who I am, and I do love Hufflepuff.

Sophie said...

I got Gryffindor. I've wanted to be one for twelve years but I didn't think I possessed those qualities. So I felt very surprised and honoured when I was sorted :')

Sidsel said...

I ended up in Ravenclaw and I was both proud and a little disappointed. I felt (still do) that I had been hanging around the Gryffindor common room for 10 years and was then suddenly asked to pack my things and go. But, I guess I regocnize some of the Ravenclaw characteristics in myself and, like you, view it as a compliment to have ended up where I have.

Olivia said...

I got Hufflepuff too! But I always knew that's where I belonged. haha. Though I think I'd be okay in Ravenclaw as well. Glad you aren't disappointed! I loved all the Hufflepuff information on the site. Very interesting!

I think I might make another account when the site opens up though. Just to see some of the other sorting questions. Some people are saying the sorting isn't legit because the site is rigged to keep the number of people in the houses even. I don't want to believe that is true, but who knows?

Danielle said...

I was sorted into Slytherin, and I wanted Hufflepuff! Wanna trade?! Haha! I am slowly starting to accept it, but I just STILL can't see it! :'( And it pains me because like you said, this was written by J.K. herself, and is supposed to be law! I am really torn between making a new account or keeping with Slytherin. Until I even can though, I'm staying true to Slytherin and earning them as many house points as I can! :)

Caliowin said...

It was interesting to hear your reasons for how you fit into both Slytherin and Hufflepuff. I don't understand those who want to take the test again just because it they were sorted into the 'wrong' house. You are only sorted once! Did they not read the books?

I have always found it hard to work out which house I was most suited for. I identified with different parts of all four houses -Gryffindor I always felt was least me, but wished I could be as it's Harry's house! I suppose I am intelligent, quirky and bookish so Ravenclaw fits well but then again so does Hufflepuff as I show fierce loyalty to those I love. Slytherin... I have so more wicked qualities in me, but always felt my Hufflepuff side was stronger. Slytherin always appealled to me, but I didn't feel I had the right personality for it.

So going into the sorting on Pottermore I really had no idea what result I would get.

The answer- SLYTHERIN! Holy moly I was shocked. I could hardly believe it when it came up all green and silver (my favourite colours weirdly enough). I was pleased and shell shocked at the same time. Such a strange feeling. It's taken a few days but I've come around to it and can see why I was put there. I've always thought Slytherin was awesome so I'm a happy bunny.

The prefect's message was really interesting actually, and made me so proud to be Slytherin. I wish I could read the messages from the other huose prefects. If you want a screenshot/transcript of the SLytherin one, I will happily oblige and email you it.

Sydney said...

I just got my Pottermore welcome email and skipped ahead a little bit because I wanted to be sorted. Ravenclaw. Excellent! I've defined myself as a Ravenclaw since I knew the differences between the Houses; I have personality aspects of every House (except Gryffindor), but I am much, MUCH more of a Ravenclaw than a Slytherin or Hufflepuff.

fivebyfivewhat said...

Thought I was a Slytherin, actually a Hufflepuff too. I think you were right in what you said about a Slytherin being a Hufflepuff taken to bad extremes, more alike than most people think.
I like to think of it that way :)

Wyatthaplo said...

Ill see you in the common room :)

Sheila Denison said...

I'm so glad that someone as influential as you is proud to be a Hufflepuff. I have yet to get my email so I haven't been sorted, but I really hope I get Hufflepuff because you are right, it is a true compliment.

PhredofMars said...

I think it's luckier in some ways to be sorted into Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff since we know less about those houses.

Gallifreya said...

I've always identified myself with Slytherin house. Ever since I was a little girl and read the first book. Not because of the whole "evil" or "selfish" aspect but more because I always felt they were brilliant and ambitious but so misunderstood and unfairly judged. Especially in the case of Severus Snape. I refused to believe he was anything but good.

With Pottermore I was kinda nervous about the sorting because I felt like I would end up in Ravenclaw for sure. I'm very bookish, quite smart and I generally value intelligence over most other traits. I think Ravenclaw is a great house but I was completely over the moon when I got Slytherin!

I can see how people become upset over being sorted in the 'wrong' house. I would never delete my account if it happened but I would probably go through some sort of identity crisis. Since I've considered myself a Slytherin for so many years I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I got Hufflepuff. I suppose it's easier to deal with if you do see some of yourself in that house though.

Katie said...

Unfortunately I'm one of those people who will have to wait til October to be sorted. I've always just assumed I was a Ravenclaw, but the more I think about it, it'll be a close match when I get sorted between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. I have a lot of the qualities of both, and would be proud to be in either. (Watch me get sorted into one of the other two, surprise! haha) I think it odd that people are so angry about what house they end up in.

megkhowell said...

I'm one of those people who always longed to be in Ravenclaw, and I do possess the thirst for knowledge and value for wisdom and wit that that house provided, and I wanted to get sorted into there, but I also kind of knew what was coming because I have never once taken a sorting test online that put me anywhere besides Gryffindor. I'm too fiercely loyal, and when it comes to my loved ones, nothing will stop me. Also, I am too impulsive and emotional. I'd like to say that I think about what I do or say before I act and speak, but I'd be lying. I pretty much say whatever I am thinking and my emotions are never a secret. Anyways, yeah, I am a Gryffindor, and pretty pleased.

Jordiekins said...

I really hope (and honestly don't think it will) detract from you being in a Slytherin band. Kristina Parselmouth is still a Slytherin in the same way that Lauren Myrtle is a Ravenclaw. But Kristina Horner and Lauren Fairweather are proud, badass Hufflepuffs.

Benji said...

I haven't been sorted yet because J.K. hasn't let me into Pottermore... COME OOOOOOOOOON.
Anyway, I've always felt like a Hufflepuff and, according to the couple of unofficial online tests I've done, I am a Hufflepuff.
Badgers are awesome anyway. Matt Smith likes badgers.

KirbyJayne said...

I've always thought I was a Hufflepuff with Ravenclaw qualities. As much as I value intelligence and knowledge, I always thought I valued fairness, loyalty, being just and working hard more.

But I got put into Ravenclaw. As fantastic as being a Ravenclaw is, I miss being a Hufflepuff. I'm yet to work up the courage to take down my Hufflepuff banner from my wall.

Jerry Cooke said...

For my part, I've always viewed myself as being a Hufflepuff. I'm adventurous, but not all that brave, I'm clever, but not good at applying myself and I can be sly, but I'm not good at duplicity, but I'm true, honest and try to be good. I love my friends and certainly like as many hugs as I can get. That's always screamed hufflepuff to me, hehe. I won't know what the sorting hat things till the site is launched, since I missed out on the beta, so I guess I'll wait and see. I hope I'll be joining you in the house though, hehe.

