I haven't been blogging, and I am so sorry.
I don't know when it happened or if it was an unnoticeable downward slant that led me here, but lately I have been really struggling to keep my head above water with school, my job, ALL CAPS stuff, all of the things I need to do to prepare for my last quarter of college, keeping up with making videos, keeping up with my email inbox, and participating in my Lost blog. I've even given up on having some semblance of a social life, because aside from my trip to Mexico, the only social things I've done lately include talking to Eia when we both happen to have a free hour or two, or going downstairs wrapped in a blanket to watch something on TV with my roommate Justin in between projects/assignments.
Now, I am definitely someone who thrives on being busy, you know, the more stuff you have to do/the more stress you feel, the more you accomplish -- but this has been ridiculous lately. And there is no end in sight other than graduation in June. So, I deeply, deeply apologize for letting my personal blog fall down the ladder of priorities, because it's something I really enjoy (writing it and getting to interact with all of you) but I hope you can understand why I haven't been here as regularly.
That being said, I woke up at the crack of dawn yesterday to register for my last quarter at UW. It was kind of scary knowing that these possibly may be my last classes I ever take at a school. Knowing me, I'll end up taking some random classes at a community college or something just for fun because I love learning, or maybe I'll even go back to school a bit later in life for Creative Writing, but knowing I don't have to do any of that stuff, and after this quarter I could just be done - really weird feeling.
And I mean, okay. I didn't have to go to college and get a 4 year degree either, but there was never any doubt in my mind that I was going to do that, so I kind of feel like I did need to go at least that far in schooling, just to keep myself focused, educated, and a hard worker. And even though it reached a point where school started (and is) getting in the way of the things I really want to do and work on to further myself, I don't regret going. I'm managing to graduate with minimal debt and having learned a lot of really great things from a lot of really great professors.
Anyway! I am having a crisis on what classes to take next quarter. It's my last chance, so I really want to make the right choice. I was hoping I could get a little advice from you, blog readers.
I'm taking three classes. One is a research symposium class I have to take on on Love and Attraction for my major. One is an internship with the Harry Potter Alliance, and my faculty adviser has a pink mohawk and lists his WoW character and server on his staff website. Pretty awesome so far.
But for the third and final class for my duration of time at UW, I am stumped. I have three options.
1. Effects of Mass Communication. I really like classes like this; the course description talks about sexual imagery and violence in the media, and I can really get into that stuff. However, it's not really new and exciting since I tend to take a lot of classes like this, even though I haven't taken this particular class.
2. Ceramic Handbuilding. I have never taken an art class in my life, and working with clay seems like it would be a lot of fun and something really different, that I may never get the chance to try in my life if I don't do it in college. The only problem is it's majors only during registration, so I would have to cross my fingers and show up on the first day and hope the professor overloads me into the class. Also, I have never gotten to give my mom a handmade ceramic thing for Mother's day that she sets on a shelf and loves even if it sucks. I want that experience.
3. French Film. My initial plan for my third elective was to take a class that required minimal reading and writing because the reseach symposium is going to be having me write an entire thesis, which is a ton of work. My roommate PJ is also taking this film class, and we could totally spend 6 hours a week together watching awesome foreign films, which would be fun for us, and probably really interesting as well. Also, the class is only 10 people, which is sweet.
So there you have it. My three options. I'm stumped.
In other news... I'll answer formspring questions next time. xD
Chipotle burritos: 4
Scream Cipher
1 day ago
I was in the same boat earlier.
First off...HURRAH for being an HPA Intern! I am also an intern this semester....one of my favorite classes in college thus far :)
As far as the other one...pick the one that sounds the most interesting. If you love the class, it won't seem like so much work...if you hate the class it'll be work no matter how much you actually have to do.
Congrats on almost being done!
Definitely the ceramics! It's really really really fun & I promise you'll enjoy it! Plus, art will help release any stress the final months of college may bring!
i tried to take ceramics my senior year of high school, but i felt really lost and behind because everyone had been doing it for so long. and i got really messy and i hated the feeling of clay on my hands. i think an art class is a good idea, but ceramics.. blech.
of the other two id say the french films class!
i adore french and their culture and language. and classes with few people tend to be way more relaxing because theres less pressure.
hope this helps! congrats on being so close to grad!
I like the sound of the ceramics too!
