Hayley and I were video-chatting the other day (which isn't really something we do ever, but it was fun) and we had a little chuckle over how we both seem to check out of the blogging world at the same time.
But then I felt a bit sad about how long it's been since I updated. I am in the process of finishing my senior thesis and graduating from college, and regardless of how busy I am right now, this is a part of my life I am going to want to remember. So here I am.
Since I last updated, I went to Washington DC with Shawn Ahmed of Uncultured Project and Matt Shueller (Booshoe37) to help with Advocacy Day for Save The Children on Capitol Hill. I met so many amazing people (including Senator Durbin and Frist, and Lisa Edelstein of the TV show House!) and got to actually talk to the administrative assistants of the WA state Senators about Save The Children issues. I had a great team I was working with (they split Shawn and Matt and I up, which ended up being okay because we all met awesome people in our separate groups) and I made what I think is a pretty good video about the whole experience.
I got home and then picked up Luke from the airport that same night. He came to visit me one last time before moving back to Wyoming for the summer, which was really nice. We did film our footage for the Mirror Song while he was here, but other than that, we mostly just got to hang out and spend time together in average, normal couple ways. I liked that. Usually we jam pack so much stuff into our trips together; just having some free time was lovely.
Now Luke is officially moved in over in Wyoming, doing his river guiding job, and I'm working hard here on my Senior Thesis and end of the year school things. It's been nice getting little updates from him in a new place. He still feels just as far away (a phone call, or an IM) but it's fun getting to learn about his new home.
I gave my Thesis presentation yesterday but it was kind of a showcase of "what we're working on" - so the final project is actually due in a week. Then I have one last final exam, a journal assignment, and a commencement party left, and then that's IT. I'll be done with school. It's a really, really weird feeling.
On the one hand, I am so thrilled. I've been a little bit emotionally unattached to school for the better part of the last year or so, because sometimes I feel like it gets in the way of the things I feel are actually benefiting my life. I mean, I definitely feel that getting a degree is going to benefit my life (which is why I am still here). But with all the opportunities I've gotten with music and YouTube recently; it's a struggle when I have to turn things down because of school. So having the freedom from that, after graduation, is going to be amazing.
But on the other hand, I have never not been a student. I went from preschool finger painting to kindergarten gluing things to elementary school clubs and playgrounds to middle school friend drama to high school self discovery to college independence with no breaks. To think that will all be over in two short weeks - I have no idea what to expect on the other side!
I'm excited about it though. I love the life I'm living, and every day I have seems brighter than the last. Every December 31st I think to myself "I could never top this year I just had", and every year I do! So I'm interested to see what life has in store for me without school dictating how I spend my time.
So I don't know. I'm feeling a combination of excitement and nervousness. Readiness and of being unprepared. But there are things, I'm finding, in life, that you can never truly be prepared for. Graduating. Making huge changes like moving. Your favorite TV show ending. Falling in love. There is no way to fully prepare for things like this, because there is such a huge element of the unknown. Of being disappointed. Of failing. Of being vulnerable. Things like this, you just have to dive into. With faith that you'll be okay on the other end.
I have faith that I'll be okay on the other end. And if I'm not, well, then I have you guys. :)
You should tell me in the comments if you're graduating from something soon (or if you did recently). And if you're not, then what have you needed to dive into recently? I'd like to know what big events are going on in all of your lives, because it sure makes it a heck of a lot easier knowing I'm not the only one with huge changes on my horizon.
I'm going to try to update more as school continues to wind down. Fingers crossed I wont take another three week break like last time.
Last google search: HTC HD2 (I'm a phone nerd)
Chipotle burritos: 10
Water Damage
1 day ago
Graduating? I'm "graduating" from 9th grade in about a week, lol.
I love your summary of school ("preschool fingerpainting, kindergarden gluing, elementary school clubs, middle school friend drama, high school self-discovery"). So far, that's pretty accurate for me as well.
And I totally agree with what you said about continually having better years than the last. This past school year has been the best of my life.
I've still got about two years left before I have a degree in my hands (because I had to go and be a typical student and change my major). I'm having a hard time envisioning myself not being a student though. Like you, I've been a student on a consistent basis all the way from kindergarten. Even while I know what I want to do for a career, it's difficult to actually imagine myself doing it in two years.
Glad to hear things are going well, even if they are a bit busy. =)
Congrats on finishing up college, Kristina! :D I'm currently starting my senior year of college, but because I changed career paths (thus majors) in the last year (pre-law to secondary education) I've got another year after my senior year until I'm done. I am NOT at all prepared to graduate for college and I can't imagine that I will be when I do.