Anonymous said...

I got sorted into Hufflepuff too (yay). I've never been able to say which house I'm in, I have qualities of all the houses and I didn't know which one was the most prominent. But after the sorting I feel it was quite obvious that I was a Hufflepuff, especially after reading the welcome message. I loved the things it said about being loyal, protecting our friends and family and the facts about the common room. That nobody outside of Hufflepuff have been inside and that it is so cosy. It was definitely the right house for me and I'm really proud of it :). I talked to my mum about it and she also thought it was a great choise for me. And now she want a Pottermore account, so she can get sorted too :)

SellByMaggie said...

I was also sorted into Hufflepuff! I was a little surprised/disappointed at first because I always saw myself in Ravenclaw. I think I've accepted it now though. It really is a great house. (:

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear that you are happy with the house you were sorted into. :] You make a fantastic Hufflepuff.

I got into Pottermore a while ago and was sorted into Hufflepuff as well. Yet as time goes on I feel like the sorting hat was wrong to put me there... I have several very Hufflepuff-ish qualities, but Ravenclaw is what represents the best parts of me.

Ever since my sorting I've been reading up about the houses, trying to see if maybe the sorting hat was right, but my feelings still haven't changed. I'm a Ravenclaw through and through. Still it irritates me when people say I should just suck it up, JK Rowling put me in Hufflepuff so that must be where I belong... and sorry, I started a bit of a rant about it. xD

Still, Hufflepuff isn't a bad house in the least. You should be proud to be apart of the house of badgers.

- Stevie

Pamela said...

Reading the books, I wanted to be in Griffyndor. However, I secretly suspected I would actually be sorted into Ravenclaw. My suspicions were confirmed, and I'm a proud Ravenclaw. Thanks for sharing your thoughts/feelings on your sorting!

iiandyr said...

For a long time I agreed with most people about Hufflepuff being boring, as it is said to be in the books. It took me some serious thinking and ransacking to understand that Hufflepuff is really where I belong and then another couple of weeks to understand that it's a good thing. I hope everyone will be proud and happy about the house they are sorted into because, frankly, every singel person ought to be proud to be who they are - whoever they are. And if taking this test means you suddenly realise you're not what you thought you were I say great. It's something you can really, really learn from. I'm proud to be a Hufflepuff and happy that maybe this test can make more people realise who they are. JK truly is there and help us change our lives for the better!

Hayley said...

I love this. as silly as it might seem, your house *can* tell you a lot about who you are and what your good qualities are. Harry Potter never ceases to provide insight into life, it's crazy!

I didn't get signed up for the beta version and I'm so sad about it! I'm from Seattle as well but currently studying abroad in New Zealand and between the craziness here and the 19 hour time difference I didn't get my act together. can't wait to get sorted!

Anonymous said...

Although few people can say this, I do aspire to be a Hufflepuff! I haven't gotten my email yet, though I WAS accepted into beta, but I would KILL to be sorted into Hufflepuff. (Okay, I lied. I wouldn't kill! I'm not a Slytherin.) Lol.

Anna said...

I haven't gotten mine yet, but I'm crossing my fingers I get Hufflepuff.

I always thought I was a Gryffindor, but then one of the other admins on my HP fan page stole it when we divided the houses amongst ourselves, and knowing nobody else would want it and that at the very least I would grow to like it, I took Hufflepuff.

For a while all I thought about them was that they were loyal and hardworking, and sure, that's me. Loyal to the end and I work my butt off, but I'm also temperamental and sarcastic and can be a bit of a cynic sometimes.

Then you put that thing describing all the houses on your Tumblr and I read it and realized that of all the houses, Hufflepuff fits me best. Sure, I have a lot of ambition, I'm extremely smart, and hotheaded like some Gryffindors are, but the biggest traits in me are that I always try to do the right thing, I'm creative, I love nature, I'm loyal to the people who've proved they're worth it (Like you and a good number of my friends), and I work really hard to do well, no matter what I do.

Oh, and for those who ask what the hell is a Hufflepuff?

We're like a salad.

This was determined by myself, two of my fellow admins, and Elona Finlay (Sammi from Little White Lie from Team Starkid) during a totally awesome Skype conversation.

How did we decide this? Hufflepuffs are such a mash of things, we're the bowl filled with the salad ingredients XD

Thanks for being awesome, Kristina <3

Alejandra Fishman said...

I love the way you look at the situation. And I see a lot of hufflepuff in you but there's still a little slytherin. But I think everyone has a bit of every house in them. There isn't one house that you'll fit perfectly in. You'll just have more of the characteristics than in others. But as you said in your vlog, you can still trash Gryffindor in Hufflepuff.

J said...

I just got my email today, so I don't know which house I'm in yet, but I hope it's Ravenclaw!

Elouise said...

I just wanted to let you know that it's very possible you are not a Hufflepuff. If you look at the number of people in each house, it's pretty much even (give or take a few hundred). A lot of people think that you're sorted in a way that keeps the houses at around the same number.

I have always felt like a Ravenclaw and I got sorted into Gryffindor. The more I play Pottermore and the more I think about it, the more in love I am with Gryffindor and feel like it's where I belong. Now, I don't know if I was sorted here because the numbers need to be even, or if I truly belong here. But either way, I am discovering more and more that Gryffindor is in my heart.

Samarkand said...

I was sorted into Ravenclaw, having "sorted" my self fairly recently before Pottermore I wasn't surprised. I think people change a lot from the time they read the books till they get sorted on Pottermore.

Al said...

It's good to hear some Hufflepuff pride going on!

My sorting story:
I was certain I was going to be sorted into Hufflepuff - kindness, loyalty, and extreme patience are qualities in myself that I believe are prominent. After taking tons of online tests, I was sorted mostly into Hufflepuff and Gryffindor... so I was expecting one of those two Houses to appear.

When my last question appeared from the Sorting Hat: "Which House would you rather be in: Ravenclaw or Slytherin?" appeared, I was floored. First, WOW, I'm a hatstall; second, WOW, I'm a hatstall for these two houses!
Now, it doesn't surprise me though that those two appeared. I'm a teacher and I love to learn and to teach, and I also have a good amount of self-preservation and ambition.
I ended up picking Ravenclaw... and was sorted into Ravenclaw! I figure myself as more of a Luna...eccentric Ravenclaw. I don't consider myself to be smart, but I do enjoy problem solving, puzzles, conspiracy theories... and I am a strong believer in learning for life: I suppose I'm where I belong. :)
...so yeah, that's my story. :)

Rosanna said...