I'm hoping to go to a really cool sixth form next year where you take 'enrichment' as an extra, and they do stuff like circus skills and trampolining! How cool?
the classes you get to take are so good. when I take my English degree, I could maybe combine a couple of modules of film or a language, but nothing like the range that you have to choose from, you're so lucky. I'd say ceramics but I feel like that could destroy you on top of your schedule already, as it's completely new and probably very challenging. french film might be a good compromise; exciting and new but not a complete change. and I take film, and I love it. good luck :)
I say the French film class. It's your last quarter, take it easy (well, easier). Plus you'll get to hang out with a friend. That only sounds like a win-win situation.
The ceramics class you could take later at a community college. (I know my community college offers Continuing Education classes like that.)
Good luck with everything! I completely understand the busy-ness. I'm feeling overwhelmed lately myself.
And congratulations on nearly finishing college! That's amazing. Especially considering the 84,000 other things you're involved in. You're an inspiration to slackers (like me) everywhere.
What do you do as an HPA intern?
I think you should take French Films! It is your last semester of college, and sounds like senior-itis may be setting in, and having a class with more watching than reading might be a good break. Just think about what you would rather be doing while you are working on your thesis...reading out of a textbook or just watching a movie!
Good luck and have fun!!!!
Oh and jc, what is your major?
That is a hard choice.
I love mass communication-type classes as well, but they do get to be a lot of the same once you take enough of them. Film classes are sort of similar to mass communication in terms of discussion topics and such.
I think I'd go with ceramics. I took a ceramics class in high school, and it was actually pretty relaxing, which sounds like something that might be nice for you at this point. The possibility of not getting in is a little scary, though. Maybe you could email the teacher ahead of time?
Anyway, good luck and congrats on the end being in sight!
Take the French film class! You seem to have the most reasons for it--plus, taking a class with a friend is so much fun and definitely happens less often in college than high school :)
As much fun as ceramics sounds, i think it might not be the best idea to just take a chance on maybe getting a chance to take this class OR not making it in to this one or any of the other opportunities. i would go with ceramics if there was a way to know more definitely that you could be in it.
As for the other two, if there is any chance that one of them could be offered in a community college environment, you should go with the other one. If you look around i'm sure that there is a way you could take all of these classes at some point in your life, just maybe not in a work-filled last quarter of college. Best wishes!
Ceramics seems like the most fun but is it really all that useful? A lot of art centres and colleges do these kinds of things as evening classes so you could attend one of those after you've graduated any time you want.
French film sounds quite interesting as there are quite some really good french films out there which would be really fun to watch.
Effects of Mass Communication seems like the most worthwhile but not if it's too much like the classes you've taken in the past. On the other hand though your prior knowledge would make this class easier for you.
I think Effects of Mass Communication is the best one but it's up to you. It is your life after all.
Personally, I'd advise the french film class! French cinema is amazing and interesting AND watching the films with others will be social! Just 10 people means it'll be close and intimite and funner, there are four people in my French class!
You can learn arty things off friends or go to evening art classes any time in life.
I'd say it's a toss up between the Effects of Mass Communication and the French Film. It would probably be really easy to learn ceramics later in life or at a community college. The other two classes would probably benefit more from being taken with at a higher quality school. Just a thought...
I'd do the Foreign Films one :D
Sounds awesome!
You're lucky you're about to graduate and can take it easy your last quarter :)
Ceramics is an awesome idea, but do you really want to risk not getting in to it? I mean, who wants to deal with trying to find a class last minute if you don't?
I'd advice the French films - it'll be fun, you'll have a friend, and you can just relax and let the senioritis set in.
Congratulations on almost being done!
I'd pick the film one, just because it would interest me the most. But I like the sound of the ceramics too, having something hands on to do always makes you feel good =]
Ceramics sounds cool, but I know nothing about it! And it would be nice to make things.
I would take the French class. French would be really fun and if you went to France again, you would always have something to talk about! The ceramics class would be my second choice, but I wouldn't be able to do it all quarter
They all sound like really cool classes, and the Mass Communication one sounds really interesting, but I would pick the french film class. Because, in my experiences, my smallest classes have always been the ones I've enjoyed the most and the ones that I actually look forward to going to. Even if not everyone in your class is someone you would normally hang out with, you start to have this special bond (sounds cheesy, but I don't know how else to put it), probably because you learn more about them than you would if the class were double or triple the size.
Whichever class you pick though, I hope your last semester is awesome!
Well, I would say register for the French Film class just in case, but show up to the Ceramics class and see if the teacher lets you in. If you get into Ceramics you can drop French Film, but if you don't get in you're already registered for French Film and you're good to go! :)
I vote for the French films class! Taking classes with friends is one of the best things ever. My last semester of college i decided to take German 101 with my best friend just for fun, and it was one of my favorite classes!
