It occurred to me the other day that formspring is a dying internet trend, and that despite that, I still have a lot of really great questions waiting to be answered in my inbox.
Also on this wave-length is the fact that I haven't been blogging nearly enough recently either. SO why not kill two birds with one stone? I'm going to start answering the leftover formspring questions at the end of my blog posts until I am out of questions. :)
Yesterday I worked a 9 hour shift at work (the worst) and even though I was working with my two favorite co-workers, it was still a really, long boring day.
In fact, there are only 2 good parts about the days I work these long shifts at work, and they are as follows:
1. When the phones aren't ringing, I have a lot of time to kill and the Internet in front of me, so this is when/where I answer a lot of email, organize stuff on Deviantart, and reply to facebook/youtube messages.
2. I get a lunch break during my shift, and there is a Chipotle five minutes away. Long shifts equal chipotle burrito. Every time.
Across the street from the theatre I work at is this old fashioned historical gas station. It's not in use or anything; the guy who owns it keeps all sorts of weird stuff inside (like a life-sized plastic Santa Claus) and when we have our summer Art Walks, bands play outside or whatever. There is literally no point to it aside from looking cool.
But it doesn't look THAT cool. Not cool enough to get your wedding photos taken in front of it. Which is what some people were doing yesterday.
It was just too bizarre for me to look out the widow and see a woman in a flowing white gown posing in front of an old yellow and red gas pump on dirty blacktop. I mean, okay, maybe you're into old things. Maybe you're into gas. Maybe you're into standing two feet from a busy street by cars that don't look like they're from the same time period as your beloved gas station. And this wouldn't be that weird if it only happened once, but this was the fourth or fifth time we in the box office have seen wedding photos being taken there. Weirdos.
I don't know about the rest of you, but there will be no petroleum in my wedding photos.
Q. Being from the PNW, how do you feel about Idaho?
A. I was about to say I have only ever driven through Idaho, but then I remembered that's where Silverwood is! Therefore, Idaho rules. :D
Q. What is your job besides youtube?
A. Since I reference it a lot on here... I work in the Box Office of a live theatre. We do 4 musicals and 1 straight play a year.
Q. What is Luke's opinion of your forehead?
A. Super turned on by it.
Q. I'm not kidding you, today someone commented on my youtube video telling me how much they like my forehead. Do you have any advice on how to deal with this.
A. Laugh with them. Seriously, that's all you can do. I know they were telling they like something about you and not making fun of you, but I've found if you're secure about yourself, it makes it a lot harder for people to tease.
Q. I love Sondre Lerche too! Have you seen Dan in Real Life? He composed the entire soundtrack.
A. Yes! I actually saw that movie in theatres for that very reason. :)
Q. Inspired by a different question: If you could go back in time to when you were 11 and get a Hogwarts letter, effectively wiping the past 11 (right? or almost?) years of your life and all of your experiences with life, love, and friends... would you?
A. Honestly? No. I have had an incredibly amazing life so far and wouldn't trade it for anything, not even magical powers.
Chipotle burritos: 3
Scream Cipher
1 day ago