I was never sure which house I would be in but today I got sorted into Hufflepuff. It surprised me a little because I always felt like I probably was a Hufflepuff, but for some reason I felt a little disappointed! Maybe I was hoping the Sorting Hat would come out and tell me I had some hidden reserves of bravery which made me a Gryffindor! Anyway, I am slowly getting used to it and I think the qualities associated with Hufflepuff are all things which I aspire to be and qualities which i find very important. I think that at their worst Hogwarts houses can make us feel a little boxed in and stereotyped as something which doesn't feel right. But at their very very best they make us think about the qualities which make us, the qualities we value and the qualities which we want to display. And being aware of who we are, and who want to be can only be a positive force.

Kat_OT said...

I'm glad that you're okay with being in Hufflepuff Kristina. For years I was between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and only accepted that I possessed more Hufflepuff qualities this past summer (I'm too timid to be a Gryffindor anyways), even before Pottermore was announced. The Sorting test was very nerve-wreaking but I was happy to see that I was indeed a Hufflepuff.

You're a very sweet person and I never really saw the Slytherin traits. I think it's because of how you support your friends and would never leave them behind in order to get ahead. So I think I've always seen you as a Hufflepuff.

Go Badgers! And have a great day :-)

AmyK7 said...

Congrats on your sorting!! I'm happy for you, I do think Hufflepuff suits you well :) I've been a Harry Potter fan since I was six, so in those ten years I've gone through a fair few phases of being unsure of which house I truly belonged to. When I was younger, I think I was more of a Hufflepuff/Gryffindor, and then progressed to a full Gryffindor. Then I hit 13, I think, and all hope of me being a pretty average teen and not being a nerd flew out the window, haha. I discovered youtube and Nerdfighteria, and got even more into wizard rock & everything Harry Potter, and then pretty much everything else nerdy like that there is online. Because of all this, I really started to value intelligence and learning...so I sort of had a slight Identity Crisis, tbh. For a while coming up to Pottermore, I honestly thought I might be a Ravenclaw. However, I finally got sorted into Gryffindor, and I know that is where I really belong now! My Gryffindor characteristics far outweigh those of my Ravenclaw ones :)

Lina said...

I always identified as a Gryffindor, and thought that if I was anything else, it'd be Ravenclaw. Then I was sorted into Hufflepuff.

People do say 'It's only a website', but it's more than that, really. I've associated myself with Gryffindor for almost 10 years, and to find I'm something so unexpected is confronting. But, at the end of the day, this is the House JKR put me in, and I'm growing to love it.

Tammy said...

I was terrified to get sorted, wondering what I would end up as. I knew there was a good chance it wouldn't be Gryffindor, and I wasn't sure between the others but I was really hoping for Slytherin. When I finally got to the test I'm pretty sure I held my breath most of the time, but I ended up with Slytherin and was so freaking excited. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for my Pottermore e-mail. I'm so excited to get sorted and start exploring the site!

I used to think of myself as a Ravenclaw, but now I don't have a preference. I got Hufflepuff more often in my online quizzes, but I also got every other house at some point or another. xD Anyway, I'll be happy and proud of whichever house I get.

Sarah said...

I really wanted to get sorted into Hufflepuff. It was the house I have always identified with myself. Though, there was a bit where I thought I could be a Ravenclaw. I was so happy to be sorted into Hufflepuff. I loved reading about the common room.

I was reading about the different types of wands. It sure was freaky when I read the description of my wand wood. It really described me.

Molly said...

I love how you embrace it, so many people seem to be hating on their houses. I haven't gotten mine yet, (still waiting for my email...) but I am getting really nervous about which house I'll be. I'm still pretty sure I am a Ravenclaw, but I've always sort of leaned towards being a Gryffendor, so we shall see...

Courtney said...

Thanks for so much for this! It's great to see people embracing the awesome qualities that Hufflepuff possesses.

I didn't want to accept Hufflepuff at first either; I considered myself as a Gryffindor, which is also a good house, but deep down, hardworking and loyalty and friendships are the most important thing to me. And it's something I most admire in other while.

I haven't been sorted in Pottermore yet, but even if I do get sorted into another house, I don't think I'll be REALLY switching. While I'm glad you are accepting Hufflepuff and can see yourself as one, I don't think that the quiz really says that much. A quiz can't know you as much as you know you.

Although, sometimes you just don't want to admit parts of yourself.

Anna Jones said...

I've thought for a long time that I was a Gryffindor, but as I was being sorted I could tell that the qualities I possess weren't that of a Gryffindor. I got sorted into Ravenclaw, which I realize now is where I belong. :)

Amelia said...

I was very strongly hoping to be a Ravenclaw, but I too was sorted a Hufflepuff, which was my third choice for a house. I've identified myself as a Ravenclaw for quite a long time, since I am a huge nerd, in the academic way as well as the online/media way. I just got sorted today, so I've been trying to adjust. I have a friend who had the exact same scenario, and I know that TONS of people were sorted into different houses than they thought, and JK Rowling wrote the test, so..... we're all in this together. Badger Pride!

Monica said...

I always thought I was a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, and ALL of my friends and family were united in thinking I'd be in Ravenclaw. But according to JK Rowling... I'm Gryffindor!

Gryffindor is not a house I would ever have chosen for myself, but I'm going to embrace it. Once awesome thing is that I've always been bummed that the WB never bothers to make sweatshirts or anything for Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, so at least now I'll be able to get some cool house merch! And I always loved Gryffindor colors anyway.

Looking back on it, I think she's right. Maybe I have more Neville (Hufflepuff) or more Hermione (Ravenclaw) in me than most Gryffindors, but if it's about the common room feeling like "home", I would always have picked Gryffindor.

Anna said...

Also, so many people complain when they're sorted into a house they don't like. "It's just a quiz, I don't think that it can really judge where I belong. Only I can do that." The whole point of the quiz is to make you answer honestly and to find those bits of yourself you didn't know you had or that you pushed to the back. If the Pottermore quiz puts you in a house, you should embrace it.

I used to never want to be a Hufflepuff, but then I was put in a situation where I had to become one, and now I love this house more than anything.

I'll be fairly disappointed if I don't get into Hufflepuff, to be sure, but as long as I'm not in Slytherin (I just don't fit there, I have very few of their characteristics besides the ambition thing) I really don't mind. I'm sure I'll grow to love whatever house I end up in (Though it would be a shame to waste the Hufflepuff tie that my mom made me for the midnight premier...).