So I hope that you will blog about your post-college feelings and what it's like to not be in classes or do homework and have a real, grown-up life. :D
I'm graduating high school in 18 days! I'm incredibly excited to go to college and have a fresh start next year, but I'm nervous because I've been at my school for 8 years and I haven't had to make a fresh start anywhere in a really long time...
I think I'll definitely miss high school, but mostly just the people, not the institution. Everything is moving so fast! It's so exciting!
I finished my first year of university about a month ago. Even though it was only eight months long, those eight months changed my life in so many ways - I gained independence, met so many wonderful people, learned that I can write a good philosophy paper, etc. I have three more years left (or 24 months), and after that ... I think I'm going to apply for my masters, but then, I have no freaking idea. As much as I criticize formal education, I know I'll miss it (at least a little) once I'm finished. It's nice to have the structure, but at the same time, it'll be nice not to have the structure. Anyway, enjoy your last few weeks!
I graduated from high school last year but took a gap year to be an exchange student, so I pretty much repeated my senior year, but in French. I'll be back in the US in about three weeks, and I'm actually scared to go back and see everyone. I don't know what I'm going to talk to them about. I left my life to have another one.
I'll be going to college this fall, so that will hopefully make things easier, but it's all just so confusing. This has been the best year.
I'm basically in the same boat. I finish university in 2 weeks and I'm done with school FOREVER! I'm equal parts thrilled and terrified about this. I will have a degree in translation, but man... now I have to get a grown-up job? I have to do this forever? I'm not prepared for that. I'm just going to take whatever life throws at me. But hopefully that won't involve going back to school because I am really tired of it. :P
I'm graduating from middle school in three weeks... Does that count? I'm going to the "big kids' school"!
I'm really happy for you, Kristina. You're going to have an awesome life ahead of you and it's going to be full of awesome events and adventures and you really deserve all of it =]
I'm going through similar things, in a way. I graduated high school last year, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly what I want to do with my life. I still need to take that dive, so I know what you're going through, in that sense.
Plus, Deathly Hallows Part I is coming out in November, and that's the beginning of the end of the "current" HP fandom, if that makes any sense. I've been trying to prepare myself for a life where I'm not looking forward to new HP-related things to be released.
Aaand to top it off, if they don't push the date back like the did with HBP, DH Part II comes out on July 15th, 2011, which will be my 20th birthday. Kinda cool.
Anyway, I'm glad you're blogging again and I wanted to tell you that I really loved Mirror Song <333
I just graduated about 2.5 weeks ago after taking five years to finish college. I took one semester off to go work at Disneyworld, which I sometimes think was the most worthwhile thing that I did while in school. Most of the time I don't feel prepared at all for the real world. I'm living at home and my mom has been nagging me to find a job, but I've been looking and haven't been able to find anything in my field that I'm qualified for. All the while I've been dealing with being away from my boyfriend (he lives in Nashville and I'm in California) and trying to figure out our relationship at the same time. I'm itching to get on with my life (get an apartment, buy a car, have a mature, adult relationship with my boyfriend), but so much and yet so little seems to be holding me back from all that. I have so much freedom right now, and yet so much pressure at the same time. It's a very stressful and confusing time right now and I hope for your sake that it isn't the same for you. But you seem to always have so many opportunities and doors opening to you, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
Oh thank God you posted something!! Was beginning to be worried by the lack of you and Hayley on my blogger feed.
Congrats on finishing college. Myself, I'm about to enter Year 13, as in my last year of high school and I've just started getting prospectuses for universities I'm interested in. It's scary to be deciding what I'm going to do with my life and the scarier part is, I think I might actually know what that is now :)
Oh, graduation. I graduated from college on May 16th and the only thing I have accomplished so far is start up my web comic. I'm working on finding my graduation present (a car). Then, I will be finding a job.
I'm leaving school in 2 days time, then I only have GCSE exams to do and I'm going to a college on September that's forty five minutes away by train - I'm terrified but I'm also really excited!
I hope you get to do all those fun YouTube things and I wish everyone in the comments GOOD LUCK for final exams and stuff and have a great summer!
This was a really pleasant blog to read. I just rewatched some scenes in the lost finale. Mainly when they all have their remembering moment, and also the end. I cried like a baby. The finale was done so well, and it's hard to let the show go, but they gave us a lot of closure. I think the only disappointment any lost fan can have in the finale is that it came too soon. i don't want it to be over.
beyond that i am heading into summer with no job or internship. maybe some kristina horner initiative and motivation will rub off of me.
good luck with the other side, though, i don't think you need it.
It's great to see you back, Kristina! Congratulations on almost being done with school! In just two days (though, my last day of school is tomorrow), I'll be graduating from high school.
Take care, and see ya in Milpitas!