You can always take a ceramics class later, when it's just for fun at a community college. They usually offer those classes, and then it's usually everyone is there just for fun, and not actually an intense art major.
I hope you have a great last quarter!
French film! When else can you watch films with a friend and discuss them in a small, intimate class? As you said, you've basically got the Mass Communication class experience. And while the Ceramics class sounds uber fun, you can just as well take a class at a local art studio or community center later. Plus French films are really interesting, you've got so much going on it may be a stress reliever :)
And congrats on it being your last quarter of school! Most definitely awesome.
I think you should take the French film class because it will be fun and different.
That HPA internship thing is really cool, especially because you get to take it for credit. I should see if that's an option at my school...
Well, if I had the choice between those, I think I'd go with the French film class. Plus, it's always fun to take courses with your friends.
Jealous of the fact that you are almost done! I switched majors/career choices halfway through college so even though I am a junior right now, I still have two more years of school left!
Good luck with everything, Kristina! :D
- Rebeca
Wow, all of those sound like good options. I'd say no to ceramics just because the risk of not getting in on the first day would scare me and plus my sister was an art major and really didn't have fun in ceramics so since I'm in your boat with never taking an art class before, I followed her lead and decided not to try ceramics. My choice would be the 1st option. Although, I'll admit I'm a bit biased since I'm currently studying psych to counsel in gender and sexual identity so the second you said the word sexual I was going to choose that one (that sounds very, very weird/creepy; I'm sorry)
Good luck with whatever class you end up choosing! I'm sure you'll love any of those 3 options ^_^
I absolutely know what you mean about the stress aspect- I like staying busy, but there definitely comes a point where everything is too much. If I were in your place, I would take French Film- it sounds fun!
I think you should take the french film class.
French Film definitely. France is an amazing country and a beautiful language. But most of all, they have made some really spectacular films. "Amelie" and "Paris, je t'Aime" and "J'Aittendre Le Suivent" and "La Femme Nikita" are just a few more mainstream ones. If it were me, I would definitely go for the French Film class. I don't see any other options.
don't take the first one if you have already taken similar classes, and it seems like it will be extra readings and papers that will just stress you out eventually.
ceramics and french film seem like a win win.
i say flip a coin and if you were wishing the coin to land on one side then go with that class.
btw, my word verification is phyliz and my name is phyllis. that is obviously not a mistake... right?
The HPA thing sounds awesome! =] I hope you enjoy it.
As for the classes; it seems like you've already taken classes like the first one and I feel like the second class would be something good to do at a community college later when you're not as stressed and looking to learn more things.
The third is my choice; it sounds really interesting and like a great class to take with a friend! =]
Ah, I hate when life just gets ahead of you, and you just have so much to do and no time to spend with friends. Welll, it'll be all over soon, anyway, abd you'll be freeeeee. :)
I would go with the French Film option. Things like Ceramic class will be findable later in life, I think, if you're still interested. Abd if you've already done things likethe first one... I would just go with French film. You may learn a lot :D
I gotta say, you're life sounds so awesome to me. I hope when Im in university, I get to do things similar to you. HPA internship!! So awesome.
I vote for French Film.
It sounds like the least work (visual art classes can sometimes be really intense) and most reassuring!
I recommend ceramics. I took it in my junior year of high school, and it was really great to be able to work with your hands and just CREATE. I'm not even an artsy person, either. It's just something that you shouldn't pass up. You'll always be able to say, "I've made my own pottery." Also, when you're sitting at the pottery wheel you can pretend you're Demi Moore in "Ghost"! haha
But, since the situation you described with the class seems kind of iffy, French film is the next best option to me, if only because of your friend and the intimate class setting.
Also, congrats on the HPA internship! I am so jealous, HP (and Lost) are my life! Good luck! x
From just reading this it sounds like you're the most interested in the ceramics class and the French Film class. Personally I'd say the French Film class sounds the most fun, but I've never taken an art class either, so if you really want to do it then I'd say flip a coin :)
Ceramics. This is probably simply because I am an art major and I think everyone should at least give art a shot, otherwise you'll never know if you're missing out on something that you may have a talent for.
BUT. It's probably going to be pretty expensive, just a heads up.
i would definitely reccomend ceramics if you would definitely get in but otherwise it really seems like either choice you picked would be equally as good a choice, just for different reasons. I think you should go with your gut and what everyone else says apparently. haha, it really doesn't seem like you can go wrong though
Good luck!
I say 1 and 3.
I just think that you would enjoy them the most!
Hope all is well!