Just adding that :)

Teresa said...

Being sorted was one of the things I was most excited about for Pottermore, because I had never really been able to decide which house I would belong in. I mean, I never thought I was brave enough to be in Gryffindor or kind enough to be in Hufflepuff, so I always assumed Ravenclaw was for me, because I like to read and people always tell me that I'm "smart". I was so surprised when I got Slytherin! It came as a huge shock, and it's taking me a while to accept it, but like you being a Hufflepuff, I think I'll come to be really proud of my house before long. :)

Emily C said...

I have a lot of Gryffindor things, and used to consider myself a die hard Gryffindor at heart. A wall hanging, a scarf and sweater, tie, and keychain all state that I love the house. When I got my email just today, and when I was fretting over it the past few weeks, I was thinking I had to be in Gryffindor. What would I do with all my cool stuff if I wasn't?

Deep down, I knew that I could, and probably was a Ravenclaw. However, I wanted to be brave and cunning, but a Hermione or Lily Potter, be somebody that saves the day. I didn't stop to think how great a Ravenclaw is, and how deep down, I wanted that House because I belonged.

I got sorted into Ravenclaw. The witty, quirky, and intelligent. I can be brave, but more so I use my mind to try and think things out, and I am a rather odd person. I was so relieved to get Ravenclaw. I can still keep my stuff though, of course. Gryffindors are still Harry POtter, which I rep all the way.

tl;dr I'm a Ravenclaw but used to think I'd be Gryffie.

Kate said...

I totally feel the same! I actually posted this on your Sorting video, but I was placed into Hufflepuff after identifying myself as a Ravenclaw for all this time. I was devastated at first, because I had feared I would get Hufflepuff due to always having been labeled as both (even the quizzes couldn't decide!).

I accepted my new House fairly quickly, appeasing my inner Ravenclaw with the idea that I would get to explore the once unexplorable House, and the fact that my Housemates were so NICE and were more about having fun than solely competing was great. The Welcome Letter sealed the deal for me.

I still think I'm a Ravenpuff (though a little more heavy on the puff now), but I'm actually rather happy to be a part of Hufflepuff, and just as happy to welcome you to the House ^^

Alex Dahlberry said...

Woahhh you have a lot of comment on this. xD

And, yeah. I definitely see the Hufflepuff in you. A lot of people have been bashing the pottermore sorting, saying it's rigged, and some of my friends have even used you being a hufflepuff as an example. I tried to explain what you said on your blog but they didn't listen. xD

Meanwhile, I'm DYIIING, cause I'm STILL not in Pottermore and it's KILLING ME. I feel so LEFT OUT of this grand experience. Like in Lauren's song. I missed the train to Hogwarts.

I'm also still very very nervous about being sorted. I've felt so, so proud of being a hufflepuff for the past four years. Plus, I have all the merch. I can't go and buy some NEW house colours=S
also, a lot of my friends would laugh at me and say "I told you so!" cause they don't believe Im a 'puff. BUT I SWEAR I AM.
I can't imagine earning points for another house or something. =S ahhhhh.

okay. im done talking. xD


beangirl1389 said...

I got sorted yesterday into Ravenclaw. I've always seen myself as a Gryffindor and I still do. Mostly, because I've always seen myself as a more athletic Hermione. I play college softball, and I'm entering my senior year. I'm also a hugely nerdy (somewhat smart) person. So I think I can see traits of both houses. One of my favorite lines of Hermione is "books and cleverness there are more important things like friendship and bravery." This sums me up pefectly. So, I'm proud of Ravenclaw, but I'll still have a little bit of Gryffindor deep down.

MimiK. said...

I was sorted into Gryffindor. I've always known I was a Gryffindor, and I'm so proud :')

StephWeasley said...

I've been sorted, I got Ravenclaw.
I've always seen myself as a Hufflepuff, I am loyal and fair, patient (not always) and hardworking.
I've never considered myself smart, I've always struggled with science but I guess I forgot what Dumbledore said about our abilities.
My friends have said to me that my curiousness to learn new things, languages and my wanting to travel and visit new places and learn about them always shows that I'm a Ravenclaw.
How my friends (and family who've never read HP) saw it coming and I didn't is what annoys me a bit.
The only thing that I really dislike about being a Ravenclaw; I won't get to learn that new info about Hufflepuff that they talked about at LeakyCon. (I guess I really am a Ravenclaw)

Squirrelfish said...

Long time watcher, first time reader/commenter =P

I was sorted into Hufflepuff and was overjoyed because it meant I wouldn't have to buy a new tie, banner, mac decal or shirt. When I first read the books I wanted to be in Ravenclaw because I considered myself a nerd and wanted to be smart and excel in that field. Over time, however, I had to accept that I was innately a Hufflepuff and accept it I did.

I liked your evaluation of artists as inherently narcissistic because it's so true. I'm a writer and a vlogger and tumblr-er and I agree that it is in part due to the slightly obnoxious belief that people should know what I'm thinking/feeling/doing/reading etc.

But I always considered that one of the most important factors of sorting are the traits and features that you value most in yourself and others. I love that instinctively stick up for people, regardless of personal feelings. I love that I look for the best in people. I am proud of my loyalty and fervent desire to protect my friends from physical and emotional harm. For these reasons I am, and always will be, a proud puff.

SassyCat said...

I've always known I was a Hufflepuff, and during my sorting I was nerve-wracked, worrying about what I would do If I wasn't. I was very relieved to say the least.

I always thought that if I wasn't in Hufflepuff I'd be in Slytherin, for the pure instance that I'm admittedly a bit sneaky. :P
However I think my sassy-ness, that escapes to keep underlings in line (I stage manage a bunch and deal with underclassmen daily) is very badger like. haha I'm fine and dandy until provoked by ignorance and immaturity.

Welcome to Hufflepuff!

Capatcha Verb
laphodar - a device used to measure laughs

Bitten Usagi said...

I was just sorted last night. I was sorted into Ravenclaw which made me so happy (no wardrobe change, haha) but as I was answering questions one of them- a which path would a choose type- had an place with ancient buildings and I chose it thinking about how I'd be walking around identifying things like the type of columns the buildings had and it said I was in Ravenclaw and I was like yeah if I didn't already know I was a nerd the reason I answered that question the way I did would have sealed it. I've always loved learning and honestly I'd go to college longer if I could afford it and take what I wanted. As I read the common room part after being sorted I couldn't stop smiling while thinking "these are my people", lol. I'm so proud that even by JKR's test I'm a Ravenclaw, means much more than any other quiz made up of what someone thinks the houses are all about. I think even if I had gotten another house I would have been satisfied because then I was finally REALLY sorted instead of guessing. I think people who are honest-to-god-mad are missing the point.