Currently stuck in 2nd year university exams. Urgh. Everyone I know seems to have finished for summer, or finishes this week. I still have another 2 weeks, and some really hard exams. Today's was sooooo hard, never found an exam that bad before so it's got me down :( plus I have tonsilitus!
Made me happy to see your blog though, and in 2 weeks time I'll see my boyfriend and be going to a festival. sadly I only have 3 weeks of summer as I have a year in industry for my uni course starting on 1st july. A whole year of full time work! :S eeek. Should be good though, will be nice to earn some money.
Congrats! Graduating college was a very surreal experience... my big changes now are moving from East Coast to West Coast (Boston to San Fran) and starting medical school. I'm terrified! I've been working for this my whole life so, obviously, I'm excited to get started- but change is always scary!
I hope you continue to succeed in life- artistically and otherwise! :)
I love that your favorite show ending is listed with things like graduating and falling in love. I thought I was the only person who feels that things like that are as important as "real world things."
Anyways, I'm actually graduating next year and I am beyond nervous about it because I just started college last fall. I went to a high school that allowed me to get my associate's before I got my high school diploma so now I'm starting summer school next week then getting an adviser for my thesis, looking into grad schools, and starting my last year of college. I switch off between being nervous and being excited about this...watching your videos and hearing about your thesis experience has actually made me more excited because despite the hard work, I know you feel like what your doing is important and useful and I feel the same way about my project.
I hope you don't take a long break again because you've really been helping me, and I'm sure many other people, get a glimpse into what it will be like when it's our turn to go through these changes.
Congratulations again Kristina on your thesis and graduating. And maybe after you're done you can post your thesis online like Lauren did; I know I'd be extremely excited to see it. =)
I graduated a couple weeks ago from Miami U (the one in Ohio). I've lived in Cincinnati my whole life, but now I'm planning to move to Florida with a friend. And that whole "job" thing, trying to get one of those. It's like asking myself the question "what company should I sell my soul to?"
I sort of envy the people that have their lives figured out at this point. Either they got a job offer before graduating or they've been accepted to grad school - either way, they know what they're doing and where. But this is by far the biggest shakeup in my life (I lived in the same city for 22 years...), and I'm sort of excited about it.
Congrats! I'm graduating from high school in two weeks, and I'm both excited and scared. But I keep telling myself it isn't really going on out my own, since I'm going to college and still getting an education. I do look forward to trying to figure things out myself, finding my own routines, etc. And I really can't wait until my life isn't dictated by a 7 am-2 pm daily schedule.
Also, the epilogue pictures on MuggleNet freak me out. I refuse to look at them, but just knowing they even exist...I'm not ready for Harry Potter to be over, in that sense. Probably more afraid of that than college, which is saying something.
First time commenter, woo!
I totally understand what you mean about being nervous about the unknown. It's just one of those things. You can't ever be SURE about something you've never experienced before.
I'll be starting my 3rd year of college in the fall and I don't want it to be over. I'm comfortable with it.
Congrats though! It's an exciting thing! Now you can do YouTube type things all the time :)
I just finished sixth form, so I'm waiting for my A-level results to come in and then going to Uni next year.
I'm not sure what that would be in American terms, finishing highschool I guess.
I still don't know what to take at Uni, so that's a big unknown in my life right now...
captcha: impen: close to "impenn" which is commitment or endeavour in Maltese and very much related xD
you have no idea how sad I am to just be almost done with 9th grade!
I really am not looking forward to the rest of high school, but college seems like fun!
Congrads on making it through!
Yay, a blog post :D
I'm graduating from 9th grade. It's pretty big, though, since high school goes from 10th grade to 12th grade in my country!
Well, in Denmark (which is where I live) graduating from 9th grade is a big deal. I guess it's like graduating from High School in the US. :) It is no necessary to attend any more school.
But it's stressing me out quite a bit. In two days I'll be done. Then, of course, we have finals in the next month or so, but the feeling is... still weird. :) Tomorrow will be the last day in that school with those friends. In some way I don't want that part of my life to be over. But then again, I can't wait 'til it finally is. I can't describe it.
But I enjoyed your blog post a lot. :D
I graduated from uni 3 years ago - can I count that as recently?
I'm 'graduating' from the British equivalent of high school tomorrow.
I am terrified. University is considerably closer to being real life than this. real life is scary.
I'm graduating high school tomorrow. =].
I, too, feeling a combination of nervousness and excitement. I've always been really dependent upon my parents, so the thought of moving away and being forced (well, not forced, I guess; I did choose to go to college, anyway) into the world of college and independence scares me quite a bit. But, I'm also excited for it - it'll be new and scary, and I'm sure it'll be difficult to adjust to, at first, but the freedom that comes with independence is exciting. I'm sure I'll grow a lot as a person, too, which is something to look forward to. I just hope I'm ready for it.