Hmm...that's really though! They all really do seem interesting, and I am also totally drawn to them, so I'm just as stumped as you. Personally, I've always had a huge fascination with French culture, and that seems to be the consensus with my fellow commenters. I hate to sound like a Disney film, but do whatever you really think you'll enjoy the most. I hope you make the right decision!
Go for French film! You can probably make something for your mum at another class, somewhere. But French film sounds a lot of fun, and something you probably wouldn't be able to do easily elsewhere.
Good luck!
Does your school have a shopping period? I think you should register for all three, show up, try 'em out, and then drop two of them.
BUT I definitely think you should pick one of the 2nd two options, because they're -different- from what you've done before, and I think that's important.
The classes you're taking so far sound awesomely awesome. I think your other class should be French film. I wish I could take a class like that. I think ceramic handbuilding would be fun class to take during your last quarter of college, though. I personally would probably take some random class unrelated to my other classes, because that's...just the kind of thing I tend to do. ;D
But I think, if you want to make the best choice possible, I'd go for French film.
I think I would go with French Films. The class sure sounds interesting!
Ceramics sounds tad risky (cos you said its for those who majors). I'd like to be safe.
hope everything will be well :)
i would definitely either go for the ceramics or the french film class. i've taken ceramics for two years and then did some at a local community centre and working on the wheel is the most fun i've had being frustrated with my lack of competence. plus, i think you'd be good at ceramics in general, handbuilding and glazing and all that. aaaand french films are my favourites <3 that is all.
oh and you'll definitely have the chance to do ceramics beyond this. my mom does ceramics all the time at a local community college and the community centre whenever she can..
why do i use the word 'definitely' so much? three comments. my bad.
fun fact: my word verification is acuremi. that sounds like a spell.
Honestly, I suggest the first option based on experience. The other two sound really fun, of course, but ESPECIALLY since you're so stressed out, taking classes that are familiar to you is a serious serious blessing when things get out of control.
For example: I'm majoring in English Education and minoring in Graphic Design, and for my minor I have to take all these physical studio art classes before I can get anywhere near the computer. I have also taken French for most of my life and really enjoy it. Therefore, last semester I devised myself of a schedule with one English class (the subject I really excel in and love), college algebra for the last math credit I would ever have to take, and then to balance out the awfulness of having to take math, I decided it would be fun to balance it out with Drawing I and Advanced French.
This was the worst lineup of courses I could have ever chosen. College art classes (especially ones for majoring credit) are serious business, and they require you to spend HOURS on each homework assignment they give you. I don't know about your school and I've never taken a ceramics class but all of the art classes here are stressful like that, not to mention they make you buy all your own supplies which end up costing as much, if not more, than a textbook, which is a hefty price to pay for something "fun."
Meanwhile, French, while something I love, ended up stressing me out worst of all because it's not just like, something you can do at the last minute if you end up having to put it off-- languages are something you have to put a lot of time and effort into and that combined with all my art and math homework and stresses basically screwed me over and I ended up failing one of them and barely passing the other two, only really doing well in the English class. Sooo this semester I took three English-related classes and a geography class, and even though I'm still doing a lot of work, it's work I both care about and enjoy, and I almost feel like I'm getting away with something by having to write a million essays because it doesn't feel like I'm drowning in it anymore, and it's amazing.
Sorry for lots and lots of words, I just don't want the same horrible thing to happen to youuu. xD
Dear Kristina,
I personally think the French Film class could be the best one, it solves numerous problems. Not only does it cut back on your reading and therefore freeing up your time for your thesis, it also helps your social life. You and Justin will be able to help each other by talking throug hwork, plus a small class is always really fun as you get to know everyone and expand your social circles.
That's just my thoughts though! Oh, I would strongly recommend a Creative Writing course at some point! I am doing a Creative Writing and English degree and I adore it. I am in my final year now and I have noticed a vast improvement, which is completely due to the degree!
Have a nice day.
I'd say take the French Film class. For my last semester of undergrad, I took a class that was way outside of my science major, Cultural Anthropology. I thought it was a fun class and I enjoyed it a lot. Even though there was more work involved with it than other options that I had, I didn't mind it because it was something different and new and interesting. Plus, you'll have the added bonus of having a friend in the class, which is always nice, especially in such a small class.
I would pick either 1 or 2.
The fact that you've never taken an art class just blew my mind a little bit. I'm an art major, and knowing that there are people in the world who have never experienced such a beautiful thing as art is crazy to me haha.
I think you should go for the ceramics class personally. The first time I took ceramics last year it changed my life, and now I'm thinking of making it my concentration. Art is such wonderful thing, you should really try and experience it if at all possible!