All in all I'm pleased and congrats on Hufflepuff! I think it really fits you, you were so sweet when I met you and were nice enough to DM on Twitter to let me know I wasn't the awkward spaz I felt like I was when we met. <3

End of novel. ;)

SM said...

I was sorted into Gryffindor. To be honest, before Pottermore, I had never really decided on a house. Of course, I wanted to be in Gryffindor but saying that always seemed like the default option, the one everyone chose because Harry was in it. I did always feel I would be sorted into Hufflepuff though. That said, I'm quite happy to have been sorted into Gryffindor.

Marie said...

I, a self-proclaimed Ravenclaw for many years, was sorted into Slytherin about an hour ago.

I've always said that I was a Slytherclaw at heart, but if I had to choose a house, it would always be Ravenclaw, no hesitation. Proud of blue and bronze.

At first I was in shock, but then I started to see that yes, my Slytherin tendencies have been showing more and more lately. Books and knowledge, wisdom and wit are my passions, but I have big plans for the future...and I don't necessarily intend to do all the hard work myself.

I suppose it sounds bad, but I also feel that my purpose in life is to help people, however they may need it. I just need to start living my life first, to get to the point where helping others is possible on a larger scale.

Wow. Typing this out has really helped me come to terms with this...thank you, Kristina, for sharing your thoughts/feelings on this. I just might be okay with this now...

Sarah said...

I though for sure I was going to be a Hufflepuff.
For years I assumed I was a Ravenclaw because I considered myself creative and intelligent and witty, but I quickly realised that EVERYONE seemed to think they were clever and witty and therefore a Ravenclaw.
Then I started seeing the three other houses in a new light. I suddenly had a newfound appreciation for Hufflepuff, and saw just how misunderstood the seem to be and how, Hogwarts would definitely not be the same without them.
So when it came time to be sorted I was still secretly hoping that I would be a Ravenclaw, but I was expecting Hufflepuff. I was sure it would be between those two, and I decided that whatever the sorting hat chose for me, would be the end of the Ravenpuff debate.

I got sorted into the one house I have NEVER identified with.....Gryffindor.
I'm slowly becoming ok with this, but Gryffindor is really my least favourite house, because to me they are all so self-righteous and arrogant.

I glad you are proud to be a Hufflepuff, because they really are the best house ever. They seem to keep the peace at Hogwarts, and I feel we could all learn a lot from the Badgers!

In the meantime, I'll try and embrace my inner Lion.

Julia said...

I just got into Pottermore today and haven't sorted yet, because I'm not in the right mood for it. I really want to know what house I am though! I never really identified with any specific house. I was just kind of like, eh, I guess i'm a Ravenclaw? But lately I've been realizing i might be more of a Gryffindor. So I'm excited to see which one I get put into. I don't think it will be either of the others. I'm happy for you being in Hufflepuff though. You never seemed like a Slytherin to me!

Ellen said...

I've always thought I was a combination of Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw since I'm pretty smart but at the same time I consider myself pretty loyal as well. I figured when I did my Pottermore sorting I'd get one of the two, more likely Ravenclaw since that was what I identified with the most, I was very surprised to see the green and silver show up. I don't see myself as having any Slytherin traits at all, however I'd decided before I took the test I would accept whatever house I got so even though I don't see myself really as a Slytherin I'm proud of my new house and hopefully I'll start to notice my Slytherin traits more and understand it sometime soon

bella. said...

It seems a lot of people are getting their second choices, so maybe Pottermore is revealing things about us that we didn't even know. Turns a website into a much bigger learning experience, I'd say.

I wrote a post about the identity crisis I'm suffering because of my sorting:http://dft.ba/-ULb

Laurel said...

I agree with everything in this blog posting... except "I could never sit back in the Slytherin common room listening to my peers talking about how they cut corners and made things happen for themselves the easy way -- I would much rather be proud of the hard work I put in the honest way."

I was sorted into Slytherin on Pottermore and I would NEVER cut corners or push other people out of the way for my own benefit. (And I certainly wouldn't sit around and gossip about it!) I am a Slytherin because I am passionate about my own independence, and I will go to lengths for the causes I believe in. I still love to mix with people and I adore making friends (which might make me the worst Slytherin ever, but whatever). It's a bit of a harsh generalisation you've made on all Slytherins!

Unknown said...

I love this blog post so much. I always thought I was a Ravenclaw or maybe a Hufflepuff. Maybe :) I actually got to choose between Gryffindor and Slytherin. And there it was. Even JK didn't know where to put me. I chose Gryffindor. Why? I don't really know, it just seemed right at the time. I'm fine with my decision now but deep down I still wonder what it would be like if I chose Slytherin.

Zoe said...


I've been reading your blog for a while now. I really enjoy reading it.

Anyway, I was just sorted into Hufflepuff on Pottermore and I danced around the room for about five minutes because I was so excited.

Congrats on making it to Hufflepuff!

Leanne_R said...

Hun, you are such a Hufflepuff, I would have always said that :) And so am I, all the way through! Was quite thrilled to see the quiz on Pottermore knew I was as well. And I'm quite happy to see you see the good of it! I wouldn't want any other house, even if we will NEVER win that house cup, haha.

Tammy said...

I got Hufflepuff and was throughly disappointed at first. And when I say at first, I mean for a few weeks. Then I started to ask myself "why am I so disappointed at Hufflepuff?" and it was because of the"bad rep it has for being the 'worst house'. As a student paediatric nurse, I am hard working, patient and kind. As another wise youtuber told me it's the people who make the house what it is not necessarily the other way around.

CoralieKate said...

Gosh I love this post! I'm so glad that this sorting thing has made people think about human traits and characters to truly aspire to and look up to. Im looking forward to when I sign up for pottermore as I was away from internet access the week it all opened. If I should be sorted into Hufflepuff I will consider it a compliment as well.

RyanHBP said...

These comments sound like people coming to terms with their sexuality.

Roman said...

Yep got the house I wanted, so happy with Gryffindor....But I kinda discovered that I'm more adventurous then I would normaly think I would be...I thought I would get Hufflepuff for a while...so was I happily surprised about getting Gryffindor.
I can see where you are coming from with being a Hufflepuff...and I'm glad those qualities are in you. However on that note, good luck with the House Cap and may the best house win :)

Sabrina said...

I have always liked Slytherin best, but knew when it came down to it I would be sorted into Gryffindor, which I was. Gryffindor is a good choice for me (-:

LinzyM said...