Anyway, congratulations on graduating college and I wish you good luck with everything you're going through! =D.
I graduate in *counts weeks on hand* more or less two weeks. My last final is on FRIDAY of finals week so it seems really far off but at the same time scarily close. I totally relate to what you're sayin about having been a student for your whole life and then this strange realization that you will no longer have that. Its become a part of my identity. Through out my life, part of my answer to "tell me about yourself" has been the school I go to "hi my name is lauren I go to...cottage elementary; Martin Luther Junior high; Wooden High school; UCLA. And now I won't have that anymore. But super excited to start my post school life! The unknown is scary but sometimes thats what makes it exciting.
At the end of June I'm graduating from the school that I've gone to for nine years. To be quite frank, I'm not going to miss it at all. The past few years have been a real drag. I haven't learned much and I've longed for a change. So next year I'll be going to high school and that's a little scary. I'm excited, though. I'll get to meet new people and hopefully make some friends *fingers crossed*.
I'm graduating from high school in mid-June and then in late August I'll be moving to Iowa for college from a southern state. So, yeah, I'm gonna have to learn how to deal with winter, and living far away from my family, and taking college classes, etc. etc. It's scary, but worth it. I could have just stayed in my hometown for college like a lot of my friends, but I didn't even apply there because I know I need a change and need to learn how to be independent. I think I'm a little too close to my family right now to totally understand who I am on my own, and soon I'll get to find that out. :)
pre-congratulations! i don't know about you, but while the months leading up to my graduation crawled by at a snail's pace, the last few weeks just FLEW by. especially with the stress and craziness of final papers and exams. i graduated may 16th and am just SO GLAD to be done!! i'll be moving to france for about 7-9 months in september for a teaching assistant job...after one year back in states after study abroad, i'm itching to go back! after that, who knows. i loved this blog post! i'm sure i'll run into you sometime in july! :) good luck with everything.
I'm graduating next semester so I'm kinda nervous, because I don't know what I'll do next. I don't even know where I want to work or what I want to do. This are some things I really need to think about but knowing I'm not alone really helps.
Good luck on your thesis!!!
I have the second of my 7 (!!!) exams tomorrow.. But them I'm done with.. Well.. The Danish equivalent of High School.. And it's weird. I feel exactly the same as you.. I've never not been a student, and next year I'm just going to work and travel and stuff.. But technically I'm going back to school later.. It's just.. Weird.. Having an entire year where I don't have to do anything school-related - I'm just so used to always having something I have to do. To being "defined" by the fact that I'm a student.. And just.. It's really really weird - but in an exciting way.. Exciting - and scary - way.
I hope everything goes well with your thesis! And I hope your life will be as awesome as always - you deserve it :)
Also, THANK YOU for updating. It's helping me procrastinating.. Ahem.. ;)
I'm graduating from high school in December. Honestly, I don't know whether to be scared, excited, or both. I have to say though, your enthusiasm is bringing up the excitement levels. Good luck with the final thesis!
I'm *supposed* to be graduating college this year, but with changing my major twice and transferring schools thrice, I've been put back a year. But that's okay.
My sister is getting married in August. She and her fiance just bought a house, and so she's packing up all her things and moving this weekend. That'll be incredibly weird.
We're putting our cat, Lumpy, to sleep sometime soon. She's at least 16 or 17 years old, and seriously needs some kind of kitty Depends, because she's been missing her litter box these past few weeks, which is how we realized we should put her to sleep. :\
It's doubly sad, because we had to put our dog, Jack, to sleep almost four months ago because he was a beast and bit two family members.
Um, well I'm graduating from elementry school,(grade eight), on June 24th, and I'm rather excited to have a new start! And make new friends and have new experiences in high school. But at the same time I'm really nervous about high school and sad to leave elementry school. I think it's because I have so many great memories there. and I've been there for ten years. But I guess I should suck it up, because it's nothing like you are going through!
Congrats on your thesis! I really loved your summary of your school years, I thought it was very accurate :)
yay for updating (:
Well, I finish 9th grade in a week. (I should proooooobably be studying right now. but oh well) I guess that's not a major life change or anything, but still. One step closer to where you are now. I mean, I still have 7 years (woah. never thought about that), but still.
Anyways, best of luck and congrats (:
I'm going to High School in about a year. So, no big graduating stuff going on for me.
But I won an Orthography contest today, against other four kids of different cities :) So I'm going to level 2. Yay for me. xD
Last year was really depressing for me, but I'm glad this year is going a whole new different way. I'm loving every bit of it, my family, my new friends, my new I'm-so-happy-today mood. All in all, everything's going on fantastic for me.