Good luck with choosing!
I would say Ceramics. I'm still in high school, but I've been in art class for the last two years, and I love it. It is so so so nice to just put on my iPod, get into my space and just go for it and work with my hands. I think it's really helped me feel less stressed, it is just really relaxing. Also, we NEVER get homework. Although a colleg level class might be more intense...
Take the art class because it will leave you with handmade trinkets that you will look back and be about to remeber this amazing time in your life, and hopefuly the class will let you be a little creative so you can make sculptures of things you really love plus the film class will be a lot of time comsuming writing (even though its a class about films)
just found this blog and wont leave it:)
hi from turkey actually:)
If it was me, I would take the French Cinema class.. movies from France always seem to have the emotional connection I sometimes think English and American films are missing.
But as for Ceramics, could be useful later in life?
Good luck in your last quarter!
I'd say it's either the films or ceramics... but I think you seem most enthusiastic about the ceramics, so just cross your fingers and go for it! :)
Congrats on almost being finished!
I'd say french film because you get to do it with a friend, and pick up the language a little better along the way!
Ceramics could be a complete failure if he can't overload you into the class, plus you might feel left out if they've all been doing it for ages and are amazing.
Try something different, with a friend!
I recommend the ceramic class, art always helps when your stressed, but with pottery its better, theres something so great about holding cold clay in your hands and creating something tangible.
I advise you do the French Film class! It sounds awesome. Plus with only 10 people in the class you learn so much more, because the class is more personal.
But if not, you should do the mass-communications class. I'm interested in stuff like that too, and it sounds like it could be very interesting. :)
I feel stupid for asking this, like the answer is really obvious...but what's your major? I'll go put this through on FormSpring too, in case you're more likely to answer it there.
Also, my vote goes towards CERAMICS all the way! Sounds super fun.
I would go with the french film class. If you really want to make your mom a ceramic, there are little art shops in which you can do that, and not be graded :)
Good luck with your last quarter of school!
Taking an art class can be very time consuming because usually you have to come in outside of class time to work on projects.
French Films is what I'd go with.Clay can be tortureous is the teacher is super strict on how the assignment has to look.nd the mass comunication is a lot like classes you've taken.i love forigen filsm and seems like that would be most enjoyable!:)
I would personally pick french film, but I wanna be a film maker, so... XP
I think you should take ceramics, just because it might be fun/ a useful skill. And maybe you can make cute all caps bobble heads... somehow XD
Good to see another blog from you Kristina, they are always a fun read. If it was me I'd take one of the last two classes listed, probably French film since it would be great fun to watch Truffaut abd Godard and then talk about them with others.
I'd go for French Film. It sounds like you'll have a fun and be interested in it. You'll get plenty of chances to fiddle on with clay outside of school - loads of places offer one off ceramic classes where you can whip up a pot for your mum! Have a brilliant last semester! <3
Ceramic Handbuilding :)
It's the most enjoyable, and you totally deserve some fun.
About the weird feeling... I'm incredibly far from reaching that point in my life (I'll be a junior in High school next year) but I know what you mean. Finishing school is (I reckon) a really satisfying, yet terrifying, experience.
I'm certain that you'll be great, though. You are a brilliant girl, and people like you have no trouble whatsoever.
Congratulations on the new All CAPS album! I love your music. You and Luke are the bomb together <3
As a movie fanatic, I would say take French Film. If you enjoy movies, no matter the work needed for the class, you may be a lot less stressed from that class than the others ^^
I think you should totally take the ceramics class. Something that is fun, and you can take some time each day/week to get a little messy and stop worrying about other things going on. Hands on classes can also be really rewarding in the end.
The ceramics class. There's no doubt - it's the most fun!
Just do it.
i would say ceramics because its good for releasing built up tension and stress. + you will get to try something new. But make sure you choose something that isn't extremely stressful and somewhat painful to attend
I'd have to say French Film because the whole violence thing kinda puts me off lol. I can deal with it to a certain level but not too much.
And ceramics aren't really my thing.
I recently took one, and it was really interesting. I'm a sociology major, and taking something completely out of my major was enthralling. Also, ceramics would be cool, but my university is really really strict on majors-only courses, I don't know how Washington does things.
Good luck!
Ceramic Handbuilding. No doubt about it. Ever since I, as a second-grader, was allowed to take part in the third-grader ceramics class, it has been a love of mine. Not one that I practice or whatever, but firmly embedded in my mind as a joy and an honour. Do it, please, for the eager second-grader inside of you.
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