Hufflepuff for me too! I've claimed Ravenclaw for 10 years!

Zandrina said...

This is amazing Kristina! Thank you for restoring my faith in the HP fandom! I've heard so many people talk about getting new accounts just because they don't like where they got sorted into! And it makes me a little sick! I haven't gotten into Pottermore yet, and I am really looking forward to it when the time comes.

In my heart I think in a Ravenpuff - so we shall see where I get placed!

DFTBA Kristina, DFTBA! xx

Hilary said...

I actually just did my sorting today and got placed in Hufflepuff as well. I wasn't totally shocked, because when I first read the books years ago I did identify with them. But I still kinda "whaaa?" when I saw all the yellow. I've changed so much over the years, but I guess it's deep down what really matters.

But truly, I do posses the qualities in Hufflepuff, so I'm proud to represent it. It doesn't bug me a bit, since it was definitely my second choice.

To the kitchens!

Jordiekins said...

Just came back to read comments and saw that the Captcha code was "picabi" which sounds a lot like the noise Pikachu makes most of the time.

Christie said...

This is so similar to my own sorting story (and a ton of others I've heard lately)! I recently unaffiliated myself from the house system because it perpetuated stereotypes, caused kids to try to fit themselves into narrow mindsets, and generally caused a certain amount of unnecessary animosity around school (where people have enough problems, right?). But I figured for Pottermore I would get sorted. I assumed I would get Ravenclaw since I took about a zillion sorting quizzes in the weeks leading up to Pottermore. I had identified as Gryffindor with Ravenclaw tendencies up until I said eff the house system entirely. When I got HUFFLEPUFF I was completely surprised! My best friend (a Slytherin) and I did the sorting together (internet together, anyway), and she teased me that I might get Hufflepuff - so I was... sort of in the WHAT??? stage for awhile. But as soon as I read the description and thought about it for more than half a second, I realized that one of the reasons I didn't like the house system was that my values - my honest values - didn't quite mesh with any house I'd seriously considered (Slytherin included. All but Hufflepuff included, really). And then I realized that Hufflepuff was the one who would just as soon have taught everyone and done away with petty practices like just taking the "smartest" or "bravest," etc. She valued equality of opportunity, fair play, honesty, loyalty, and justice. BATMAN is all for justice. If Batman is a Hufflepuff, I certainly want to be XD. But beyond that, anyway, I am really glad that Pottermore sorted me into Hufflepuff. I still don't like the method of a hat just straight up TELLING people what house they fit into best; I think if there are houses at all the hat should at least explain/show each person WHY s/he is sorted where. Otherwise someone like me would base their opinion of themselves off something they don't even understand entirely. OK. Long rant, ha... I'm just really pleased to have been able to learn more about Hufflepuff so I could realize how well I fit into it compared to other houses. Also this is probably full of typos 'cause I'm in a hurry so MANY APOLOGIES XD Gotta go work! WOOO....

Allison said...

I've had a similar realization. I've always thought of myself as a Ravenclaw, as I'm smart, academically motivated and not much else. A good seventy percent of fan-made quizzes I've taken have sorted me into Ravenclaw and all my friends agreed it was where I belonged. I could see myself getting sorted into Slytherin as well, or possibly Hufflepuff, although I'll admit it wasn't my first choice as my work ethic isn't anything spectacular. Then I got sorted into Gryffindor. I was immensely surprised by this as I'm a total coward: I'm scared of bugs, shots, roller coasters and heights and I don't go out of the way to put myself in uncomfortable situations. And then I thought about it and realized that, okay, maybe it is a fair sort.

While I'm smart, I'm smart like Hermione rather than Luna. I'm competitive with my brains and my good grades certainly rest quiet a bit in inherent ability. I'm also more than a little arrogant. And while I'm not popular, I am very close with and loyal to my own small group of friends, which is probably more Hufflepuff or Gryffindor than Ravenclaw. And then I saw this site: http://votingmod.livejournal.com/4656.html and the Gryffindor description fit me much better than the Ravenclaw one, as I am honest, idealistic and more impulsive than I'd like. I also realized that while I may not go out of my way to test my limits, I am capable of forcing myself to stand still for that shot or go on that roller coaster when it really matters.

What really showed me the validity of the sort though was actually a comment my sister made. She told me I tended to see things in black and white and, while that's certainly not something I'm proud of, it's definitely true and has been for most of my life. In my mind, that's very much a Gryffindor trait, whereas a true Ravenclaw would likely be more open-minded.

Anyway, in some ways I still think I am a Ravenclaw, as I tend to think of my intelligence as my dominant trait, but I can understand where the sort came from and I can accept it. And no house is a perfect fit. Likely Ravenclaw would not have been either. So yes, when it comes down to it I am happy with my unexpected result and fully plan on sticking with it. Now if I could just understand where my spruce wand came from...I'm not funny. At all.

Thanks for sharing your story. Nice to know there are other "missorted" people accepting and learning from their results.

A Final Note After a Very Long Post: I actually went back to review my results of the crazy psychologist quiz and I saw that Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were actually only a point off. So maybe this sort wasn't as out-of-the-blue as I believed it to be...

Anonymous said...

Caliowin: I believe you can read all the Prefect's messages here. (Percy is so obnoxious you won't believe.)

When I started out reading Harry Potter (10 years ago, hey) I always wanted to be a Gryffindor. Lately though I've privately thought that if I were to be Sorted I'd be a Slytherin because of some traits I saw myself as exhibiting. All my friends bet on me being a Ravenclaw though, and wahey, Pottermore sorted me into Ravenclaw.

And I'm okay with that. To be honest the house business doesn't mean very much to me, but I'm also okay with that because deep down, I think I know I would be happiest in Ravenclaw. I'm not bold or charismatic, and neither am I fiercely loyal - all of which are rather Slytherin traits as well. And I guess I know I'm rather oddball, and that ultimately I'm happiest in an intellectually-minded community.

In short, the only thing that would make me prouder to wear my house colours would be having an awesome Quidditch team. :D

rtpuppydog said...

Before pottermore sorting I was very stressed out about somehow PROVING I deserved to be in my desired house, then I saw this video by cateematthews:http://dft.ba/false , called "Complexly, Pottermore". It helped put things into perspective for me.

Abby said...

I had the exact opposite experience. I thought I was a total Hufflepuff (even though all my HP swag is Gryffindor) and then got sorted into Slytherin. I was initially shocked having always assumed I was too goody-goody for Slytherin, but I'm coming to really embrace my house and noticing a lot of the things I do that are so Slytherin-esque.

