I fell a little behind in blogging about my trip because I ended up correct in my assumption that I was going to be sick. I haven't been sick in about 7 months which has been really nice, but let me tell you, blog readers -- being sick on vacation is the WORST. There's no medicine anywhere, you can't lie around in bed all day, and flying with a cold is one of the most miserable experiences a person will ever have.
But. I braved it all for Lauren and Matt, and I am happy to report that their wedding was one of the most magical, beautiful events I have ever been to.
The soon-to-be-newlyweds picked Eia and I up on Friday morning and took us over to the hotel. It was kind of nice to get there a bit early; we got to have lunch with Lauren and Matt and chat with them for awhile before everyone else started showing up and things started getting really crazy. Eventually all the bridesmaids had shown up so we checked into our hotel room and got dressed up for the rehearsal dinner. That was a lovely event in itself; we heard embarrassing stories about Matt from his dad and then Nina and Sammy and I had an eating contest because the food was so good and there was so much of it.
Then we went back to the hotel and practiced all the wedding march walking in formalities, headed upstairs, and went to bed kind of early. Lauren stayed in our room since it's bad luck and all that for the bride and groom to see each other the morning of the wedding.
Sure as all hell, Saturday morning I woke up feeling like absolute crap. I dragged myself out of bed about ten minutes before we needed to head down for hair and makeup, and even though they did transform my sick face into a work of bridesmaid worthy art -- the makeup artist had to keep touching up around my nose every hour or so up until we did pictures.
Lauren looked completely stunning. I kind of wish other people got to see her transformation like we did... she was wearing this adorable little bridal robe while she got ready, and most of the morning her hair was up in these ridiculous rollers. We had a good laugh about the idea of her just walking down the aisle with her hair still up in them rather than finishing the hairstyle. But when the seven of us girls emerged from our dressing room, sure, the bridesmaids looked great, but Lauren was just drop dead gorgeous.
Pictures took awhile, as usual with weddings, and then the ceremony breezed by. We did start by marching out to an orchestral version of the Zelda theme, so as far as weddings go, it was off to a good start. Sammy and I teared up a bit when Melissa Anelli got onstage to do a reading from Harry Potter -- in turn we caught Matt's eye and made him start to sniffle. I don't think I've ever smiled as hard as when I stood up there behind two of my best friends and watched them marry each other. Really. For as sick as I was feeling, it was one of the best moments of my life.
The reception was amazing. Everyone looked so lovely -- Rosi, Eia, Sarah, Hayley, Alex, Mike, Sam -- all my best friends were there and we ate food and toasted to Matt and Lauren and danced the night away. It was like a conference, but classier, and somehow even more meaningful. The night was just perfect. Matt and Lauren ended the night by letting us all come up and hang out in their suite for a few hours (a hotel room party -- it really was a con) which was completely out of order for a normal wedding but fit so perfectly for this wedding.
I spent most of the evening just chatting with all my beautiful friends, and then we had a bit of a fiveawesomegirl snuggle on the couch. I can't believe one of the five of us is married. We were such little girls when we started that channel and now look at us! Marrying off Miss Tuesday. It makes me a little emotional even thinking about it.
We've all come so far in this whole internet lifestyle we've created. Watching Lauren and Matt get married to each other just made it feel all the more real, especially since they asked me to stand up there with them as a bridesmaid. It really is real for us. I would never trade this life in for anything.
The rest of the trip was rather uneventful, but still nice. We rode back to PA with Sam and her family, napped most of the afternoon, and then watched a terrible movie together called "Youth in Revolt". The next morning we slept in until at least noon and then watched another, better movie together called "Going The Distance" (Sam and I were wigging out the whole movie because it's about long distance relationships and it was a little too close to home for both of us, even though we thought it was a great movie) and then we went to the airport. The journey home was rather.. bad.. but I'm home now, so I survived, and that's all that matters.
It was a fantastic week. I'm still smiling. I love my friends so much and I feel so happy to know them. :)
Flights taken: 24
sure could use global warmin
1 day ago
Aww! Wedding can be so much fun! I hope you start to feel better- I've been sick the last few days too and it's miserable.
Will you ever show us pictures of the bride? Loving Lauren so much right now :')
I would love to know what passage Melissa read if that information is being shared, if not that's totally fine.
Youth in Revolt is a fantastic book!! But the film...yeah...
"Marrying off Miss Tuesdays" reminds me of the 5AG video Lauren made when someone registered her email for a wedding website and she responded with contempt, and now only a 3 years later she is married.
Aww, sounds like everyone had such a lovely time and reading this is just making me excited for my best friends wedding next year!
Congrats to Lauren and Matt! It sounds like a lovely celebration. It's so fun being a part of weddings like that.
I watched "Going the Distance" on a plane last winter, as I left my newly-established relationship in Europe and went back to the States. Let me tell you, it was... difficult, to say the least.
Hope you're feeling better soon!
oh wow. I saw some of the tweets from you guys, it sounded amazing :D
Hope you are better
What passage did Melissa read?! And I've like to see pictures of the wedding party!!!
Hope you get better if you're not already. Really happy for Lauren and Matt! :)
Lauren literally had my dream wedding! I'm so happy for her and Matt! <3
That sounds truly magical. :)
Reading this has me so geared up to go to my cousin's wedding next weekend! Even in that picture we can see how stunning and happy Lauren is, and that makes all of nerdfighteria sigh in happiness themselves. The other 5AG look fantastic as well =]
Ahhh. Her wedding sounds AMAZING. And I love how /real/ this all is. The HP fandom bringing two people together who eventually got married, the internet bringing her bridesmaids by her side...omg <3
Also, I love how the Zelda theme was involved! And a reading from HP! I hope a video of some clips from her wedding emerges one day, but at the same time, I understand if it's something that her and matt want to keep more private.
When I was in college, I had an ear infection so I couldn't drink and I was in the beach. At least I could get my medication on
online pharmacy but the rest of the trip was awful.
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