We're here for you, Kristina! I'm sure you'll do awesomely awesome! :)
I just finished my first year of graduate school! One more year left. I graduated college a little while ago. I went straight in to working a full time office job as a legal assistant, and it was HARD. The work wasn't bad, but it was really really hard to adjust to the real world while most of my friends were still in college. The best part is, you can change your path if you're unhappy. I wasn't a fan of law so I went to grad school for an MPA, left the private sector, and just started an internship with my state government working on recycling programs. So my two cents, it may be hard, but it's an exciting time and you can always change where you're going if you're not happy. No worries.
"Real life" here it comes!
Don't you hate it how people call the time after college etc real life... it always annoyed me even though I am now in my second year out of postgraduate school, full time job, living it "real" (tehe) so I haven't graduated in a long time!
Good luck with everything though! And I am sure you will have an amazing summer! Keep us updated if you hear anything about ANTM... I keep my fingers crossed for you :)
I'm graduating high school on June 18th. It is really weird thinking about how much time i have spent in school so far. I am kind of nervous to be leaving my comfort zone and friends and everything. But I am also excited to start a new fun, exciting part of my life!
I graduate from high school on June 11th, then it's off to college in August. I cannot wait to get away from my tiny community where everyone knows everyone else's business...even though I will definitely miss my friends and family. I have no idea what my future holds, but I'm looking forward to it. Good luck to you - I know that you'll be successful.
Nothing special, just finishing up another year of high school. I'm not a senior for another year, but I am so looking forward to that. Being a junior sounds really terrifying, and I am convinced that I will be a puddle, moving around from class to class in a mushy mess..
Congratulations on graduating soon! I hope we can hear more about your thesis.
Ah good luck starting the second part of your life!
Well, I'm not graduating, but most of my friends are in the grade above me at school...and they're all graduating this year (high school). I'm so stressed about it, because I don't know how next year will be without them. It's going to be a big change for me. Not quite as big as yours, but yeah.
Also, I realized something just now. You always talk about how happy you are and how every year is better than the last, and I realize a big reason for your happiness is that when you want to do something, you go for it, and you get it done and you have fun doing it.
My problem is that I'm not motivated like you. I always end up just sitting around on the internet instead of going out and doing all those things I was planning.
I hope this changes sometime soon, so that I can have as much success and happiness as you have.
We're all different I suppose.
Just like the Doctor I try to usher in regular changes to spice things up a bit. Usually comes at the end of an academic year, so I am due a big change soon actually, new house, new people, new town, should be exciting!
I'm graduating 8th grade in a couple of weeks. But before that I have a Integrated Algebra regent, a Living Environment regent, a French SLP, and a social studies final. Gosh, that's a lot. :)
I graduated high school last week! :D Everybody's been asking me if I'm going to college, but college isn't really my thing and I just can't see myself doing 4 more years of school, so I'm staying in town and getting a job and making money :P
Right now? I need to get through my six week Chem 2 class (almost one week down). Which means I actually need to start doing the homework and studying, cause it's all do on Tuesday. And I just got my textbook today.
But besides that, I'm okay. Other things on my mind, but it's fine.
You're so close to graduation! Congrats, big life accomplishment in just two weeks. :)
I just started high school this year, which was a big change for me. I came from a public middle school and am now at an all girls catholic high school which is weird. Most of the girls at my school came with majority of their old school, and I only knew a couple of people. I also decided not to do any extracurriculars, which is a problem if you want to get into a ridiculously hard school like I want to, so next year I am going to have to join sports and clubs, which will be pretty different. So now you know pretty much my life story.
I'm going on my first date this weekend (if it works out with the other couple we're going with). We're not an item, but we're going on a date. It's all new and kinda exciting, but so different. We met very recently but we were kindred spirits right when we met, and I know he's a really nice guy.
I don't know what this is gonna turn into. I haven't even sorted out all my feelings for him. Nothing's concrete except that I have a good feeling that we're gonna get along quite well as friends.
The biggest thing I'm scared of right now is if he may like me more than I may like him. Like I said before, it's all new to me and I still need to sort out my own feelings. And if it is so that he likes me more than I to him, I don't want to break his heart.
Not graduating from anything but my sophmore year in high school is almost complete! Not nearly as bad as freshman year, although I hear junior year is the toughest :/
This summer though I got accepted into a program to teach kids in Spain English and I'm really excited! =) They also pay for everything but airfare which is great and I get community service hours!
I am also doing a ten day program at Georgetown that I'm excited for! Although I'm nervous too since there is like eight required books to read beforehand for ten days there...