Although a good decade of assuming all Slytherins are cowardly pricks is proving very hard to overcome.

ellz said...

I seriously considered myself a Ravenclaw, but I was sorted into Hufflepuff as well! I don't mind though :)))

The Teacup Monster said...

OMG! This got over one-hundred comments! I didn't get into pottermore yet. I got super confused with the magic quill because when I submitted my answer to where they told me, the SONY website came up and i didn't know what the heck I was supposed to do, so I tried again on two different days. The same thing happened so I'm just going to wait until October when everyone can get in. I am expecting to be a Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I wouldn't really mind being elsewhere, I just don't think I posess the character traits for Hufflepuff or Slytherin. I really can't wait to find out because I won't know where I am until next month! It's driving me nuts because of course I trust no other online test.

rambles&revery said...

As someone who has always identified as a Ravenclaw and was recently sorted by Pottermore into Slytherin, I have been very conflicted about the sorting recently. And I have been tempted to create a new account but I'm not sure if I can follow through with it.

Part of my problem with it is that Slytherin is the last house I would choose... and I feel like if I'd actually been wearing the hat I would've been pleading, "Not Slytherin, not Slytherin..." Nonetheless, I think I'll be a Slytherin on Pottermore and use it as an opportunity to celebrate some of my more Slytherin-y traits (because I think there's some of all four houses in everyone), but consider myself a Ravenclaw outside of Pottermore.

DragonStone said...

I haven't been lucky to make it to the early access so no sorting here yet.

To be honest, I haven't identified myself as anything. Every time the topic came up over the years, I always did the elimination process. "I wouldn't be sorted into Slytherin. I wouldn't want to be in Hufflepuff. Ravenclaw definitely doesn't fit me so that leaves just Gryffindor but that house has been abused to heck and back because of the trio."

I guess if I had to make a prediction now, I would be sorted into Gryffindor because I'm such a dreamer and you really need courage to act on dreams.

I can understand embracing the house you get sorted into. I'd probably even identify myself as being part of the house I get sorted into.

Jackie said...

Kristina, I really enjoyed reading your latest blog post about your sorting into Hufflepuff. I love that you are embracing it and that we finally discovered why you originally had chosen Slytherin. I feel that Hufflepuff is a good fit for you and I feel the same way, I would rather work hard and get where I want to be in an honest an fair way. I used to associate myself with Slytherin as well, but Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor, so I too will embrace who I really am. Who says other houses can't have as much fun or more fun than Slytherin? xD

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this site? http://hufflepuffgirls.tumblr.com/ It's pretty cool. Besides, there's two pluses to being a 'Puff.
1. Harry's never seen their common room, so it can be totally legit.
2. They have the best french name. it's "poufsouffle" That's my new favorite word to say. That and slytherin. slytherin is "serpentard." haha1 anyways, being a poufsouffle is great!

Chelsea said...

Just the other day I took my quiz. I have always thought of myself as a Hufflepuff, my friends have as well. I have also always gotten sorted into Hufflepuff when taking quizzes online. When I saw which house I got put into it surprised me quite a bit. I was put into gryffindor. I'm trying to figure out why, but I can't seem to find any part of me that is like a gryffindor :P

But I'm glad you are enjoying your time as a Hufflepuff ^_^ I'm hoping to be able to become loyal to my pottermore house as well :)

eden said...

I was sorte in Gryffindor. I never thought I was brave, but after thinking about it, I guess I kind of am. I always stand behind my opinions and I don't let anybody walk over me.
I guess that's one kind of bravery? :)

Unknown said...

I never thought I would be a Slytherin until the week before the last movie premiered. I fully embraced the fact that I am a Slytherin at heart. I am ambitious and determined! I'm not mean. I remember telling people just earlier this summmer "I would never want to be a Slytherin" because I had such an obscure view. Then I thought about it for a few days and I realized it's truly where I belonged and I dressed as a Slytherin for the premiere.
And voila, I got sorted as a Slytherin on Pottermore! :D

Nathan LeBlanc said...

I was sorted into Hufflepuff as well! Diehard Ravenclaw here, but like you too, I secretly knew that part of me was there all along. Just because I was always labeled as the "nerd" or "smartest in the class" I assumed I had to fit there. But I realize that the way I treat others and my humility (sometimes too much humility) makes me a true hufflepuff. This sorting really affected me and the way that I see myself!

Kiko Blake said...

I was surprised to see you sorted into Hufflepuff, but it does make a lot of sense, you exhibit all the best qualities of the house. :D

I know it's sort of mainstream to like Gryffindor and all, but I've always thought and hoped I was one, and when it was confirmed in my sorting, I was so so so so happy, like jump-up-and-down-in-my-chair happy. Gryffindor is a kickbutt house.

Noora said...

I never knew where I really wanted to be sorted into because I have qualities of each house. But it was still a big shock when I was sorted into Hufflepuff. After a bit of thinking I actually think Hufflepuff suits me the best and I'm proud to be in it.
It's really annoying to hear that people are going to do the sorting again to get in to the house they wish to be in. They should just try accept that they might have more of the other houses characteristics. :)

Monsee'♥ said...

Oh, Agree With You, Im a Hufflepuff Too, y was so Exided, but a Little Bit Sad, i always think that im a Gryffindor, but...im not, now im So Proud To be a Hufflepuff, and i always Say "Hufflepuff Soul, Gryffindor Heart♥" (:

kizzi297 said...

I sorta missed the early admittance thing so I have to wait until October-.-... but well, I've always thought of my self as a Hufflepuff, there are so many reasons for me to be in there that I already assume that "hey, that's where I'm going"
...But then I get to thinking "ah, but what if I don't get in"
people say it's just a personality quiz but deep down I wanna believe that it's a fact no matter what house I get placed in.
anyways, while I wait I can't help feeling as though I'm a first year like the kids in the book, it really is a fun experience that it makes me wanna go back and read the whole series again^^
welcome to Huff btw, I hope I can join you^^

CoralieKate said...

have you read this article Kristina? Id imagine you may have already but for anyone out there doubting the awesomeness that Hufflepuff is-
I actually do hope Im in Hufflepuff and have kind of thought I was a Hufflepuff all along. Mainly because Ive always liked the idea of being a bit mysterious, different and out of the ordinary than everyone else. And J K Rowling didnt talk heaps about Hufflepuff. And badgers are freakin awesome!! (I always loved the badger in Animals of Farthing Wood) I suppose I shall see in October.

Nicole Hellmann said...

It's actually funny because I've always considered myself a hufflepuff, and then recently I was let into Pottermore and sorted a Slytherin (which was secretly my second choice because they're kinda bad ass). But yeah, I just thought that it was interesting how our roles kinda switched

I'm not unique, I'm Monique said...

I've been sorted and I was put into Hufflepuff, which I have been representing for a few years now. I'm a very proud Hufflepuff and I'm so glad that because of Pottermore sorting more people are giving the proper recognition the house deserves. Hope to see you around the common room :D.

Libby said...

I'm absolutely not a Hufflepuff but have been sorted there through Pottermore. I'm not patient or steadfast at all... and hardworking describes me when it comes to things I like, but I'm a bit of a slacker where math and science are concerned. It just doesn't fit.

But the questions I got weren't very personality-based. (What's your favorite creature? Moon or stars? And so on.) I think your house fit depends on which questions your account gets, because apparently they give you a random assortment. Some are personality-based, some aren't. I was just unlucky. :/

On the other hand, I think Hufflepuffs are the nicest people there are. So I'm kind of pleased to be an honorary one all the same. :)

Adrian said...

Ever since I began to think about what house I'd be in, I always thought I would be a Hufflepuff. I'm very loyal to my friends, fair to everyone I meet. Every test I took said I was too, so I was going into Pottermore thinking I would be a badger.
But I got Ravenclaw.
It wasn't that much of a shock to me; the tests I would take often tied me between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, but the hat didn't even question that I would be a Ravenclaw. I never really thought of myself as that kind of person. I don't spend much time on homework, and even though I can talk to my has-to-memorize-10-pages-of-old-Chinese-and-gets-the-highest-score-on-the-SAT-as-a-freshman Asian friends about math, I never thought of myself as that smart.
But as I read more into the welcome letter into the Ravenclaw house, I began to realize how much it fit me. Sitting in front of a door trying to figure out the answer to a question with a bunch of other people seems fun to me, but when I mention that to my friends they think it's boring.
So I guess we have that in common! Hey, get their score up. They're in dead last (we ravens are first of course).
And I always thought you would be a Hufflepuff.

Nich said...

Truthfully I'd always thought I was a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. To my surprise I am the opposite of you. I was proud to be a Hufflepuff for those few years before Pottermore and will never regret being (even for a little while) part of that Great (not other) House.

I found myself to be sorted into Slytherin and like you I started to see things I never really saw before. The slytherins are adaptable like the water element they are of and of course ambitious. The rationality of the house was really where I saw myself. I'm now proud to be what I am, after the shock wore off of course.

Braden Woodburn said...

I remember watching your Pottermore sorting Kristina with your friends. I was very interesting and much of a surprise to see that you didn't get Slytherin. The reactions were halarious! :)

Anyways, I joined Pottermore the day it was officially made available to the public in April. When I took the sorting hat quiz, I was so nervous. All my life since around Chamber of Secrets film, I realized and felt I was a Slytherin. I have so much ambition to get things done and to get what I need. I have self preservation a lot, but not always. Being cunning is a trait that I seem to value too. So, as soon as I was on the last question, I was so hoping and felt my life was no lie... I was sorted into Slytherin! :)

It didn't shock me, because I know myself VERY well. Plus, all my friends and family members told me before I knew for sure that they saw the traits of Slytherin very high in me.

Now, I will admit though that I would NOT have been surprised to get what you got, Hufflepuff. Practically all my family members are Hufflepuff's. But when I look at me, I can see SOME qualities of that house in me. I can work hard, but I dread it most of the time. I TRY to be patient, but I lack that majorly. I am definitely non-judgemental and loyal to those around me. When it comes though between the two houses of Slytherin and Hufflepuff, my traits and actions as well as my entire personality, matches through the roof of Slytherin's traits.

Would I have been upset like you if I was expecting Slytherin and got Hufflepuff? Oh, yes of course. But, I was SO glad that this entire time I knew I was a Slytherin, and then taking the test which was made by JK Rowling practically saying I am indeed a Slytherin, makes me feel amazing. However, due to how Hufflepuff traits run LIGHTLY within me and my family memebers, I wouldn't have been so depressed.

I've known I wasn't a Gryffindor, due to the fact that yes, I can be brave and noble (when I want to be), yet they hardly come across my path. I've known I wasn't a Ravenclaw, because although learning can be cool, I am NOT a book worm nor do I ever have a ready mind full of wit. So, that goes to show that as personality wise matching with the traits to each Hogwarts house, it would be Ravenclaw at the lowest, Gryffindor above that, then Hufflepuff, and of course Slytherin at the highest stating who I really am and have been all along since the creation of Harry Potter.

:)#Potterheads forever!

SapphireLily said...

I'm Italian, and when I tried the Sorting Ceremony, I was sorted in Hufflepuff. I was sure that I couldn't be a Hufflepuff, I thought for years that I was a Ravenclaw. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that there was a bug in the Italian version of the site, and that Italian potterheads couldn't be sorted in Ravenclaw for this bug. So I tried the Sorting Ceremony again, but I set my new profile to be an English one, and I found that I was a real Ravenclaw. I know, some people will be outraged for my action, but I hated being a Hufflepuff because of a bug. I'm sorry.

Unknown said...

I have always been torn between Slytherin and Hufflepuff also, I took the Pottermore test (except I took one not on the site that has all the questions you COULD get) I got Slytherin, but I was not sure deciding between two answers on one question and when I went back and changed to see if my results would change, I got Hufflepuff.

Halfblood Fiend said...

This literally just happened to me. For as long as I've read the books, I've put myself very firmly in Slytherin.

Not so on Pottermore.

When I saw the yellow and black, I was crestfallen, and I'm still "coping." (That seems like such a strong word to use right now!) But the more I look into it, the more I reflect on myself, the more I realize it is where I belong. This may be weird, but your article near moved me to tears. For fourteen years I've been a Slytherin, now its time to sport my true colors, at least to myself, and hopefully someday I'll be a proud badger!

Sam said...

Hey. I was originally sorted into Ravenclaw, but made a secondary account at first because I wasn't sure if I'd answered one question completely honestly. Again I was sorted into Ravenclaw. However I've always identified as a Hufflepuff, and that was what I was expecting. I've taken the test loads of times (against the rules, I know) and since have gotten all of the houses, but mostly Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff and sometimes hatstalls. So if I were to say which House I think I'd be in I'd say Hufflepuff. I don't consider myself smart enough to be in Ravenclaw. I think it's hard to embrace being a Hufflepuff because only two characters that are even somewhat majoy that are in Hufflepuff are Tonk and Cedric. Also, I want to say that JK Rowling DIDN'T GET SORTED INTO HUFFLEPUFF! She says in a video that she was sorted into Gryffindor.