I became really involved with junior statesmen of america (JSA <3) this year, and so I'm also hoping to do a short JSA program this summer :)
This is a HUGE change for me as for the past five summers I have been going to the same sleepaway camp for eight weeks. This year I could be a counselor, but I chose not to go back and am still second guessing this choice. I'll miss my friends and my adorable kids, but I think I need to try something new so....
Also Luke's video about Wyoming led me to apply for a job as a trail guide at a nature preserve since I was so inspired by the scenery!
And the thing I am most excited for this summer is Infinitus <3333
Congrats on graduating by the way and I can't wait to see you on tour this summer!! ;) Ahhh!
I just graduated high school last week. I hated my school, so I'm thrilled to be gone. At the same time, though, I'm a little nervous about how college is, but I'm sure I'll be fine.
I just graduated from my community college and I'm transfering to a 4 year but I have NO CLUE where. I don't know exactly what I want to be when I grow up and I feel so stressed just like you. I'm glad to know that everyone seems to be going through this crazy time together. I know most of us will do fine in whatever happens next and like you said if not we've got each other. =)
I'm finishing up my junior year in High school. It's just so weird. In a month it'll be my last year in high school, the last year with the people I've known since pre-school. So at the moment between freaking out and doing homework, I'm look at colleges and all that jazz.
I just graduated from college! And my boyfriend and I just applied for an apartment TODAY! It's exciting, and scary!
Happy graduating!
Although I have never exactly graduated from anything before, (homeschooled and never went to uni) I have lived life on the 'otherside' of study. Its full of surprises, and work and stress just as much as I'm sure school has been.
The BIG change in my life has been opening a cafe. Two long years of working toward it, and the opening/first two months have passed so fast, almost feels like I missed it. Change happens so fast when it comes around.
However, I wish you a happy Summer and whatever new path you find yourself on.
It is ok to be nervous about thinking ‘what’s next’- but it never ends. I’ve been done with collage for years, have gotten married, have children (man I make myself sound so old…) and every day I still think ‘what’s next’. If you think about it life would be pretty boring if we didn’t think that way. Change is good even if makes it so you get a little less sleep at night.
I'm not graduating, but I just got the opportunity to move to the UK for a year to teach Spanish, I still can't believe I got chosen to go, and I still have no idea how I'm going to get the money to survive for a whole month before I get my first pay check.
But hey, exciting things expect us for the future, right? Ready or not, here we go :)
I graduated from high school last Saturday. I'm so excited to be done.
It's funny how far apart we are in the different stages of our lives and yet I still feel like I can connect with you. :)
I graduate from high school on Friday! Both scary and exciting. I'm so done with high school though!
I'm moving in a week and a half. Today was my last week of school, so at the moment, I am a technical Junior, while I have friends who are Freshman who will be Sophomores when school ends, but I find that pretty funny. I'm so nervous for moving, but I'm also pretty used to it. I think graduating college is much more scary.
Im finishing my junior year of high school this weekend. Two more days of finals then I'm a senior! Most of my friends are seniors though and they are graduating this weekend. I'm going to miss them next year. :(
I'm so happy you posted! It makes for a nice relaxing break between studying for finals. :)
I'm graduating High school in a week and thats major but unfotunatly thats not the biggest change in my life. My dad is dieing and he wont make it to see me in college its feels horrible and I don't konw how I'll manage to go on, but just like finding love and graduating its just somthing that you have no choice but to deal with. Some times I feel like everything sucks and its always going to suck but I know I have to find the faith to believe that in the end everything will be okish even if it will never be the same.
p.s. sorry to dump that in a pleasent blog post comment, but it feels good to tell strangers about the changes I've been going through
I graduate high school in six months. Although that isn't exactly soon it's still soon enough for every grade 12 in my school to panic about their final grade. :D And then off to the real world with work and taxes
I'm finishing (graduating) Year 11 (which is the end of my compulsary education) in three weeks! But I'm going back for sixth-form, so I'm not all sad..
Yes, I am english.
I'm graduating from high school in six months.I feel the same way you do.The excitement and the nervousness.I mean,I am excited to go to college and learning new things.Nervous about how college is different from high school.I am not sure if I could fit in.The last thing is I will definitely miss my friends.Sure,we can see each other but it just feels different.Everybody's life is changing.That is what frightens me the most.I don't who I am going to be in the next few years.I guess that is the surprise.Right now,I am studying my ass off so I can graduate with honor.
I'm in exactly the same position as you. I finish my degree a week and one day ago. I haven't graduated yet, that won't happen till July. I'm planning a month long trip around the US (from the UK) and then who knows what. I have this month pretty full just with getting organised, working part time and seeing people I didn't have time to while I was at school. After that... who knows. It's pretty nerve racking/exciting/terrifying. See you at Infinitus. ^_^
I am graduating from year 12 in November (southern hemisphere). The thought of being finished with high school is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. It is scary how I will have spent 13 years going to school, same in my parent's house and routine, and next year I will be 18 and making my own decisions.
I will be continuing with some kind of school for a quite a few more years, but it is definitely not the same.
I have only just started reading your blog after watching you on youtube for ages, and I already love it =)
I am finishing 5th grade this year (I think I am the youngest commenter so far!) so on to middle school for me! LONG time before college. And I am being home schooled so I don't think I will be experiencing friend drama.
Also, I started playing the bass this year. I have an evaluation coming up, and I have 2 chances. If I fail both, I get kicked out! Now, you could easily argue that this is something you can prepare for. But I am so nervous that I am just going to fall under pressure and play horribly.
Wow! I can't believe you are finishing college! Congrats! I am so excited for you.
I'll be graduating college next year. But for now I'm going to be working at a camp all summer. Which is something I'm really nervous about. I've never lived away from home! Eep! But, like you said, I'm going to try and dive in!
I just finished my junior year of college. Graduation is coming up! Next year, anyways. The big event I'm "diving into" is moving in with my boyfriend in August. General consensus is that it's a huge scary step and not a good idea, but we've been together for 2 years and we know what we're doing. It just sucks to not get that support from everyone.
Also, RE: you being a huge phone nerd. Boyfriend pre-ordered the HTC Evo 4G and is taking off work on June 4th to pick it up. I bet we got you beat! ;D
I'm a sophomore in college (well, I guess a junior in the fall..) but I've always lived at home. Right now, I'm in Rome. Studying abroad. For an entire month. I don't know a single person in my program. Luckily, my brother and friend are both in Rome. And my boyfriend is amazing enough to be coming to visit me for 10 days next week! It's only my first day on my own in Italy but it is SCARY!!!
Congratulations on finishing up your thesis and graduating!!!!
nice to see you back on the 'blogosphere' .. i really wish i hadn't just used that word.
i envy your life philosophy and exuding positivity! i wish i had options other than school right now. i mean, i'm sure i do, but i can't feel the stability in anything right now becaaaause, whilst i'm at university in the uk (finishing my second year), my family is making a huge shift: we're moving from california to abu dhabi, uae. we've lived in the middle east before and i'm super excited to move back but it's happening at a time when i've only just realised how much i love socal and at a time i feel so uprooted from home already and still finding my independence and moving on to the daunting 'real world.' so now when i think of the comfort of home, it feels less stable, less definite. it's really disconcerting you know? anyways.
congrats on your thesis and graduating and beautiful life! :)
I'm finishing up my junior year of high school, so now I have college to think about. Most people my age at least know what field they'll be studying in college, but I have no idea. It's such a huge decision and I'm scared I'll make the wrong choice... But that's life, I guess.
Anyway, good luck! And you should post on your blog more often :D
I just finished my junior year of college, so I have one more to go. I have to get started reading for my thesis this summer though. I'll be learning how to write a grant proposal for an independent dance company. Good luck with everything, Kristina!!
To Ellen, who commented above me, there's *nothing* wrong with being undecided about your major when you start college. Just take classes from lots of different subject areas and see what you really enjoy. Liberal arts schools are especially good for undecided folks because they usually require everyone to take classes from lots of subject areas.
I just graduated college about 2 weeks ago. I wish I could say I'm "done" with my education, but alas...I'll be off to grad school in August. I actually just visited the university and, no lie, the Arts and Letters section of campus is about as big as my old college. It's exciting, but I know I'm about to dive into some crazy amounts of work. :)
Good luck with your endeavors, as well!
I am gonna be done with my freshmen year of high school in 2.5 days.Yahoo, no more "ewww, freshman!"comments.:)I finished my higschool 4 year plan today and I'm looking foreward to colledge and being a photographer after that.:)I hope you enjoy and savor the last few weeks of school.
Congrats to finishing your degree! It's a great feeling!
I graduated two years ago, but just finished a certificate program that I started the fall after I graduated from university.
It's an exciting time without school. I'm planning on moving and getting a "real" 9-5 job. So, it looks like I'm diving in as well. I'm glad to hear that someone else feels the same way about school ending as I do.
Good luck with everything in the futre!
I'm graduating... the 7th grade :P
My best friends are moving to high school, and it's just... ugh. Well, I'll see them enough, right?
Good Luck Kristina!
My fiance and I just graduated last month, and in the month since we've finally finished our rap video of the first Harry Potter book - "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Rap!" We've written the other six, and are working on their corresponding videos. (Oh yeah, and trying to find actual jobs, too...)
If you want to check it out, it's here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OI1SkHucp4w
Hope you enjoy it! :)
Well, I am moving up to be a senior in high school finally! AHH! I want to be a senior, and as much as I want to go to college, I really don't want to leave my friends. I've formed one absolutely amazing new friendship this year which has made it the best year of my life, and it's sad to think we'll be moving away next august.
But I totally get the whole, diving in thing. I feel like I've accomplished so much this year and it's because I was willing to take more risks and put myself out there. Next year is going to be even more amazing than the last, and moving on is going to be life changing.
Your life is going to be so absolutely amazing once you graduate and I look forward to reading about your adventures! Keep being the awesome person you are, and I cannot wait to see you in person when you go on your tour :D
I graduate from Ohio State University in roughly 3 weeks. I'm in the same emotional state as you are right now- I've checked out of school and am ready to graduate, but at the same time, we've been doing this for the past 16 years. It's going to be interesting what the future holds.
Have a great graduation!
Im not graduating this year, but going back to university! I took 1.5 years off, and am finally all geared up to go back in September, and i am SO excited. haha! <3 Congrats on you being nearly done!!
I'm not exactly graduating, but I'm leaving a year's exchange in England. It's going to be so weird leaving half my friends here when I go. Plus, then next year I graduate for real but I'll be moving on to grad school, so that won't exactly be the end, just different. But I understand what you mean - It's exciting but scary all at the same time.
Congrats on almost graduating, Kristina! I'm graduating high school in a week and it's... surreal. I've never been that attached to my high school and can't wait to get out, but knowing that I'll be DONE with it so soon is weird. Jumping out of my comfort zone, if you will.
My big change? Moving from a small town to NYC for college. I'm so excited! But also nervous! I don't really want to acknowledge that part so much because I know it will all work out once I get there. BUT AH.
Not to mention moving further away from the best friend and the (already long-distance) boyfriend. They'll be in the same area, but about five hours away. Sigh, I just couldn't bring myself to go to the state university. NYC here I come! :)
I'm 15 and in year 10, which means I only have the rest of this year and then another half year at school, then I'm done. It's kind of weird to think that, in just under a year, I could finish school forever. I don't have to go onto higher education, I could just get a job and start working in a supermarket for my entier life. It's strange. I love it.
Glad to hear from you!
Have a great day!
today was last friday of high school ever. it is so weird. i graduate june 13th. i am so excited, yet completely and utterly terrified of what college and the real world will have to offer me. (:
About an hour and a half ago I finished my first OFFICIAL day of work, like real adult work, not some high schoolish job. It was pretty crazy working 8 hours and all; also, it was kind of nerve-wracking with the whole not knowing anyone thing.
Captcha: idackr- A hacker who steals your identity, and then makes up a vanity license plate for it.
My junior year of high school ended
a week ago
and I'm scared/excied/nervous for what life has in store for me.
I want this summer to last forever
because its the last one before big changes happen.
In the upcoming months I'll be sending out applications for colleges and I just don't feel ready to be leaving but I can't wait to really start "living" my own life.
I also want to say thanks for your blog, because you've really helped me.
I'm graduating from 8th grade in a week and a half!
ohh... I just graduated from high school, and it's completely different experience, because education here doesn't have separation for elementary- middle-high, it's just the same place, same people (with slight changes) for 10 years... so I spent like a week bursting out crying in unproper times, because I'll just miss this place soo much, really, and I'm also going to college in UK in September, which is 3000 miles away from my home-town... so yeah. graduation!
as you can see, your post was kind of helpful. dive into (:
I think you'll be a good writer :3
Well, I'm not going to be graduating (from high school) for a couple years yet. But something I'll have to dive into next year is this choir group. Some people would call it show choir or swing choir. I dunno. I tried out just to try out. I really didn't expect to get in... and now I'm feeling nervous. I don't feel like I'm looking forward to it as much as I'd like to. There's so much that can go wrong. Not to mention humiliation opportunities have increased big time. I think I still need to figure out who I am. I have no idea. I feel like I'm just sort of drifting through life without realizing everything that's going on.
Unfortunately I still have 2 years more (grhhhh!) of high school. What I'm trying to do now is to enter this program of Rotary International where you can go to a country you choose for a year-long exchange. I'm trying to get to that, so keep your fingers crossed and I'm going to the States!
I think I recently dove into change. I've always been one to talk about changing things in my life, but not actually act on my ideas, so I've finally gotten around to committing to a big change. In this case, I changed my major from Art to English Education, which is a scary step for me to take, but I'm excited for it, regardless.
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